AL Altertumswissenschaften
AN Anglistik
BB Buch- und Bibliothekswesen
GE Germanische Sprachen und Literaturen
GK Geographie und Kartographie
GS Geschichte
HS Handbibliothek des Handschriftenlesesaals
KA Allgemeine Bibliographien, Fachbibliographien, allgemeine Nachschlagewerke
KS Kunst
LI Allgemeine Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
ME Medizin
MW Musikwissenschaft
NT Naturwissenschaft und Technik
OA Slawische, orientalische, ostasiatische und afrikanische Sprachen und Literaturen
PH Philosophie und Psychologie
PT Politologie
RO Romanistik
RV Rechtswissenschaft
TH Theologie und Religionswissenschaften
TW Theaterwissenschaften
WB Wissenschafts- und Bildungsgeschichte
WS Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte
A Augusteer
H Helmstedt
M Mittlere Aufstellung
Einzelne Sammlungen I
Einzelne Sammlungen II
Retrospektive Erschließung
Signaturbereich: PH 76-5200 bis 5229
PH 76-5200:1
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Vol. 1 Cambridge essays
ed. by Kenneth Blackwell ...
London [u.a.] 1983
PH 76-5200:10
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Vol. 10 A fresh look at Empiricism
ed. by John G. Slater with the assistance of Peter Köllner
London [u.a.] 1996
PH 76-5200:11
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Vol. 11 Last philosophical testament
ed. by John G. Slater ...
London [u.a.] 1997
PH 76-5200:13
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Vol. 13 Prophecy and dissent
ed. by Richard A. Rempel ...
London [u.a.] 1994
PH 76-5200:14
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Vol. 14 Pacifism and revolution
ed. by Richard A. Rempel ...
London [u.a.] 1995
PH 76-5200:15
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Vol. 15 Uncertain paths to freedom
ed. by Richard A. Rempel ...
London [u.a.] 2000
PH 76-5200:2
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Vol. 2 Philosophical papers
ed. by Nicholas Griffin ... Textual apparatus prep. by William G. Stratton
London [u.a.] 1994
PH 76-5200:21
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Vol. 21 How to keep the peace
ed. by Andrew G. Bone ...
London [u.a.] 2008
PH 76-5200:28
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Vol. 28 Man's peril, 1954 - 55
ed. by Andrew G. Bone
London [u.a.] 2003
PH 76-5200:29
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Vol. 29 Détente or destruction, 1955 - 57
ed. by Andrew G. Bone
London [u.a.] 2005
PH 76-5200:3
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Vol. 3 Toward the "Principles of mathematics": 1900 - 02
ed. by Gregory H. Moore
London [u.a.] 1993
PH 76-5200:4
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Vol. 4 Foundations of logic, 1903-05
Bertrand Russell; edited by Alasdair Urquhart with the assistance of Albert C. Lewis
London/New York 1994
PH 76-5200:5
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Vol. 5 Toward "Principia mathematica"
ed. by Gregory H. Moore
London [u.a.] 2014
PH 76-5200:6
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Vol. 6 Logical and philosophical papers
ed. by John G. Slater ...
London [u.a.] 1992
PH 76-5200:7
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Vol. 7 Theory of knowledge
ed. by Elizabeth Ramsden Eames in collab. with Kenneth Blackwell
London [u.a.] 1993
PH 76-5200:8
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Vol. 8 The philosophy of logical atomism and other essays
ed. by John G. Slater
London [u.a.] 1986
PH 76-5200:9
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Vol. 9 Essays on language, mind and matter
ed. by John G Slater with the assistance of Bernd Frohmann
London [u.a.] 1994
PH 76-5205:Bibliogr. 1
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Volume 1 Separate publications 1896-1990
by Kenneth Blackwell and Harry Ruja
London/New York 1994
PH 76-5205:Bibliogr. 2
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Volume 2 Serial publications 1890-1990
by Kenneth Blackwell and Harry Ruja
London/New York 1994
PH 76-5205:Bibliogr. 3
The collected papers of Bertrand Russell: Volume 3 Indexes
by Kenneth Blackwell, Harry Ruja and Sheila Turcon
London/New York 1994
PH 76-5210
Einführung in die mathematische Philosophie
Bertrand Russell
Wiesbaden 1960