
Signaturbereich: ME 03-5000 bis 5499

ME 03-5080Modern methods in the history of medicineedited by Edwin Clarke (Sub-Department of the History of Medicine, University College London) London 1971
ME 03-5100Essays on the history of medicineed. by Saul Jarcho New York, NY 1976
ME 03-5105Krankheit, Heilkunst, Heilunghrsg. von Heinrich Schipperges ... Unter Mitarb. von Arthur L. Basham ... Freiburg [Breisgau]/München 1978
ME 03-5110 1982
ME 03-5110 1984
ME 03-5110 1977
ME 03-5110 1978
ME 03-5110 1980
ME 03-5120The double face of Janus and other essays in the history of medicineOwsei Temkin Baltimore [u.a.] 1977
ME 03-5130From Democedes to HarveyVivian Nutton London 1988
