Signatur | Titel | Verfasserangabe | Erschienen |
AL 16-3015 | Storia della letteratura greca | Luciano Canfora | Roma [etc.] 2008 |
AL 16-3030 | Griechentum | Walther Kranz | Baden-Baden/Stuttgart 1952 |
AL 16-3040 | Geschichte der griechischen Literatur | Albin Lesky | Bern 1957 |
AL 16-3043 | The lives of the Greek poets | Mary R. Lefkowitz | London 1981 |
AL 16-3045 | Greek poetry | by C. A. Trypanis | London [u.a.] 1981 |
AL 16-3047:1 | Greek literature: Vol. 1 The oral traditional background of ancient Greek literature | | New York. NY [u.a.] 2001 |
AL 16-3047:2 | Greek literature: Vol. 2 Homer and Hesiod as prototypes of Greek literature | | New York, NY [u.a.] 2001 |
AL 16-3047:3 | Greek literature: Vol. 3 Greek literature in the archaic period | | New York, NY [u.a.] 2001 |
AL 16-3047:4 | Greek literature: Vol. 4 Greek literature in the Classical period | | New York, NY [u.a.] 2001 |
AL 16-3047:5 | Greek literature: Vol. 5 Greek literature in the classical period | | New York, NY [u.a.] 2001 |
AL 16-3047:6 | Greek literature: Vol. 6 Greek literature and philosophy | | New York, NY [u.a.] 2001 |
AL 16-3047:7 | Greek literature: Vol. 7 Greek literature in the Hellenistic period | | New York, NY [u.a.] 2001 |
AL 16-3047:8 | Greek literature: Vol. 8 Greek literature in the Roman period and in late antiquity | | New York, NY [u.a.] 2001 |
AL 16-3047:9 | Greek literature: Vol. 9 Greek literature in the Byzantine period | | New York, NY [u.a.] 2001 |
AL 16-3048 | Geschichte der griechischen Literatur | Thomas Paulsen | Stuttgart 2004 |
AL 16-3050 | A companion to Greek literature | edited by Martin Hose and David Schenker | Chichester, West Sussex, UK/Malden, MA 2016 |
AL 16-3080:1 | Histoire de la littérature grecque chrétienne des origines à 451: 1 Introduction: problèmes et perspectives | | Paris 2016 |
AL 16-3080:2 | Histoire de la littérature grecque chrétienne des origines à 451: 2 De Paul de Tarse à Irénée de Lyon | | Paris 2016 |
AL 16-3080:3 | Histoire de la littérature grecque chrétienne des origines à 451: 3 De Clément d'Alexandrie à Eusèbe de Césarée | | Paris 2017 |
AL 16-3080:4 | Histoire de la littérature grecque chrétienne des origines à 451: 4 Du IVe siècle au concile de Chalcédoine (451) Constantinople, la Grèce et l'Asie mineure | sous la direction de Matthieu Cassin | Paris 2020 |