A 23906

Inventar-Nr. I 14513
Dargestellte Person White, Henry Kirke
Verleger Darton, William
London 1824

Halbf. von vorn, Kopf im Profil nach l., seitlich an Tisch sitzend u. schreibend, vor Vorhang u. Säule. – Unter dem Bild 9zeil. engl. Legende „HENRY KIRKE WHITE. | This interesting character was a native of Nottingham. He died at Cam- | bridge, Octobr. 19; 1806, and in the course of twenty-one years, (the span of his brief but illustrious career,) by indefatigable perseverance in study, | unquenchable ardour of genius, and sincere piety, distinguished him- | self as a scholar, a poet, and a Christian: whose reliques will long con- | tinue to excite public interest, and whose story, though mournful, | will nevertheless be held in remembrance, as a cheering example | to youthful genius, when struggling with poverty, or assailed by temptation.“

Technik Roulettestich: <unter der Legende> London: William Darton, 58, Holborn Hill, 3 mo.25.1824.
Maße Blattmaße: 112 x 75 mm
Bildmaße: ca. 85 x 68 mm
Zustand Plr. beschn.
Ikonographie und Realien Blatt
Anmerkungen Roulettestich
Status Angelegt am 17.07.2003
Letzte Änderung am 17.07.2003