AL Altertumswissenschaften
AN Anglistik
BB Buch- und Bibliothekswesen
GE Germanische Sprachen und Literaturen
GK Geographie und Kartographie
GS Geschichte
HS Handbibliothek des Handschriftenlesesaals
KA Allgemeine Bibliographien, Fachbibliographien, allgemeine Nachschlagewerke
KS Kunst
LI Allgemeine Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
ME Medizin
MW Musikwissenschaft
NT Naturwissenschaft und Technik
OA Slawische, orientalische, ostasiatische und afrikanische Sprachen und Literaturen
PH Philosophie und Psychologie
PT Politologie
RO Romanistik
RV Rechtswissenschaft
TH Theologie und Religionswissenschaften
TW Theaterwissenschaften
WB Wissenschafts- und Bildungsgeschichte
WS Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte
A Augusteer
H Helmstedt
M Mittlere Aufstellung
Einzelne Sammlungen I
Einzelne Sammlungen II
Retrospektive Erschließung
Signaturbereich: AN 46-4100 bis 4399
AN 46-4105:1
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
faithfully presented by Thomas Hardy
New York/London 1957
AN 46-4105:10
The Hand of Ethelberta
by Thomas Hardy
London 1958
AN 46-4105:12
Desperate Remedies
by Thomas Hardy
London 1953
AN 46-4105:13
Wessex tales
by Thomas Hardy
London 1953
AN 46-4105:14
Life's little ironies
by Thomas Hardy
London 1953
AN 46-4105:15
A group of noble dames
by Thomas Hardy
London 1957
AN 46-4105:16
Under the Greenwood tree or The mellstock quire
by Thomas Hardy
London 1959
AN 46-4105:17
The well-beloved
by Thomas Hardy
London 1958
AN 46-4105:2
Far from the madding crowd
by Thomas Hardy
London 1957
AN 46-4105:24,1.2
The dynasts: Part 1/2
London 1962
AN 46-4105:25
The dynasts: Part 3 The famous tragedy of the Queen of Cornwall
London 1958
AN 46-4105:3
The life and death of the mayor of Casterbridge
By Thomas Hardy
London 1961
AN 46-4105:4
Jude the obscure
by Thomas Hardy
London 1956
AN 46-4105:5
The return of the native
by Thomas Hardy
London 1958
AN 46-4105:6
A pair of blue eyes
by Thomas Hardy
London 1962
AN 46-4105:7
Two on a tower
by Thomas Hardy
London 1958
AN 46-4105:8
The Woodlanders
by Thomas Hardy
London 1959
AN 46-4105:9
The Trumpet-Major John Loveday, a soldier in the war with Buonaparte, and Robert his Brother, first mate in the merchant service
by Thomas Hardy
London 1960
AN 46-4110:1
The complete poetical works of Thomas Hardy: Vol. 1 Wessex poems
Oxford 1982
AN 46-4110:2
The complete poetical works of Thomas Hardy: Vol. 2 Satires of circumstance. Moments of vision. Late lyrics and earlier
Oxford 1984
AN 46-4110:3
The complete poetical works of Thomas Hardy: Vol. 3 Human shows. Winter words. Uncollected poems
Oxford 1985
AN 46-4110:4
The complete poetical works of Thomas Hardy: Vol. 4 The dynasts
Oxford 1995
AN 46-4110:5
The complete poetical works of Thomas Hardy: Vol. 5 The dynasts, part third. The famous tragedy of the Queen of Cornwall. The play of "Saint George". O Jan, o Jan, o Jan
Oxford 1995
AN 46-4150:1
The literary notebooks of Thomas Hardy: Vol. 1
London [u.a.] 1985
AN 46-4150:2
The literary notebooks of Thomas Hardy: Vol. 2
London [u.a.] 1985
AN 46-4165:1
The collected letters of Thomas Hardy: Vol. 1 1840 - 1892
Oxford 1979
AN 46-4165:2
The collected letters of Thomas Hardy: Vol. 2 1893 - 1901
Oxford 1980
AN 46-4165:3
The collected letters of Thomas Hardy: Vol. 3 1902 - 1908
Oxford 1982
AN 46-4165:4
The collected letters of Thomas Hardy: Vol. 4 1909 - 1913
Oxford 1984
AN 46-4165:5
The collected letters of Thomas Hardy: Vol. 5 1914 - 1919
Oxford 1985
AN 46-4165:6
The collected letters of Thomas Hardy: Vol. 6 1920 - 1925
Oxford 1987
AN 46-4165:7
The collected letters of Thomas Hardy: Vol. 7 1926 - 1927
Oxford 1988
AN 46-4350
Thomas Hardy
by William R. Rutland
New York, NY 1962
AN 46-4367
Thomas Hardy
Richard Little Purdy
Oxford [u.a.] 1978
AN 46-4369
Thomas Hardy
Rosemary Sumner
London [u.a.] 1981
AN 46-4370
Thomas Hardy
Michael Millgate
Oxford [u.a.] 1982
AN 46-4380
Women and sexuality in the novels of Thomas Hardy
Rosemarie Morgan
London [u.a.] 1988