AL Altertumswissenschaften
AN Anglistik
BB Buch- und Bibliothekswesen
GE Germanische Sprachen und Literaturen
GK Geographie und Kartographie
GS Geschichte
HS Handbibliothek des Handschriftenlesesaals
KA Allgemeine Bibliographien, Fachbibliographien, allgemeine Nachschlagewerke
KS Kunst
LI Allgemeine Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
ME Medizin
MW Musikwissenschaft
NT Naturwissenschaft und Technik
OA Slawische, orientalische, ostasiatische und afrikanische Sprachen und Literaturen
PH Philosophie und Psychologie
PT Politologie
RO Romanistik
RV Rechtswissenschaft
TH Theologie und Religionswissenschaften
TW Theaterwissenschaften
WB Wissenschafts- und Bildungsgeschichte
WS Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte
A Augusteer
H Helmstedt
M Mittlere Aufstellung
Einzelne Sammlungen I
Einzelne Sammlungen II
Retrospektive Erschließung
Signaturbereich: HS 14-9000 bis 9399
HS 14-9015
The word of God
Wilfrid Lockwood
Dublin 1987
HS 14-9016
Latin psalter manuscripts in Trinity College Dublin and the Chester Beatty Library
Laura Cleaver and Helen Conrad O'Briain
Dublin 2015
HS 14-9020
Elaine Wright
London 2009
HS 14-9030
Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in King's Inns Library Dublin
Pádraig de Brún
Dublin 1972
HS 14-9040:1
Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 1 Mss. G 1 - G 14
Dublin 1967
HS 14-9040:10
Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 10 Mss. G 434 - G 500
Dublin 1987
HS 14-9040:11
Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 11 Mss. G 501 - G 599
Pádraig Ó Macháin
Dublin 1990
HS 14-9040:12
Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 12 Mss. G 600 - G 699
Dublin 1990
HS 14-9040:13
Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 13 Mss. G 700 - G 773
Dublin 1996
HS 14-9040:2
Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 2 Mss. G 15 - G 69
Dublin 1961
HS 14-9040:3
Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 3 Mss. G 70 - G 114
Dublin 1976
HS 14-9040:4
Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 4 Mss. G 115 - G 160
Dublin 1977
HS 14-9040:5
Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 5 Mss. G 161 - G 207
Dublin 1979
HS 14-9040:6
Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 6 Mss. G 208 - G 257
Dublin 1980
HS 14-9040:7
Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 7 Mss. G 258 - G 330
Dublin 1982
HS 14-9040:8
Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 8 Mss. G 331 - G 373
Dublin 1984
HS 14-9040:9
Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 9 Mss. G 374 - G 433
Dublin 1986
HS 14-9045
Treasures of the Royal Irish Academy Library
ed. by Bernadette Cunningham and Siobhan Fitzpatrick
Dublin 2009
HS 14-9050
Treasures of the Library, Trinity College Dublin
Ed. by Peter Fox
Dublin 1986
HS 14-9051
Treasures of Trinity College, Dublin
London 1961
HS 14-9060
Catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Trinity College, Dublin
Thomas Kingsmill Abbott
Hildesheim [u.a.] 1980
HS 14-9065:1
Descriptive catalogue of the mediaeval and renaissance Latin manuscripts: 1
Aldershot 1991
HS 14-9065:2
Descriptive catalogue of the mediaeval and renaissance Latin manuscripts: 2
Aldershot 1991
HS 14-9075
The book of Kells
selected and introd. by Peter Brown
London 1984
HS 14-9077
Das Book of Kells
vorgestellt von Bernard Meehan. [Aus dem Engl. von Magda Moses und Bram Opstelten]
London 1995
HS 14-9080
The Book of Kells
ed. by Felicity O'Mahony
Aldershot [u.a.] 1994
HS 14-9082
The book of Kells
Carol Farr
London [u.a.] 1997
HS 14-9083
Word and image in the Book of Kells
Heather Pulliam
Dublin [u.a.] 2006
HS 14-9084
Book of Kells
Bernard Meehan. Aus dem Engl. von Yvonne El Saman
Freiburg/Basel/Wien 2012
HS 14-9200
The medieval manuscripts of Christ Church cathedral, Dublin
Raymond Gillespie & Raymond Refaussé, eds
Dublin [u.a.] 2006