
Signaturbereich: BB 59-5000 bis 5999

BB 59-5135Thomas J. Wise in the original clothby Wilfred Partington. With an appendix by George Bernard Shaw London 1946
BB 59-5136:1An enquiry into the nature of certain nineteenth century pamphletswith an epilogue by John Carter and Graham Pollard. Ed. by Nicolas Barker & John Collins London [u.a.] 1983
BB 59-5136:2A sequel to an enquiry into the nature of certain nineteenth century pamphlets by John Carter and Graham Pollardre-examined by Nicolas Barker & John Collins London [u.a.] 1983
BB 59-5137Thomas James Wise and the trial book fallacyRoger C. Lewis Aldershot, England [u.a.] 1995
BB 59-5195Bibliographical description and cataloguingby J. D. Cowley London 1949
BB 59-5245Principles of bibliographical descriptionFredson Bowers New York 1962
BB 59-5246Descriptive bibliographyG. Thomas Tanselle Charlottesville 2020
BB 59-5305Incunabula and Americana 1450 - 1800Margaret Bingham Stillwell New York 1961
BB 59-5310Copy and print in the NetherlandsBy Wytze Gs Hellinga ; with introductory essays by H. de la Fontaine Verwey and G. W. Ovink Amsterdam 1962
BB 59-5330Bibliography and textual criticismBy Fredson Bowers Oxford 1966
BB 59-5345Bibliographical methodby E. W. Padwick Cambridge [u.a.] 1969
BB 59-5346The function of bibliographyRoy Stokes Aldershot 1982
BB 59-5350Bibliographie matérielle et critique textuelle vers une collaborationWallace Kirsop Paris 1970
BB 59-5352A workbook of analytical & descriptive bibliographyM. J. Pearce ba ala Department of libraianship, leeds polytechnic London 1970
BB 59-5360Introduction à la textologiepar Roger Laufer Paris 1972
BB 59-5373Standards of bibliographical descriptionby Curt F. Bühler; James G. McManaway; Lawrence C. Wroth Westport, Conn. 1973
BB 59-5374Computers and early books London 1974
BB 59-5375Bibliographyby Paul S. Dunkin London [u.a.] 1975
BB 59-5377Analytische DruckforschungMartin Boghardt Hamburg 1977
BB 59-5379Selected studies in bibliographyTanselle, G(eorge) Thomas Charlottesville 1979
BB 59-5380.10Textual criticism and scholarly editingG. Thomas Tanselle Charlottesville u.a. 1993
BB 59-5381Censimento delle edizioni italiane del XVI secoloIstituto centrale per il Catalogo unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni bibliografiche; Laboratorio per la bibliografia retrospettiva Roma 1980
BB 59-5382La bibliographie matérielleGiles Barber ... Présentée par Roger Laufer Paris 1983
BB 59-5383Manuscripts in the fifty years after the invention of printinged. by J. B. Trapp London 1983
BB 59-5384Nouvelles des empreintesInstitut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) in assoc. with the National Library of Scotland Paris 1981
BB 59-5384.1:1 1981
BB 59-5384.1:2 1985
BB 59-5384:1Fingerprints: 1 Manual Paris 1984
BB 59-5384:2Fingerprints: 2 Examples Paris 1984
BB 59-5384:3FingerprintsDeutsches Bibliotheksinstitut. Übersetzt und eingeleitet von Wolfgang Müller Berlin 1992
BB 59-5385Bibliography and the sociology of textsD. F. McKenzie London 1986
BB 59-5386:1Trasmissione dei testi a stampa nel periodo moderno: [1] I seminario internazionale, Roma, 23-26 marzo 1983 Roma 1985
BB 59-5386:2Trasmissione dei testi a stampa nel periodo moderno: 2 Il Seminario internazionale Roma-Viterbo, 27-29 giugno 1985 Roma 1987
BB 59-5387A critique of modern textual criticismJerome John McGann Chicago [u.a.] 1983
BB 59-5388Textual criticism and literary interpretationJerome J. MacGann [Hrsg.] Chicago u.a. 1985
BB 59-5389An introduction to bibliographical and textual studiesby William Proctor Williams and Craig S. Abbott New York 1985
BB 59-5390Filologia dei testi a stampaa cura di Pasquale Stoppelli Bologna 1987
BB 59-5393A description of descriptive bibliographyG. Thomas Tanselle Washington 1992
BB 59-5394Cataloging of the hand pressprepared by Henry L. Snyder and Heidi L. Hutchinson München [u.a.] 1994
BB 59-5395Literature and artifactsG. Thomas Tanselle Charlottesville, Va. 1998
BB 59-5400Saggi di bibliografia testualeConor Fahy Padova 1988
BB 59-5402The Bradshaw methodPaul Needham Chapel Hill, N.C. 1988
BB 59-5404Les presses grisestextes réunis par François Moureau Paris 1988
BB 59-5410Piccola iniziazione alla bibliografia materialeRoland Crahay; Marie-Thérèse Isaac Firenze 1989
BB 59-5420New directions in textual studiesed. by Dave Oliphant ... Austin 1990
BB 59-5460Le edizioni dei testi filosofici e scientifici del '500 e del '600a cura di G(uido) Canziani e G(ianni) Paganini Milano 1986
BB 59-5470Textual scholarshipD.C. Greetham New York/London 1994
BB 59-5494Rationalisierung der Buchherstellung im Mittelalter und in der frühen NeuzeitInstitut für Historische Hilfswissenschaften. Mit Beitr. von U. Baurmeister ... [Geleitet von Peter Rück und Martin Boghardt] Marburg an der Lahn 1994
BB 59-5496Manuale del libro anticoGiuseppina Zappella; presentazione di Romeo De Maio Milano 1996
