
Signaturbereich: HS 11-0500 bis 1000

HS 11-0500:1World survey of Islamic manuscripts: Vol. 1 London 1992
HS 11-0500:2World survey of Islamic manuscripts: Vol. 2 London 1993
HS 11-0500:3World survey of Islamic manuscripts: Vol. 3 London 1994
HS 11-0500:4World survey of Islamic manuscripts: Vol. 4 (Supplement) London 1994
HS 11-0550:2Bibliografia etiopica in continuazione alla "Bibliografia etiopica" di G. Fumagalli: Contributo 2 Manoscritti etiopici Roma 1932
HS 11-0800Oriental manuscripts in Europe and North Americacomp. by J. D. Pearson Zug, Switzerland 1971
