Signatur | Titel | Verfasserangabe | Erschienen |
TH 18-0250:1 | The bible in the works of Thomas More: Pt. 1 Old testament | | Nieuwkoop 1969 |
TH 18-0250:2 | The bible in the works of Thomas More: Pt. 2 The four gospels | | Nieuwkoop 1969 |
TH 18-0250:3 | The bible in the works of Thomas More: Bd. 3 Acts, epistles, apocalypse | | Nieuwkoop 1970 |
TH 18-0250:41 | The bible in the works of Thomas More: Bd. 4 Elements of synthesis | | Nieuwkoop 1971 |
TH 18-0250:5 | The bible in the works of Thomas More: Bd. 5 Indexes, supplements, concordances | | Nieuwkoop 1972 |
TH 18-0252:1 | The complete works of St. Thomas More: Vol. 1 English poems. Life of Pico. The last things | ed. by Anthony S. G. Edwards ... | New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1997 |
TH 18-0252:10 | The complete works of St. Thomas More: Vol. 10 The debellation of Salem and Bizance | ed. by John Guy ... | New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1987 |
TH 18-0252:11 | The complete works of St. Thomas More: Vol. 11 The answer to a poisoned book | ed. by Stephen Merriam Foley ... | New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1985 |
TH 18-0252:12 | The complete works of St. Thomas More: Vol. 12 A dialogue of comfort against tribulation | ed. by Louis L. Martz ... | New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1976 |
TH 18-0252:13 | The complete works of St. Thomas More: Vol. 13 Treatise on the passion. Treatise on the blessed body. Instructions and prayers | ed. by Garry E. Haupt | New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1976 |
TH 18-0252:14,1 | The complete works of St. Thomas More: Pt. 1 The Valencia manuscript | | New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1976 |
TH 18-0252:14,2 | The complete works of St. Thomas More: Pt. 2 Introduction, commentary, index | | New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1976 |
TH 18-0252:15 | The complete works of St. Thomas More: Vol. 15 In defense of humanism | ed. by Daniel Kinney | New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1986 |
TH 18-0252:2 | The complete works of St. Thomas More: Vol. 2 The history of King Richard III. | ed. by Richard S. Sylvester | New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1974 |
TH 18-0252:3,1 | The complete works of St. Thomas More: Vol. 3, Pt. 1 Translations of Lucian | ed. by Craig R. Thompson | New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1978 |
TH 18-0252:3,2 | The complete works of St. Thomas More: Vol. 3, Pt. 2 Latin poems | ed. by Clarence H. Miller ... | New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1984 |
TH 18-0252:4 | The complete works of St. Thomas More: Vol. 4 Utopia | ed. by Edward Surtz ... | New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1979 |
TH 18-0252:5,1 | The complete works of St. Thomas More: Pt. 1 Text and translation | | New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1969 |
TH 18-0252:5,2 | The complet.e works of St. Thomas More: Pt. 2 Introduction, commentary, index | | New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1969 |
TH 18-0252:6,1 | The complete works of St. Thomas More: Pt. 1 The text | | New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1981 |
TH 18-0252:6,2 | The complete works of St. Thomas More: Pt. 2 Introduction, commentary, appendices, glossary, index | | New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1981 |
TH 18-0252:7 | The complete works of St. Thomas More: Vol. 7 Letter to Bugenhagen. Supplication of souls. Letter against Frith | ed. by Frank Manley ... | New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1990 |
TH 18-0252:9 | The complete works of St. Thomas More: Vol. 9 The apology | ed. by J. B. Trapp | New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1979 |
TH 18-0254 | The common corps of Christendom | Brian Gogan | Leiden 1982 |
TH 18-0256 | Thomas Morus | Uwe Baumann; Hans Peter Heinrich. Mit e. Einf. von Hubertus Schulte Herbrüggen | Darmstadt 1986 |
TH 18-0257 | Thomas More und der Konsens | Eduard H. L. Baumann | Paderborn/München/Wien/Zürich 1993 |
TH 18-0258 | A companion to Thomas More | ed. by A. D. Cousins and Damian Grace | Madison, N.J. [u.a.] 2009 |