
Signaturbereich: KS 01-0500 bis 0999

KS 01-0638:1Enciclopedia dell'arte antica classica e orientale: 1 [A - Bar] Roma 1958
KS 01-0638:2Enciclopedia dell'arte antica classica e orientale: 2 [Bas - Dam] Roma 1959
KS 01-0638:3Enciclopedia dell'arte antica classica e orientale: 3 [Dan - Herc] Roma 1960
KS 01-0638:4Enciclopedia dell'arte antica classica e orientale: 4 [Herm - Mik] Roma 1961
KS 01-0638:5Enciclopedia dell'arte antica classica e orientale: 5 [Mil - Paz] Roma 1963
KS 01-0638:6Enciclopedia dell'arte antica classica e orientale: 6 [Pec - Saq] Roma 1965
KS 01-0638:7Enciclopedia dell'arte antica classica e orientale: 7 [Sar - Zurv] Roma 1966
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 13 Goodnough to Habsburg, § I: Austrian branch New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 11 Ferrara to Gainsborough New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 14 Habsburg, § II: Spanish branch to Hungary, § V: interior decoration and furniture New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 10 Egypt, ancient, § XI: writing and books to Ferrant New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 18 Kettle to Leathart New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 9 Diploma work to Egypt, ancient, § X: painting and drawing New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 17 Jansen to Ketel New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 16 Iraq to Janoušek New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 15 Hungary, § VI: ceramics to Iran, ancient New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 5 Brugghen, ter to Casson New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 3 B to Biard New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Vol. 2 Ancona to Azzolino New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 1 A to Anckerman New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 4 Biardeau to Brüggemann New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 19 Leather to Macho New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 7 China, § VIII: jade-carving to Cossa New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 6 Cassone to China, § VII: ceramics New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 8 Cossiers to Diotti New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 12 Gairard to Goodhue New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 30 Summonte to Tinne New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 29 Södermark to Summerson New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 28 Savoy to Soderini New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 31 Tinoco to Varna New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 32 Varnish to Wavere New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 20 Mächtig to Medal New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 33 Wax to Zyvele; Appendices New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 27 Rome, ancient, § III: planning to Savot New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 34 Index New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 22 Montald to Neufforge New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 26 Raphon to Rome, ancient, § II: architecture New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 23 Neuhuys to Pandit Seu New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 21 Medallion to Montalbani New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 25 Pittoni to Raphael New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0640The dictionary of art: Volume 24 Pandolfini to Pitti New York, NY/London 1996
KS 01-0643:1Encyclopedia of world art: 1 Aalto - Asia minor New York, NY [u.a.] 1959
KS 01-0643:10Encyclopedia of world art: 10 Middle American protohistory - painting New York, NY [u.a.] 1965
KS 01-0643:11Encyclopedia of world art: 11 Pakistan - Rembrandt New York, NY [u.a.] 1966
KS 01-0643:12Encyclopedia of world art: Vol. 12 Renaissance - Shahn New York, NY [u.a.] 1972
KS 01-0643:13Encyclopedia of world art: Vol. 13 Shamanism - terror and the malign New York, NY [u.a.] 1967
KS 01-0643:14Encyclopedia of world art: Vol. 14 Textiles, embroidery, and lace - Zurbarán New York, NY [u.a.] 1967
KS 01-0643:15Encyclopedia of world art: Vol. 15 Index New York, NY [u.a.] 1968
KS 01-0643:2Encyclopedia of world art: 2 Asiatic protohistory - Byzantine art New York, NY [u.a.] 1960
KS 01-0643:3Encyclopedia of world art: 3 Calder - cosmology New York, NY [u.a.] 1960
KS 01-0643:4Encyclopedia of world art: 4 Cossa - eschatology New York, NY [u.a.] 1961
KS 01-0643:5Encyclopedia of world art: 5 Eskimo - Gallo-Roman New York, NY [u.a.] 1961
KS 01-0643:6Encyclopedia of world art: 6 Games and toys - Greece New York, NY [u.a.] 1962
KS 01-0643:7Encyclopedia of world art: 7 Greek art - Indian art New York, NY [u.a.] 1963
KS 01-0643:8Encyclopedia of world art: 8 Indo-Iranian art - landscape architecture New York, NY [u.a.] 1963
KS 01-0643:9Encyclopedia of world art: Vol. 9 Landscape in art - Micronesian cultures New York, NY [u.a.] 1964
KS 01-0648:1Bildende Kunst: 1 (Archäologie)herausgegeben von Walter-Herwig Schuchhardt Frankfurt am Main/Hamburg 1960
KS 01-0648:2Bildende Kunst: 2 verfaßt und herausgegeben von Werner Hofmann Frankfurt am Main/Hamburg 1960
KS 01-0648:3Bildende Kunst: 3 herausgegeben von Werner Hofmann Frankfurt am Main/Hamburg 1961
KS 01-0675Reallexikon zur byzantinischen Kunst: Band 6 Mandorla - Nubien Stuttgart 2005
KS 01-0675:1Reallexikon zur byzantinischen Kunst: Bd. 1 Abendmahl - Dura-Europos Stuttgart 1966
KS 01-0675:2Reallexikon zur byzantinischen Kunst: Bd. 2 Durchzug durch das Rote Meer - Himmelfahrt Stuttgart 1971
KS 01-0675:3Reallexikon zur byzantinischen Kunst: Bd. 3 Himmelsleiter - Kastoria Stuttgart 1978
KS 01-0675:4Reallexikon zur byzantinischen Kunst: Bd. 4 Kathedra - Kreta Stuttgart 1990
KS 01-0675:5Reallexikon zur byzantinischen Kunst: Bd. 5 Kreuz - Maltechnik Stuttgart 1995
KS 01-0680Wörterbuch der Kunstbegr. von Johannes Jahn. Fortgef. von Wolfgang Haubenreisser Stuttgart 1983
KS 01-0682Metzler Lexikon Kunstwissenschaftherausgegeben von Ulrich Pfisterer Stuttgart 2011
KS 01-0685Dictionnaire des termes de l'artWerner Jost Paris 2002
KS 01-0695:1A Subject Index for the Visual Arts: P. 1 Main headings London 1969
KS 01-0695:2A Subject index for the visual arts: P. 2 Cross-references London 1969
KS 01-0696Bildende KunstPawlik; Strassner Köln 1969
KS 01-0710The Oxford companion to arted. by Harold Osborne Oxford [u.a.] 1971
KS 01-0713Oxford illustrated encyclopedia: Vol. 5 Oxford illustrated encyclopedia of the artsvol. ed. John Julius Norwich Oxford [u.a.] 1990
KS 01-0715Ullstein-Lexikon der Kunsthrsg. und bearb. von Heiner Knell ... Frankfurt/M. [u.a.] 1972
KS 01-0725Dictionary of subjects and symbols in artJames Hall. Introd. by Kenneth Clark London 1974
KS 01-0730The Oxford companion to the decorative artsed. by Harold Osborne Oxford 1975
KS 01-0731The concise Oxford dictionary of art and artistsed. by Ian Chilvers New York [u.a.] 1996
KS 01-0732The dictionary of artEd.: Jane Turner New York 1997
KS 01-0733The Yale dictionary of art and artistsErika Langmuir and Norbert Lynton New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 2000
KS 01-0734Dictionnaire des artsPierre Cabanne Paris 2000
KS 01-0735Musisches Lexikonvon Willi A. Koch Stuttgart 1976
KS 01-0740The Oxford companion to western arted. by Hugh Brigstocke Oxford [u.a.] 2001
KS 01-0750Lexikon christlicher Kunst... erarb. von Jutta Seibert Freiburg im Breisgau [u.a.] 1980
KS 01-0755:1Der Kunst-Brockhaus: Bd. 1 A - K Wiesbaden 1983
KS 01-0755:2Der Kunst-Brockhaus: Bd. 2 L - Z Wiesbaden 1983
KS 01-0760:1Lexikon der Kunst: Bd. 1 A - Cim Leipzig 1987
KS 01-0760:2Lexikon der Kunst: Bd. 2 Cin - Gree Leipzig 1989
KS 01-0760:3Lexikon der Kunst: Bd. 3 Greg - Konv Leipzig 1991
KS 01-0760:4Lexikon der Kunst: Bd. 4 Kony - Mosa Leipzig 1992
KS 01-0760:5Lexikon der Kunst: Bd. 5 Mosb - Q Leipzig 1993
KS 01-0760:6Lexikon der Kunst: Bd. 6 R - Stad Leipzig 1994
KS 01-0760:7Lexikon der Kunst: Bd. 7 Stae - Z Leipzig 1994
KS 01-0800:1Historisches Wörterbuch des Mediengebrauchs: [Band 1] Köln/Weimar/Wien 2015
KS 01-0800:2Historisches Wörterbuch des Mediengebrauchs: Band 2 Köln/Weimar/Wien 2018
