
Signaturbereich: TH 06-9400 bis 9499

TH 06-9401Wyclif in his timesed. by Anthony Kenny Oxford [u.a.] 1986
TH 06-9404De scientia deiJohn Wyclif ; edited by Luigi Campi ; published for The British Academy Oxford 2017
TH 06-9405Tractatus de universalibus: 2 Text transl. by Anthony Kenny. With an introd. by Paul Vincent Spade Oxford 1985
TH 06-9406Johannis Wyclif Summa insolubiliumed. with an introd. by Paul Vincent Spade ... Binghamton, NY [u.a.] 1986
TH 06-9407:1English Wycliffite sermons: Vol. 1 ed. by Anne Hudson Oxford 1990
TH 06-9407:2English Wycliffite sermons: Vol. 2 ed. by Pamela Gradon Oxford 1988
TH 06-9407:3English Wycliffite sermons: Vol. 3 ed. by Anne Hudson Oxford 1990
TH 06-9407:4English Wycliffite sermons: Vol. 4 ed. by Pamela Gradon and Anne Hudson Oxford 1996
TH 06-9407:5English Wycliffite sermons: Vol. 5 ed. by Pamela Gradon and Anne Hudson Oxford 1996
TH 06-9408Two Wycliffite textsed. by Anne Hudson Oxford [u.a.] 1993
TH 06-9410Wyclifs Bibelkommentarvon Gustav Adolf Benrath Berlin 1966
TH 06-9411The Wyclyf traditionVaclav Mudroch. [Hrsg.] Albert C. Reeves Athens, Ohio 1979
TH 06-9414 A companion to John Wyclifed. by Ian Christopher Levy Leiden [u.a.] 2006
TH 06-9420From Ockham to Wyclifed. by Anne Hudson and Michael Wilks Oxford 1987
TH 06-9422 Wyclif and the Oxford schoolsby J. A. Robson Cambridge [u.a.] 2008
TH 06-9450Tractatus de universalibus: 1 Text ed. by Ivan J. Mueller Oxford 1985
