
Signaturbereich: NT 26-1000 bis 1799

NT 26-1310Natural-science-books in EnglishDavid M. Knight London 1972
NT 26-1420Humanism and the rise of science in Tudor EnglandAntonia McLean London 1972
NT 26-1505English Science, Bacon to NewtonBrian Vickers [Hrsg.] Cambridge 1989
NT 26-1507The rise of public scienceLarry Stewart Cambridge [u.a.] 1992
NT 26-1508Sir Hans Sloaneedited by Arthur MacGregor London 1994
NT 26-1510Science, technology & society in seventeenth century EnglandRobert K. Merton New York, NY 1970
NT 26-1520Ancients and modernsRichard Foster Jones New York 1982
NT 26-1522A social history of truthSteven Shapin Chicago [u.a.] 1994
NT 26-1523Promoting experimental learningMarie Boas Hall Cambridge u.a. 1991
NT 26-1525Puritanism and the rise of modern scienceed., with an introd. by I. Bernhard Cohen ... New Brunswick, NJ [u.a.] 1990
NT 26-1530The uses of science in the age of Newtoned. by John G. Burke Berkeley, Calif. [u.a.] 1983
NT 26-1531:1 Newtonianism in eighteenth-century Britain: [1] Bristol 2004
NT 26-1531:2 Newtonianism in eighteenth-century Britain: [1] Bristol 2004
NT 26-1531:3 Newtonianism in eighteenth-century Britain: Vol 3 Philosophical Principles of Natural ReligionGeorg Cheyne Bristol 2004
NT 26-1531:4 Newtonianism in eighteenth-century Britain: Vol. 4 Physico-mechanical ExperimentsFrancis Hauksbee Bristol 2004
NT 26-1531:7 Newtonianism in eighteenth-century Britain: Vol. 7 An account of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophical DiscoveriesColin Maclaurin Bristol 2004
NT 26-1550Science and the shape of orthodoxyMichael Hunter Woodbridge [u.a.] 1995
NT 26-1560Music, science and natural magic in seventeenth-century EnglandPenelope Gouk New Haven [u.a.] 1999
NT 26-1610Science and imagination in XVIIIth-century British cultureSergio Rossi [Hrsg.]. Università degli Studi <Milano>; Regione Lombardia. Settore cultura e informazione Milano 1987
NT 26-1620The lunar menJenny Uglow London 2002
NT 26-1650Science, culture and politics in Britain, 1750-1870Jack Morrell Aldershot [u.a.] 1997
NT 26-1750Public science and public policy in Victorian EnglandRoy MacLeod Aldershot [u.a.] 1996
NT 26-1751:1Victorian science and literature: Part 1, Vol. 1 Negotiating boundariesed. by Piers J. Hale and Jonathan Smith London [u.a.] 2011
NT 26-1751:2Victorian science and literature: Part 1, Vol. 2 Victorian science as cultural authorityed. by Suzy Anger and James Paradis London [u.a.] 2011
NT 26-1751:3Victorian science and literature: Part 1, Vol. 3 Science, religion and natural theologyed. by Richard England and Jude V. Nixon London [u.a.] 2011
NT 26-1751:4Victorian science and literature: Part 1, Vol. 4 The evolutionary epiced. by David Amigoni and James Elwick London [u.a.] 2011
NT 26-1751:5Victorian science and literature: Part 2, Vol. 5 New audiences for scienceed. by Claire Brock London [u.a.] 2012
NT 26-1751:6Victorian science and literature: Part 2, Vol. 6 Science, race and imperialismed. by Marwa Elshakry and Suijt Sivasundaram London [u.a.] 2012
NT 26-1751:7Victorian science and literature: Part 2, Vol. 7 Science as romanceed. by Ralph O'Connor London [u.a.] 2012
NT 26-1751:8Victorian science and literature: Part 2, Vol. 8 Marginal and occult sciencesed. by Roger Luckhurst and Justin Sausman London [u.a.] 2012
