
Signaturbereich: HS 28-4500 bis 4699

HS 28-4510Kostbarkeiten der Buchkunsthrsg. von Giovanni Morello. [Übers. aus dem Engl.: Heike Drechsler. Kodikologischer Anhang: Christoph Wetzel] Stuttgart [u.a] 1997
HS 28-4520:Tafelbd.The miniatures of the manuscripts of Terence prior to the thirteenth century: [2] The Plates Princeton/London/Leipzig 1931
HS 28-4520:Textbd.The miniatures of the manuscripts of Terence prior to the thirteenth century: [1] The text Princeton/London/Leipzig 1931
HS 28-4530An early manuscript of the Aesop fables of Avianus and related manuscriptsby Adolph Goldschmidt Princeton 1947
HS 28-4560Alexander historiatusby D. J. A. Ross London 1963
HS 28-4561Illustrated medieval Alexander-books in Germany and the Netherlandsby D. J. A. Ross Cambridge 1971
HS 28-4563A legend and its imageVictor M. Schmidt Groningen 1995
HS 28-4564Alexandre le Grand à la lumière des manuscrits et des premiers imprimés en Europesous la dir. de Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas Turnhout 2015
HS 28-4565Illustrated medieval Alexander-books in French verseby D.J.A. Ross ; edited by Maud Pérez-Simon and Alison Stones ; assisted by Martine Meuwese Turnhout 2019
HS 28-4575Der Bilderkreis zum wälschen Gaste des Thomasin von Zerclaerenach den vorhandenen Handschriften unters. und beschrieben von Adolf von Oechelhaeuser Heidelberg 1890
HS 28-4600Tristan and IsoldeStephanie Cain Van D'Elden Turnhout 2016
HS 28-4610Minnebildervon Markus Müller Köln [u.a.] 1996
HS 28-4625Mondes en miniaturesBrigitte Roux Genève 2009
HS 28-4630:1Illuminated manuscripts of the Divine Comedy: 1 Text Princeton, NJ 1969
HS 28-4630:2Illuminated manuscripts of the Divine Comedy: 2 Plates Princeton, NJ 1969
HS 28-4631:1Dante visualizzato: 1 Dante visualizzatoa cura di Rossend Arqués Corominas e Marcello Ciccuto Firenze 2017
HS 28-4631:2Dante visualizzato: 2 Dante visualizzatoa cura di Marcello Ciccuto e Leyla M.G. Livraghi Firenze 2019
HS 28-4631:4Dante visualizzato: 4 Dante visualizzatoa cura di Cornelia Klettke Firenze 2021
HS 28-4631:5Dante visualizzato: 5 Dante visualizzatoa cura di Rossend Arqués Corominas, Marcello Ciccuto, Silvia Maddalo, Chiara Portesine Firenze 2023
HS 28-4650:1Boccaccio visualizzato: 1 Saggi generali con una prospettiva dal barocco a oggi Torino 1999
HS 28-4650:2Boccaccio visualizzato: 2 Opere d'arte d'origine italiana Torino 1999
HS 28-4650:3Boccaccio visualizzato: 3 Opere d'arte d'origine francese, fiamminga, inglese, spagnola, tedesca Torino 1999
HS 28-4651Bilderzählung im 15. JahrhundertChristine Schwall-Hoummady Frankfurt am Main/Berlin/Bern/New York/Paris/Wien 1999
HS 28-4652Translating the pastAnne D. Hedeman Los Angeles, Calif. 2008
HS 28-4660:Bildbd.Christine de Pizans "Epistre Othea": Bildband Simbach am Inn 2017
HS 28-4660:Textbd.Christine de Pizans "Epistre Othea": Textband Simbach am Inn 2017
HS 28-4675Le Moyen âge flamboyantpréface Une naissance de la poésie et de l'amour par Michel Zink. Sélection des poèmes, biographies et répertoire Lucile Desmoulins. Iconographie et notices sur les manuscrits illustrés Chrystèle Blondeau Paris 2006
