
Signaturbereich: TW 43-0001 bis 1000

TW 43-0508Bertelsmann-Schauspielführerhrsg. von Klaus Völker Gütersloh/München 1992
TW 43-0510Dtv-junior-SchauspielführerKlaus Jürgen Seidel München 1992
TW 43-0700:1A cultural history of tragedy: Volume 1 In antiquityedited by Emily Wilson London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney 2020
TW 43-0700:2A cultural history of tragedy: Volume 2 In the middle agesedited by Jody Enders, Theresa Coletti, John T. Sebastian, and Carol Symes London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney 2020
TW 43-0700:3A cultural history of tragedy: Volume 3 In the early modern ageedited by Naomi Conn Liebler London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney 2020
TW 43-0700:4A cultural history of tragedy: Volume 4 In the age of enlightenmentedited by Mitchell Greenberg London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney 2020
TW 43-0700:5A cultural history of tragedy: Volume 5 In the age of empireedited by Michael Gamer and Diego Saglia London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney 2020
TW 43-0700:6A cultural history of tragedy: Volume 6 In the modern ageedited by Jennifer Wallace London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney 2020
