Signatur | Titel | Verfasserangabe | Erschienen |
HS 11-0010 | Ocelli nominum | Wilma Fitzgerald | Toronto, Canada 1992 |
HS 11-0025:1 | The international directory of manuscripts, collections, librairies, private collections, repositories and archives: Vol. 1 The manuscripts collections | | Paris 1978 |
HS 11-0050 | Catalogus catalogorum | im Auftr. d. kaiserl. Akadem. d. Wissensch. i. Wien zsgst. v. Wilhelm Weinberger | Prag [u.a.] 1902 |
HS 11-0060 | Wegweiser durch die Sammlungen alt-philologischer Handschriften | von Wilhelm Weinberger | Wien [u.a.] 1930 |
HS 11-0080 | A Union World Catalog of manuscript books: T. 3 A list of printed catalogs of manuscript books | [Verf.: Ernest Cushing Richardson] | New York 1972 |
HS 11-0090:1 | Indices librorum: [1] (1977 - 1983) | | Paris 1987 |
HS 11-0090:2 | Indices librorum: 2 (1984 - 1990) et compléments pour 1977 - 1983 | | Paris 1995 |
HS 11-0100 | Latin manuscript books before 1600: [Hauptbd.] | | München 1993 |
HS 11-0100 | Latin manuscript books before 1600: Ergänzungsbd. 2006 | von Sigrid Krämer unter Mitarb. von Birgit Christine Arensmann | Hannover 2007 |
HS 11-0109 | Western scientific manuscripts before 1600 | | S.l. 1978 |
HS 11-0110 | A microfilm corpus of the indexes to printed catalogues of Latin manuscripts before 1600 A.D.: 1 Text | | New London, Conn. 1982 |
HS 11-0120:1 | Catalogus translationum et commentariorum: Vol. 1 | | Washington, D.C. 1960 |
HS 11-0120:10 | Catalogus translationum et commentariorum: Vol. 10 | ed. in chief: Greti Dinkova-Bruun | Toronto 2014 |
HS 11-0120:11 | Catalogus translationum et commentariorum: Volume 11 | | 2016 |
HS 11-0120:12 | Catalogus translationum et commentariorum: Volume 12 | Greti Dinkova-Bruun, editor in chief ; Julia Haig Gaisser and James Hankins, associate editors | Toronto 2022 |
HS 11-0120:13 | Catalogus translationum et commentariorum: Volume 13 | | Toronto 2020 |
HS 11-0120:2 | Catalogus translationum et commentariorum: Vol. 2 | Paul Oskar Kristeller | Washington, D.C. 1971 |
HS 11-0120:3 | Catalogus translationum et commentariorum: Vol. 3 | ed. in chief F. Edward Cranz; assoc. ed. Paul Oskar Kristeller | Washington, D.C. 1976 |
HS 11-0120:4 | Catalogus translationum et commentariorum: Vol. 4 | ed. in chief F. Edward Cranz; assoc. ed. Paul Oskar Kristeller | Washington, D.C. 1980 |
HS 11-0120:5 | Catalogus translationum et commentariorum: Vol. 5 | ed. in chief F. Edward Cranz; assoc. ed. Paul Oskar Kristeller | Washington, D.C. 1984 |
HS 11-0120:6 | Catalogus translationum et commentariorum: Vol. 6 | ed. in chief F. Edward Cranz | Washington, D.C. 1986 |
HS 11-0120:7 | Catalogus translationum et commentariorum: Vol. 7 | ed. in chief: Virginia Brown .. | Washington, D.C. 1992 |
HS 11-0120:8 | Catalogus translationum et commentariorum: Vol. 8 | ed. in chief: Virginia Brown | Washington, DC 2003 |
HS 11-0120:9 | Catalogus translationum et commentariorum: Vol. 9 | ed. in chief: Virginia Brown | Washington, DC 2011 |
HS 11-0123 | Le traduzioni di Luciano in Italia nel XV e XVI secolo | Lorena De Faveri | Amsterdam 2002 |
HS 11-0125:1 | Repertorio delle traduzioni umanistiche a stampa: Vol. 1 | | Firenze 2008 |
HS 11-0125:2 | Repertorio delle traduzioni umanistiche a stampa: Vol. 2 | | Firenze 2008 |
HS 11-0130:1 | Iter Italicum: [1] Agrigento to Novarra | | Leiden [u.a.] 1965 |
HS 11-0130:2 | Iter Italicum: [2] Orvieto to Volterra. Vatican City | | Leiden [u.a.] 1967 |
HS 11-0130:3 | Iter Italicum: 1, [Hauptbd.] Australia to Germany | | Leiden [u.a.] 1983 |
HS 11-0130:3,Ind. | Iter Italicum: [2] Index | comp. by Bonnie D. Kent and Ronald Rainey in collab. with the Author | Leiden [u.a.] 1987 |
HS 11-0130:4 | Iter Italicum: 2 Great Britain to Spain | | Leiden [u.a.] 1989 |
HS 11-0130:5 | Iter Italicum: 3, [Hauptbd.] Sweden to Yugoslavia, Utopia, supplement to Italy (A - F) | | Leiden [u.a.] 1990 |
HS 11-0130:5,Ind. | Iter Italicum: 3, Ind. and add. Sweden to Yugoslavia, Utopia, supplement to Italy (A - F) | comp. by Judith Wardman and her assistants in collab. with the author | Leiden [u.a.] 1993 |
HS 11-0130:6 | Iter Italicum: 4, [Hauptbd.] Supplement to Italy (G - V), supplement to Vatican and Austria to Spain | | Leiden [u.a.] 1992 |
HS 11-0130:6,Ind. | Iter Italicum: 4, Ind. and add. Supplement to Italy (G - V), supplement to Vatican and Austria to Spain | | Leiden [u.a.] 1996 |
HS 11-0130:Ind.1-6 | Iter Italicum: A cumulative index to volumes 1 - 6 of Paul Oskar Kristeller's Iter Italicum | | Leiden [u.a.] 1997 |
HS 11-0140:1 | Medieval and Renaissance letter treatises and form letters: Vol. 1 A census of manuscripts found in Eastern Europe and the former USSR | | Leiden [u.a.] 1993 |
HS 11-0140:2 | Medieval and Renaissance letter treatises and form letters: Vol. 2 A census of manuscripts found in part of Western Europe, Japan, and the United States of America | | Leiden [u.a.] 1994 |
HS 11-0140:3 | Medieval and Renaissance letter treatises and form letters: Vol. 3 A census of manuscripts found in part of Europe ; the works on letter writing from the eleventh through the seventeenth century found in Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, and Italy | | Leiden [u.a.] 2015 |
HS 11-0300 | Sammlungen und Kataloge griechischer Handschriften | Viktor Gardthausen. Im Verein mit Fachgenossen bearb. | Aalen 1974 |
HS 11-0305 | Kataloge griechischer Handschriften | verz. von Otmar Schissel | Graz 1924 |
HS 11-0310 | I.MA.G.E.S. | Sever J. Voicu; Serenella d' Alisera | Roma 1981 |
HS 11-0315 | Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscrits grecs: [Hauptband] | | Turnhout 1995 |
HS 11-0316:1 | Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscrits grecs: | par Jean-Marie Olivier | Turnhout 2018 |
HS 11-0316:2 | Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscrits grecs: | par Jean-Marie Olivier | Turnhout 2018 |
HS 11-0325 | The Angela Burdett-Coutts collection of Greek manuscripts | Annaclara Cataldi Palau | Turnhout 2021 |
HS 11-0350 | Mediaeval Slavic manuscripts | by David Djaparidzé | Cambridge, Mass. 1957 |
HS 11-0400 | Armenian manuscripts | Bernard Coulie | Turnhout 2020 |
HS 11-0400 | Répertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscrits arméniens | par Bernard Coulie | Turnhout 1992 |
HS 11-0410 | Majr c̣oic̣ak hajerēn dzeṙagrac̣: 19 Coucak dzeragrac or i Handes Amsoreaj | Hamazasp Oskean | Wien 1976 |
HS 11-0450 | Guide to Hebrew manuscript collections | by Benjamin Richler | Jerusalem 1994 |