
Signaturbereich: PH 38-1550 bis 1599

PH 38-1560Maimonidesed. by Steven T. Katz New York 1980
PH 38-1561Le livre de la connaissanceMoïse Maïmonide. Trad. de l'Hébreu et ann. par Valentin Nikiprowetzky et André Zaoui. Étude préliminaire de Salomon Pinès Paris 1985
PH 38-1562Interpreting MaimonidesMarvin Fox Chicago [u.a.] 1994
PH 38-1563The teachings of Maimonidesby Jacob S. Minkin; Introd. by Arthur Hertzberg Northvale, N.J. [u.a.] 1987
PH 38-1564Thomas d'Aquin et MaïmonideAvital Wohlman. Préf. d'Isaïe Leibowitz Paris 1988
PH 38-1566Maïmonide et la pensée juiveMaurice-Ruben Hayoun Paris 1994
PH 38-1567The thought of Moses Maimonidesed. by Ira Robinson ... Lewiston, NY [u.a.] 1990
PH 38-1568Method and metaphysics in Maimonides' Guide for the perplexedDaniel Davies Oxford [u.a.] 2011
PH 38-1570Philosophy and law Philadelphia, Pa. [u.a.] 1987
PH 38-1571Moses Maimonidesed. by Fred Rosner ... Northvale, NJ [u.a.] 1993
PH 38-1573Maimonides' "Guide of the perplexed"edited by Daniel Frank (Purdue University), Aaron Segal (Hebrew University of Jersusalem) Cambridge, United Kingdom/New York, NY/Port Melbourne, Australia 2021
PH 38-1574The matter and form of Maimonides' guideJosef Stern Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.] 2013
PH 38-1575Homo mysticusJosé Faur Syracuse, N.Y 1998
PH 38-1576Moses Maimonidesedited by Görge K. Hasselhoff and Otfried Fraisse Würzburg 2004
PH 38-1577 The Cambridge companion to Maimonidesed. by Kenneth Seeskin Cambridge [u.a.] 2005
PH 38-1578 Moses MaimonidesHerbert A. Davidson Oxford/New York [u.a.] 2005
PH 38-1579 Maimonides after 800 yearsed. by Jay M. Harris Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.] 2007
PH 38-1580Reading Maimonides' philosophy in 19th century GermanyGeorges Y. Kohler Dordrecht/Heidelberg [u.a.] 2012
PH 38-1582The cultures of Maimonideanismed. by James T. Robinson Leiden [u.a.] 2009
PH 38-1584Maimonides and the shaping of the Jewish CanonJames A. Diamond New York, NY 2014
