
Signaturbereich: TH 01-3000 bis 8999

TH 01-3000:1The Oxford encyclopedia of politics and religion: volume 1 A-HPaul A. Djupe, Mark J. Rozell, Ted G. Jelen, editors in chief New York 2020
TH 01-3000:2The Oxford encyclopedia of politics and religion: volume 2 I-PPaul A. Djupe, Mark J. Rozell, Ted G. Jelen, editors in chief New York 2020
TH 01-3000:3The Oxford encyclopedia of politics and religion: volume 3 R-WPaul A. Djupe, Mark J. Rozell, Ted G. Jelen, editors in chief New York 2020
TH 01-5050:1Religionen des Alten Orients: Teil 1 Hethiter und Iran Göttingen [u.a.] 2011
TH 01-5300HinduismusKlaus Klostermaier Köln 1965
TH 01-5301Der HinduismusAxel Michaels München 1998
TH 01-5302:1Handbook of oriental studies: Vol. 1 Regions, pilgrimage, deities Leiden [u.a.] 2009
TH 01-5302:2Handbook of oriental studies: Vol. 2 Sacred texts and languages, ritual traditions, arts, concepts Leiden [u.a.] 2010
TH 01-5302:3Handbook of oriental studies: Vol. 3 Society, religious specialists, religious traditions, philosoph Leiden [u.a.] 2011
TH 01-5302:4Handbook of oriental studies: Vol. 4 Historical perspectives, poets, teachers, and saints, relation to other religions and traditions, Hinduism and contemporary issues Leiden [u.a.] 2012
TH 01-5302:5Handbook of oriental studies: Vol. 5 Religious symbols, Hinduism and migration: contemporary communities outside South Asiaed. by Knut A. Jacobsen. Assoc. ed. Helene Basu Leiden [u.a.] 2013
TH 01-5302:6Handbook of oriental studies: Volume 6 Indexassociate editors Helene Basu, Angelika Malinar, Vasudha Narayanan Leiden/Boston 2015
TH 01-5310Der Buddhismusmit Beitr. von Heinz Bechert ... Hrsg. von Heinz Bechert ... München 1989
TH 01-5311Handbuch BuddhismusHans Wolfgang Schumann Kreuzlingen/München 2000
TH 01-5312Buddhistisches Wörterbuchvon Nyanatiloka Stammbach 1999
TH 01-5313Dictionnaire encyclopédique du BouddhismePhilippe Cornu Paris 2001
TH 01-5314Das ewige RadManfred Hutter Graz/Wien/Köln 2001
TH 01-5315 Einführung in den BuddhismusMichael von Brück Frankfurt am Main/Leipzig 2007
TH 01-5316The Princeton dictionary of BuddhismRobert E. Buswell Jr. and Donald S. Lopez Jr. ; with the assistance of Juhn Ahn, J. Wayne Bass, William Chu, Amanda Goodman, Hyoung Seok Ham, Seong-Uk Kim, Sumi Lee, Patrick Pranke, Andrew Quintman, Gareth Sparham, Maya Stiller, Harumi Ziegler Princeton/Oxford 2014
TH 01-5330The BuddhaPhilip C. Almond, The University of Queensland Cambridge 2024
TH 01-5350:2Handbook of oriental studies: volume 2 Liveseditors: Richard Bowring, Vincent Eltschinger, Michael Radich ; editorial advisory board: Lucia Dolce [und 4 weitere] Leiden/Boston 2019
TH 01-5431Der BuddhismusHelwig Schmidt-Glintzer München 2007
TH 01-5432Wohlstand, Glück und langes LebenHelwig Schmidt-Glintzer Frankfurt am Main/Leipzig 2009
TH 01-5501Der KoranÜbers. von Rudi Paret Stuttgart [u.a.] 1966
TH 01-5502Der Koranvon Rudi Paret Stuttgart [u.a.] 1971
TH 01-5504 Der Koranvollst. und neu übers. von Ahmad Milad Karimi. Mit einer Einf. hrsg. von Bernhard Uhde Freiburg im Breisgau [u.a.] 2009
TH 01-5505Der edle Qurʾān und die Übersetzung seiner Bedeutungen in die deutsche SpracheÜbers.: Scheich Abdullāh as-Sāmit; Frank Bubenheim ... al-Madīna al-Munauwara 2002
TH 01-5506 Der Koran München 2010
TH 01-5507:1Der Koran: Band 1 Frühmekkanische Suren Berlin 2011
TH 01-5507:2,1Der Koran: Band 2/1 Frühmittelmekkanische SurenHandkommentar mit Übersetzung von Angelika Neuwirth Berlin 2017
TH 01-5507:2,2Der Koran: Band 2/2 Spätmittelmekkanische SurenHandkommentar mit Übersetzung von Angelika Neuwirth und Dirk Hartwig Berlin 2021
TH 01-5508Mohammed und der KoranRudi Paret Stuttgart [u.a.] 1991
TH 01-5510 Eine Einführung in die KoranwissenschaftenDorothea Krawulsky Bern/Berlin/Frankfurt am Main [u.a.] 2006
TH 01-5511Koran-LexikonBernhard Maier Stuttgart 2001
TH 01-5512Der Koran als Text der SpätantikeAngelika Neuwirth Berlin 2010
TH 01-5513Die Bibel im KoranKarl-Josef Kuschel Ostfildern 2017
TH 01-5514Koran und BibelWolfgang Reinbold Göttingen 2022
TH 01-5515Der Sohn MariasMartin Bauschke Darmstadt 2013
TH 01-5550: 12, Suppl.The encyclopaedia of Islam: Vol. 12 Supplemented. by P. J. Bearman ... Leiden 2004
TH 01-5550:9The encyclopaedia of Islam: Vol. 9 San - Szeed. by C. E. Bosworth ... Leiden 1997
TH 01-5570Die Welt des IslamAnnemarie Schimmel Solothurn/Düsseldorf 1995
TH 01-5574Der Islamerschlossen und kommentiert von Peter Heine Düsseldorf 2007
TH 01-5575:1The new Cambridge history of Islam: volume 1 The formation of the Islamic worldedited by Chase F. Robinson Cambridge/New York,NY/Melboure/New Delhi/Singapore 2010
TH 01-5575:2The new Cambridge history of Islam: volume 2 The western Islamic worldedited by Maribel Fierro Cambridge/New York,NY/Melboure/New Delhi/Singapore 2010
TH 01-5575:3The new Cambridge history of Islam: volume 3 The eastern Islamic worldedited by David O. Morgan and Anthony Reid Cambridge/New York,NY/Melboure/New Delhi/Singapore 2010
TH 01-5575:4The new Cambridge history of Islam: volume 4 Islamic cultures and societies to the end of the eighteenth centuryedited by Robert Irwin Cambridge/New York,NY/Melboure/New Delhi/Singapore 2010
TH 01-5575:5The new Cambridge history of Islam: volume 5 The Islamic world in the age of western dominanceedited by Francis Robinson Cambridge/New York,NY/Melboure/New Delhi/Singapore 2010
TH 01-5575:6The new Cambridge history of Islam: volume 6 Muslims and modernityedited by Robert W. Hefner Cambridge/New York,NY/Melboure/New Delhi/Singapore 2010
TH 01-5576Der IslamKarl Jaroš Wien/Köln/Weimar 2012
TH 01-5577Was ist der Islam?von Tilman Nagel Berlin 2018
TH 01-5578The Oxford handbook of Islamic theologyedited by Sabine Schmidtke Oxford, United Kingdom/New York, NY 2016
TH 01-5604MohammedTilman Nagel München 2008
TH 01-5605 MohammedTilman Nagel München 2010
TH 01-5606The Cambridge companion to Muḥammaded. by Jonathan E. Brockopp Cambridge [u.a.] 2010
TH 01-5650:1Christian-Muslim relations: Vol. 1 (600 - 900)ed. by David Thomas and Barbara Roggema with Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala ... Leiden [u.a.] 2009
TH 01-5650:10Christian-Muslim relations: Volume 10 Ottoman and Safavid empires (1600-1700)edited by David Thomas and John Chesworth with Lejla Demiri, Emma Gaze Loghin, Claire Norton, Radu Păun, Reza Pourjavady, Umar Ryad, Carsten Walbiner Leiden/Boston 2017
TH 01-5650:11Christian-Muslim relations: Volume 11 South and East Asia, Africa and the Americas (1600-1700)edited by David Thomas and John Chesworth with Clinton Bennett, Lejla Demiri, Martha Fredericks, Stanisław Grodź, Douglas Pratt Leiden/Boston 2017
TH 01-5650:12Christian-Muslim relations: Volume 12 Asia, Africa and the Americas (1700-1800)edited by David Thomas and John Chesworth with Jaco Beyers, Karoline Cook, Lejla Demiri [und 11 andere] Leiden/Boston [u.a.] 2018
TH 01-5650:13Christian-Muslim relations: Volume 13 Western Europe (1700-1800)edited by David Thomas and John Chesworth with Clinton Bennett [und 8 andere] Leiden/Boston 2019
TH 01-5650:14Christian-Muslim relations: volume 14 Central and Eastern Europe (1700-1800)edited by David Thomas and John Chesworth ; with Stanisław Grodź [und 4 anderen] Leiden/Boston 2020
TH 01-5650:15Christian-Muslim relations: volume 15 Thematic essays (600-1600)edited by Douglas Pratt and Charles Tieszen ; with David Thomas and John Chesworth Leiden/Boston 2020
TH 01-5650:16Christian-Muslim relations: volume 16 North America, South-East Asia, China, Japan and Australasia (1800-1914)edited by David Thomas and John Chesworth ; with David D. Grafton, Douglas Pratt, Peter Riddell Leiden/Boston 2020
TH 01-5650:17Christian-Muslim relations: volume 17 Great Britain, the Netherlands and Scandinavia (1800-1914)edited by David Thomas and John Chesworth ; with Clinton Bennett, Douglas Pratt, Karel Steenbrink Leiden/Boston 2021
TH 01-5650:18Christian-Muslim relations: volume 18 The Ottoman Empire (1800-1914)edited by David Thomas and John Chesworth ; with Lejla Demiri, Claire Norton, Douglas Pratt, Umar Ryad, Carsten Walbiner Leiden/Boston 2021
TH 01-5650:19Christian-Muslim relations: Volume 19 Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America (1800-1914)edited by David Thomas and John Chesworth ; with Jaco Beyers, Martha Frederiks, David D. Grafton, Arely Medina, Diego Melo Carrasco, Douglas Pratt Leiden/Boston 2022
TH 01-5650:2Christian-Muslim relations: Vol. 2 (900 - 1050)ed. by David Thomas and Alex Mallett with Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala ... Leiden [u.a.] 2010
TH 01-5650:20Christian-Muslim relations: Volume 20 Iran, Afghanistan and the Caucasus (1800-1914)edited by David Thomas, John Chesworth ; with Reza Pourjavady and Douglas Pratt Leiden/Boston 2023
TH 01-5650:21Christian-Muslim relations: Volume 21 South-Western Europe (1800-1914)edited by David Thomas and John Chesworth Leiden/Boston 2024
TH 01-5650:3Christian-Muslim relations: Vol. 3 (1050 - 1200)ed. by David Thomas and Barbara Roggema with Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala ... Leiden [u.a.] 2011
TH 01-5650:4Christian-Muslim relations: Vol. 4 (1200 - 1350)ed. by David Thomas and Alex Mallett with Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala ... Leiden [u.a.] 2012
TH 01-5650:5Christian-Muslim relations: Vol. 5 (1350 - 1500)ed. by David Thomas and Alex Mallett with Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala ... Leiden [u.a.] 2013
TH 01-5650:6Christian-Muslim relations: Volume 6 Western Europe (1500-1600)edited by David Thomas and John Chesworth with John Azumah, Stanisław Grodź, Andrew Newman, Douglas Pratt Leiden/Boston 2014
TH 01-5650:7Christian-Muslim relations: Volume 7 Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and South America (1500-1600)edited by David Thomas and John Chesworth with John Azumah, Stanisław Grodź, Andrew Newman, Douglas Pratt Leiden/Boston/Leiden [u.a.] 2015
TH 01-5650:8Christian-Muslim relations: Volume 8 Northern and Eastern Europe (1600-1700)edited by David Thomas and John Chesworth with Clinton Bennett, Lejla Demiri, Martha Fredericks, Stanisław Grodź, Douglas Pratt Leiden/Boston 2016
TH 01-5650:9Christian-Muslim relations: Volume 9 Western and southern Europe (1600-1700)edited by David Thomas and John Chesworth with Luis F. Bernabé Pons, Stanisław Grodź, Emma Gaze Loghin, Radu Păun, Mehdi Sajid, Davide Tacchini, Ann Thomson Leiden/Boston 2017
TH 01-5651Routledge handbook on Christian-Muslim relationsedited by David Thomas London/New York, NY 2018
TH 01-5660:1Christian-Muslim relations: Volume 1 600-1500edited by David Thomas with Graham Barrett, Thomas A. Carlson, John Chesworth, Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala, Johannes Pahlitzsch London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney 2023
TH 01-5660:2Christian-Muslim relations: Volume 2 1500-1700edited by Martha T. Frederiks, Clinton Bennett, Luis Barnabé Pons, John Chesworth, Stanisław Grodź, Douglas Pratt, David Thomas London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney 2023
TH 01-5660:3Christian-Muslim relations: Volume 3 1700-1914edited by Clinton Bennett with John Chesworth, Martha Frederiks, David D. Grafton, Stanisław Grodź, Douglas Pratt, Umar Ryad, David Thomas London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney 2023
TH 01-5700:1Die Religion der Griechen: Bd. 1 Von den Anfängen bis Hesiod Berlin 1963
TH 01-5700:2Die Religion der Griechen: Bd. 2 Die Hochblüte bis zum Ausgange des 5. Jahrhunderts Berlin 1963
TH 01-5700:3Die Religion der Griechen: Bd. 3 Von Platon bis Kaiser Julian Berlin 1963
TH 01-5710 Die griechisch-römische ReligionPaul Veyne. Aus dem Franz. übers. von Ursula Blank-Sangmeister unter Mitarb. von Anna Raupach. Mit einem Geleitw. von Christian Meier Stuttgart 2008
TH 01-5715PantheonJörg Rüpke München 2016
TH 01-5801Aus altrömischen PriesterbüchernEduard Norden. Mit einem Nachw. von John Scheid Stuttgart [u.a.] 1995
TH 01-5803A companion to Roman religionedited by Jörg Rüpke Oxford 2011
TH 01-5804Römische Religion in republikanischer ZeitJörg Rüpke Darmstadt 2014
TH 01-5850 Religiöse Philosophie und philosophische Religion der frühen Kaiserzeithrsg. von Rainer Hirsch-Luipold ... Tübingen 2009
TH 01-5860Gottes KörperChristoph Markschies München 2016
TH 01-5900Die Religion der GermanenBernhard Maier München 2003
TH 01-7000Religionsgeschichte Israels in alttestamentlicher ZeitRainer Albertz Göttingen 1992
TH 01-7001:1The encyclopaedia of Judaism: Vol. 1 A - I Leiden [u.a.] 2000
TH 01-7001:2The encyclopaedia of Judaism: Vol. 2 J - O Leiden [u.a.] 2000
TH 01-7001:3The encyclopaedia of Judaism: Vol. 3 P - Z Leiden [u.a.] 2000
TH 01-7001:4The encyclopaedia of Judaism: Vol. 4 = Suppl. 1 Leiden [u.a.] 2003
TH 01-7001:5The encyclopaedia of Judaism: Vol. 5 = Suppl. 2 Leiden [u.a.] 2004
TH 01-7002:1 Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic world: Vol. 1 A - C Leiden [u.a.] 2010
TH 01-7002:2 Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic world: Vol. 2 D - I Leiden [u.a.] 2010
TH 01-7002:3Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic world: Vol. 3 J - O Leiden [u.a.] 2010
TH 01-7002:4Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic world: Vol. 4 P - Z Leiden [u.a.] 2010
TH 01-7002:5Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic world: Vol. 5 Index and resources Leiden [u.a.] 2010
TH 01-7003A history of Jewish-Muslim relationsedited by Abdelwahab Meddeb and Benjamin Stora ; translated by Jane Marie Todd and Michael B. Smith Princeton/Oxford 2013
TH 01-7004The Routledge handbook of Muslim-Jewish relationsJosef Meri New York/London 2016
TH 01-7005:1Biblische Enzyklopädie: Bd. 1 Die Vorgeschichte IsraelsNiels Peter Lemche Stuttgart [u.a.] 1996
TH 01-7005:10 Biblische Enzyklopädie: Bd. 10 Jesus und seine ZeitWolfgang Stegemann Stuttgart 2010
TH 01-7005:2Biblische Enzyklopädie: Bd. 2 Die Entstehung Israels im 12. und 11. Jahrhundert v. Chr.Volkmar Fritz Stuttgart [u.a.] 1996
TH 01-7005:3Biblische Enzyklopädie: Bd. 3 Die frühe Königszeit in IsraelWalter Dietrich Stuttgart [u.a.] 1997
TH 01-7005:5Biblische Enzyklopädie: Bd. 5 Die Königreiche Israel und Juda im 8. und 7. Jahrhundert v. Chr.Antoon Schoors Stuttgart [u.a.] 1998
TH 01-7005:7Biblische Enzyklopädie: Bd. 7 Die ExilszeitRainer Albertz Stuttgart/Berlin/Köln 2001
TH 01-7005:8Biblische Enzyklopädie: Bd. 8 Israel in der PerserzeitErhard S. Gerstenberger Stuttgart 2005
TH 01-7005:9Biblische Enzyklopädie: Bd. 9 Das hellenistische ZeitalterErnst Haag Stuttgart 2003
TH 01-7006Geschichte IsraelsChristian Frevel Stuttgart 2016
TH 01-7010 Einführung in die jiddische Sprache und KulturMarion Aptroot und Holger Nath Hamburg 2002
TH 01-7050The Eerdmans dictionary of early Judaismedited by John J. Collins and Daniel C. Harlow Grand Rapids, Michigan/Cambridge, U.K. 2010
TH 01-7100The Cambridge guide to Jewish history, religion, and cultureed. by Judith R. Baskin; Kenneth Seeskin Cambridge [u.a.] 2010
TH 01-7101The Oxford dictionary of the Jewish religioneditor in chief Adele Berlin ; senior editor Maxine Grossmann Oxford/New York 2011
TH 01-7102The Oxford handbook of Jewish studiesed. by Martin Goodman. Assoc. ed. Jeremy Cohen and David Sorkin Oxford [u.a.] 2005
TH 01-7103The Wiley-Blackwell history of Jews and Judaismed. by Alan T. Levenson Malden, Mass. [u.a.] 2012
TH 01-7104Handbuch jüdische StudienChristina von Braun, Micha Brumlik (Hg.) Wien/Köln 2021
TH 01-7200Handbook of Jewish literature from Late AntiquityEyal Ben-Eliyahu; Yehudah Cohn; Fergus Millar. With a foreword by Philip Alexander Oxford [u.a.] 2012
TH 01-7300Geschichte der jüdischen ReligionJohann Maier Freiburg im Breisgau/Basel/Wien 1992
TH 01-7301Judentum von A bis ZJohann Maier Freiburg i. Br./Basel/Wien 2001
TH 01-7305TanachHanna Liss. In Zsarb. mit Annette M. Böckler ... Heidelberg 2011
TH 01-7310Einführung in die JudaistikGünter Stemberger München 2002
TH 01-7500Christen und JudenMartin H. Jung Darmstadt 2008
TH 01-7505Anti-JudaismusDavid Nirenberg ; aus dem Englischen von Martin Richter München 2015
TH 01-7506Kurze Geschichte des AntisemitismusPeter Schäfer München 2020
TH 01-7820Protestantismus, Antijudaismus, Antisemitismusherausgegeben von Dorothea Wendebourg, Andreas Stegmann und Martin Ohst Tübingen 2017
TH 28-6951:1Handbuch der Orientalistik: Vol. 1 635 - 1800ed. by Nicolas Standaert Leiden [u.a.] 2001
TH 28-6951:2Handbook of oriental studies: Vol. 2 1800 to the presented. by R. G. Tiedemann Leiden [u.a.] 2010
TH 90-1001Kritik der Religionhrsg. von Ingolf U. Dalferth ... Tübingen 2006
