
Signaturbereich: HS 28-3550 bis 3599

HS 28-3551The Apocalypse block-books and their manuscript models 1942
HS 28-3552The secret book of revelation New York [u.a.] 1979
HS 28-3553Antichrist in the Middle AgesRichard Kenneth Emmerson Seattle [Wash.] 1984
HS 28-3554Apocalypse illuminatedRichard K. Emmerson University Park, Pennsylvania 2018
HS 28-3555Die Apokalypse des Hl. Johannes in der altspanischen und altchristlichen Bibel-Illustrationvon Wilhelm Neuss Münster, Westfalen 1988
HS 28-3558La miniatura en los códices de Beato de LiébanaHermenegildo García-Aráez Ferrer Madrid 1992
HS 28-3560:1The illustrated Beatus: Vol. 1 Introduction London 1994
HS 28-3560:2The illustrated Beatus: Vol. 2 The ninth and tenth centuries London 1994
HS 28-3560:3The illustrated Beatus: Vol. 3 The tenth and eleventh centuries London 1998
HS 28-3560:4The illustrated Beatus: Vol. 4 The eleventh and twelfth centuries London 2002
HS 28-3560:5The illustrated Beatus: Vol. 5 The twelfth and thirteenth centuries London 2003
HS 28-3561Visions of the end in Medieval SpainJohn Williams ; edited by Therese Martin Amsterdam 2017
HS 28-3570Endzeiterwartung und RitterideologiePeter Klein Graz/Austria 1983
HS 28-3571Reading imagesSuzanne Lewis Cambridge [u.a.] 1995
HS 28-3572Imaginaires de l'ApocalypseLaurence Rivière Ciavaldini Paris 2007
HS 28-3573Visionen der EndzeitDavid und Ulrike Ganz Darmstadt 2016
