
Signaturbereich: AN 19-0000 bis 9999

AN 19-1375Die Theorie literarischer Gattungen in der englischen AufklärungBernd-Peter Lange München 1979
AN 19-1380The three genres and the interpretation of lyricWilliam Elford Rogers Princeton, NJ [u.a.] 1983
AN 19-1390Forms of reflectionDavid Hill Radcliffe Baltimore [u.a.] 1993
AN 19-2000:1The common touch: volume 1 Popular literature from the Elizabethans to the Restorationedited by Paul A. Scanlon and Adrian Roscoe Newcastle upon Tyne 2014
AN 19-2000:2The common touch: volume 2 Popular literature from 1660 to the mid-eighteenth centuryPaul A. Scanlon and Adrian Roscoe Newcastle upon Tyne 2017
