
Signaturbereich: PH 41-1725 bis 1799

PH 41-1729Giordano Brunovon Max Bergfeld Berlin 1929
PH 41-1735:1Giordano Bruno: Vol. 1 A-I Pisa/Firenze 2014
PH 41-1735:2Giordano Bruno: Vol. 2 J-Z Pisa/Firenze 2014
PH 41-1735:3Giordano Bruno: Vol. 3 Apparati Pisa/Firenze 2014
PH 41-1740Giordano Bruno e la 'mutazione' del rinascimentoPasquale Sabbatino Firenze 1993
PH 41-1742Giordano BrunoBertrand Levergeois [Paris] 1995
PH 41-1745Il processo di Giordano BrunoLuigi Firpo. A cura di Diego Quaglioni Roma 1993
PH 41-1747Giordano Bruno and the philosophy of the assNuccio Ordine. Translated by Henryk Barański in collaboration with Arielle Saiber New Haven/London 1996
PH 41-1748Magic and memory in Giordano Brunoby Manuel Mertens Leiden 2018
PH 41-1750Giordano Bruno and the hermetic traditionBy Frances A. Yates London [u.a.] 1982
PH 41-1755Giordano Bruno in der englischen RenaissanceFrances A. Yates. Aus dem Engl. von Peter Krumme Berlin 1989
PH 41-1760Giordano Bruno and the KabbalahKaren Silvia De León-Jones New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1997
PH 41-1775The acentric labyrinthRamon G. Mendoza Shaftesbury [u.a.] 1995
PH 41-1777Giordano Bruno, Vision einer WeltsichtFred B. Stern Meisenheim am Glan 1977
PH 41-1778Cosmologia e filosofia nel pensiero di Giordano BrunoAlfonso Ingegno Firenze 1978
PH 41-1780Aristoteles bei Giordano BrunoPaul Richard Blum München 1980
PH 41-1782Giordano BrunoIstituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento ; The Warburg Institute, University of London ... A cura di Michele Ciliberto ... Firenze 1997
PH 41-1784Giordano BrunoPaul Richard Blum München 1999
PH 41-1785Omnia homini similia suntMichael Spang München 2002
PH 41-1786:1Early studies of Giordano Bruno: 1 with an introd. and note on the author by Paul Richard Blum Bristol [u.a.] 2000
PH 41-1786:2Early studies of Giordano Bruno: 2 Bristol [u.a.] 2000
PH 41-1786:3Early studies of Giordano Bruno: Vol. 3 Giordano Bruno und Nicolaus von CusaFranz Jakob Clemens. With a note on the author by Paul Richard Blum Bristol [u.a.] 2000
PH 41-1786:4Early studies of Giordano Bruno: Vol. 4 Life of Giordano Bruno the NolanI. Frith (Isabella Oppenheimer). With a note on the author by Paul Richard Blum Bristol [u.a.] 2000
PH 41-1786:5Early studies of Giordano Bruno: Vol. 5 Le opere latine di Giordano BrunoFelice Tocco. With a note on the author by Paul Richard Blum Bristol 2000
PH 41-1786:6Early studies of Giordano Bruno: Vol. 6 Le opere inedite di Giordano BrunoFelice Tocco Bristol [u.a.] 2000
PH 41-1787Giordano Brunoed. by Hilary Gatti Aldershot [u.a.] 2002
PH 41-1788Im Schatten der DianaLuiz Carlos Bombassaro Frankfurt am Main [u.a.] 2002
PH 41-1789Il dialogo recitatoMichele Ciliberto; Nicoletta Tirinnanzi [Firenze] 2002
PH 41-1790L' occhio di AtteoneMichele Ciliberto Roma 2002
PH 41-1791Giordano Bruno in Wittenberghrsg. von Thomas Leinkauf Pisa 2004
