
Signaturbereich: KA 75-8000 bis 8999

KA 75-8020Thesaurus literaturae botanicae omnium gentium inde a rerum botanicarum initiis ad nostra usque temporaGeorg A. Pritzel Königstein/Ts. 1972
KA 75-8022Guide to the literature of botanyby Benjamin Daydon Jackson, Secretary of the Linnean Society Koenigstein 1974
KA 75-8050:1Botanische Einblattdrucke und Flugschriften vor 1800: Bd. 1 Getreide, Kornregen, Blutalgen, Weinrebe Stuttgart 2001
KA 75-8050:2Botanische Einblattdrucke und Flugschriften vor 1800: Bd. 2 Wundergestalt, Missbildungen, exotische Pflanzen Stuttgart 2001
KA 75-8200:1British botanical and horticultural literature before 1800: 1 The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries London 1975
KA 75-8200:2British botanical and horticultural literature before 1800: 2 The eighteenth century London 1975
KA 75-8200:3British botanical and horticultural literature before 1800: 3 The eighteenth century London 1975
KA 75-8210:1British botanical and horticultural literature before 1800: 1 The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries London/Oxforf/New York 1999
KA 75-8210:2British botanical and horticultural literature before 1800: 2 The eighteenth century London/Oxford/New York 1999
KA 75-8210:3British botanical and horticultural literature before 1800: 3 The eighteenth century London/Oxford/Nerw York 1999
KA 75-8270La botanica in ItaliaPier Andrea Saccardo Bologna 1971
KA 75-8295Paradisus BatavusJ. Kuijlen; C[arla] S. Oldenburger-Ebbers; D. O. Wijnands Wageningen 1983
KA 75-8420Ouvrages botaniques anciensdressé et publié sous la dir. de Hervé M. Burdet. Avec la collab. de Marianne Tsioli-Ray ... Genève 1985
KA 75-8440:1Author catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library Kew, England: Vol. 1 A - C Boston, Mass. 1974
KA 75-8440:2Author catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library Kew, England: Vol. 2 D - Hi Boston, Mass. 1974
KA 75-8440:3Author catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library Kew, England: Vol. 3 Hj - Mik Boston, Mass. 1974
KA 75-8440:4Author catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library Kew, England: Vol. 4 Mil - Sch Boston, Mass. 1974
KA 75-8440:5Author catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library Kew, England: Vol. 5 Sci - Z Boston, Mass. 1974
KA 75-8441:1Classified catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library Kew, England: Vol. 1 Bibliography Boston, Mass. 1974
KA 75-8441:2Classified catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library Kew, England: Vol. 2 180 - 581.53 Boston, Mass. 1974
KA 75-8441:3Classified catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library Kew, England: Vol. 3 581.54 - 950 Boston, Mass. 1974
KA 75-8441:4Classified catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library Kew, England: Vol. 4 Flora, travel, geographic index, subject index Boston, Mass. 1974
KA 75-8465:1Catalogue of the botanical art collection at the Hunt Institute: 1 Plant portraits, artists A - D Pittsburgh, Pa. 1985
KA 75-8465:2Catalogue of the botanical art collection at the Hunt Institute: 2 Plant portraits, artists E - G Pittsburgh, Pa. 1987
KA 75-8465:3Catalogue of the botanical art collection at the Hunt Institute: 3 Plant portraits, artists H Pittsburgh, Pa. 1988
KA 75-8465:4Catalogue of the botanical art collection at the Hunt Institute: 4 Plant potraits, artists I - O Pittsburgh, Pa. 1991
KA 75-8465:5Catalogue of the botanical art collection at the Hunt Institute: Part 5 Plant portrais, artists P - S Pittsburgh, Pa. 1994
KA 75-8465:6Catalogue of the botanical art collection at the Hunt Institute: Part 6 Plant portraits, artists T - Z and unknown Pittsburgh, Pa. 1995
KA 75-8465:7Catalogue of the botanical art collection at the Hunt Institute: Part 7 Decorative, horticultural and non-botanical subjects. Supplement to parts 1 - 6, plant portraits Pittsburgh, Pa. 1998
KA 75-8465:8Catalogue of the botanical art collection at the Hunt Institute: Part 8 Indey by higher taxa to parts 1 - 6, and supplement, plant portraits Pittsburgh, Pa. 1998
KA 75-8465:9Catalogue of the botanical art collection at the Hunt Institute: Part 9 Index by genera to parts 1 - 6, and supplement, plant portraits Pittsburgh, Pa. 1998
KA 75-8920Great flower booksby Sacheverell Sitwell and Wilfrid Blunt. The bibliography ed. by Patrick M[illington] Synge and comp. by W[illiam] T[homas] Stearn ..., with a foreword by S[idney] Dillon Ripley New York 1990
KA 75-8950Rose booksK. L. Stock Milton Keynes 1984
