
Signaturbereich: TH 33-1500 bis 1599

TH 33-1502The English ReformationA. G. Dickens London 1989
TH 33-1509The Reformation in Britain and IrelandW. Ian P. Hazlett London [u.a.] 2003
TH 33-1510The English Reformation revisededited by Christopher Haigh Cambridge [u.a.] 1987
TH 33-1511The Reformation in England: Vol. 3 True religion now established Aldershot 1993
TH 33-1511The Reformation in England: Vol. 1 The king's proceedings Aldershot 1993
TH 33-1511The Reformation in England: Vol. 2 Religio depopulata Aldershot 1993
TH 33-1515Bishops and reform in the English church, 1520 - 1559Kenneth Carleton Woodbridge [u.a.] 2001
TH 33-1519:1The early English dissenters in the light of recent research (1550-1641): Vol. 1 History and criticism Cambridge [u.a.] 2011
TH 33-1519:2The early English dissenters in the light of recent research (1550-1641): Vol. 2 Illustrative documents Cambridge [u.a.] 2011
TH 33-1520Die zweite Phase der englischen Reformation (1547 - 1603) und die Geburt der anglikanischen Via MediaDiarmaid MacCulloch. Hrsg. von Heribert Smolinsky. [Übers.: Stefan Hanke] Münster 1998
TH 33-1521 Enforcing Reformation in Ireland and Scotland, 1550 - 1700ed. by Elizabethanne Boran ... Aldershot, Hants [u.a.] 2006
TH 33-1522The theology and spirituality of Mary Tudor's churchWilliam Wizeman Aldershot, Hants, England [u.a.] 2006
TH 33-1523The loyal oppositionEllen A. Macek New York/Berlin [u.a.] 1996
TH 33-1534Religion in Tudor EnglandEthan H. Shagan and Debora Shuger, editors Waco, Texas 2016
