
Signaturbereich: KA 75-7000 bis 7500

KA 75-7005Catalogue des bibliographies géologiques: Vol. 1 Amsterdam 1966
KA 75-7005Catalogue des bibliographies géologiques: Vol. 2 Amsterdam 1966
KA 75-7010The earth sciencesRoy Porter New York [u.a.] 1983
KA 75-7050:1Geologists and the history of geology: Vol. 1 Introduction. General histories of science, of geology and its subdivisions, and of allied sciences. Historical accounts of institutions concerned with geology. Histories of the petroleum industry. Accounts of geological events Malabar, Fla. 1980
KA 75-7050:2Geologists and the history of geology: Vol. 2 The individual geologists, A - K Malabar, Fla. 1980
KA 75-7050:3Geologists and the history of geology: Vol. 3 The individual geologists, L - Z. Prospectors, diviners and mining engineers Malabar, Fla. 1980
KA 75-7050:4Geologists and the history of geology: Vol. 4 Geologists indexed by country and specialty Malabar, Fla. 1980
KA 75-7050:5Geologists and the history of geology: Vol. 5 Index of authors, editors and translators. Appendix Malabar, Fla. 1980
KA 75-7050:Suppl.1,1Geologists and the history of geology: Suppl. [1] Bibliography Malabar, Fla. 1987
KA 75-7050:Suppl.1,2Geologists and the history of geology: Suppl. [1] Index Malabar, Fla. 1987
KA 75-7195Geology emergingDederick C. Ward; Albert V. Carozzi Urbana-Champaign, Ill. 1984
KA 75-7300Schriftenverzeichnis des Institutes für Bergbaukunde, Bergtechnik und Bergwirtschaft, 1840 - 1993Georg L. F. Wöber Leoben 1993
KA 75-7450:1Bibliographie der in der DDR zur Geschichte der Geologie, Mineralogie, Geophysik und Paläontologie vorgelegten Arbeiten: [1] 1970 - 1976 Freiberg 1978
KA 75-7450:2Bibliographie der in der DDR zur Geschichte der Geologie, Mineralogie, Geophysik und Paläontologie vorgelegten Arbeiten: [2] 1977 - 1982 Freiberg 1984
