
Signaturbereich: KS 26-1000 bis 1099

KS 26-1020:1Repertorio delle cattedrali gotiche: 1 Milano 1986
KS 26-1020:2Repertorio delle cattedrali gotiche: 2 Milano 1986
KS 26-1070:1The creation of Gothic architecture: Pt. A photographic work by John and Hilary James. Documentary appendic by Chris Henige Hartley Vale, Australia 2002
KS 26-1070:2The creation of Gothic architecture: Pt. A photographic work by John and Hilary James. Documentary appendix by Chris Henige Hartley Vale, Australia 2002
KS 26-1070:3The creation of Gothic architecture: Pt. B The archaic capitals prior to 1130John James. Photographic work by John and Hilary James. Documentary appendic by Chris Henige Hartley Vale, Australia 2006
KS 26-1070:4 The creation of Gothic architecture: Pt. B photography by John and Hilary James Hartley Vale, Australia 2008
KS 26-1070:5The creation of Gothic architecture: Pt. B photography by John and Hilary James Hartley Vale, Australia 2008
