
Signaturbereich: AN 22-0000 bis 9999

AN 22-1030Second world and green worldHarry Berger. Selected and arranged with an introd. by John Patrick Lynch Berkeley, Calif. [u.a.] 1988
AN 22-1035Vorformen des Romans in der englischen erzählenden Prosa des 16. JahrhundertsKarl Ludwig Klein Heidelberg 1969
AN 22-1040English prose fiction, 1558-1700 ; a critical historyPaul Salzman Oxford 1985
AN 22-2150Erzählstruktur und TexttheorieHannelotte Dorner-Bachmann Hildesheim, New York 1979
AN 22-3000:1The encyclopedia of the novel: Vol. 1 A - Li Chichester [u.a.] 2011
AN 22-3000:2The encyclopedia of the novel: Vol. 2 Lo - Z, index Chichester [u.a.] 2011
AN 22-3001:1The Oxford history of the novel in English: volume 1 Prose fiction in English from the origins of print to 1750edited by Thomas Keymer Oxford/New York, NY 2017
AN 22-3001:10The Oxford history of the novel in English: volume 10 The novel in South and South East Asia since 1945edited by Alex Tickell Oxford/New York, NY 2019
AN 22-3001:11The Oxford history of the novel in English: volume 11 The novel in Africa and the Caribbean since 1950edited by Simon Gikandi New York, NY 2016
AN 22-3001:12The Oxford history of the novel in English: volume 12 The novel in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the South Pacific since 1950edited by Coral Ann Howells, Paul Sharrad, and Gerry Turcotte Oxford/New York, NY 2017
AN 22-3001:2The Oxford history of the novel in English: volume 2 English and British fiction 1750-1820edited by Peter Garside and Karen O'Brien Oxford/New York, NY 2015
AN 22-3001:3The Oxford history of the novel in English: volume 3 The nineteenth-century noveledited by John Kucich and Jenny Bourne Taylor Oxford/New York 2012
AN 22-3001:4The Oxford history of the novel in English: volume 4 The reinvention of the British and Irish noveledited by Patrick Parrinder and Andrzej Gąsiorek Oxford/New York 2011
AN 22-3001:5The Oxford history of the novel in English: volume 5 The American novel to 1870edited by J. Gerald Kennedy and Leland S. Person Oxford/New York 2014
AN 22-3001:6The Oxford history of the novel in English: volume 6 The American novel 1870-1940edited by Priscilla Wald and Michael A. Elliott Oxford/New York/Auckland 2014
AN 22-3001:7The Oxford history of the novel in English: volume 7 British and Irish fiction since 1940edited by Peter Boxall and Bryan Cheyette Oxford/New York, NY 2016
AN 22-3001:8The Oxford history of the novel in English: Volume 8 American fiction since 1940edited by Cyrus R.K. Patell and Deborah Lindsay Williams Oxford 2024
AN 22-3001:9The Oxford history of the novel in English: volume 9 The world novel in English to 1950edited by Ralph Crane, Jane Stafford, and Mark Williams Oxford/New York, NY 2016
AN 22-3002The Cambridge history of the English noveled. by Robert L. Caserio and Clement Hawes Cambridge [u.a.] 2012
AN 22-3015The novelSteven Moore New York, NY [u.a.] 2010
AN 22-3025Lives of the novelistsJohn Sutherland New Haven [u.a.] 2012
AN 22-3030The Cambridge companion to English novelistsed. by Adrian Poole Cambridge [u.a.] 2009
AN 22-3110Der englische Roman vom 16. zum 19. Jahrhundertvon Kurt Otten Berlin 1971
AN 22-3120Der englische Roman bis zum Ende des 18. JahrhundertsDieter Mehl Düsseldorf [u.a.] 1977
AN 22-3150Sentimentalismus und PostsentimentalismusWolfgang Herrlinger Tübingen 1987
AN 22-3270Der englische Roman: 1 Düsseldorf 1969
AN 22-3270Der englische Roman: 2 Düsseldorf 1969
AN 22-3525Factual fictionsLennard J. Davis New York [u.a.] 1983
AN 22-3530Novel and society in Elizabethan EnglandDavid Margolies London [u.a.] 1985
AN 22-3736The Cambridge introduction to the eighteenth-century novelApril London Cambridge [u.a.] 2012
AN 22-3737The Oxford handbook of the eighteenth-century noveledited by J.A. Downie Oxford/New York, NY 2016
AN 22-3738Handbook of the British novel in the long eighteenth centuryedited by Karin Berndt and Alessa Johns Berlin/Boston 2022
AN 22-3741Der Typus des man of feelingvon Michael Gassenmeier Tübingen 1972
AN 22-3743Number and pattern in the eighteenth-century novelDouglas Brooks London [u.a.] 1973
AN 22-3745Das Groteske im englischen Roman des 18. JahrhundertsChristian W. Thomsen Darmstadt 1974
AN 22-3750Der englische Roman im 18. JahrhundertHeinz Reinhold Stuttgart [u.a.] 1978
AN 22-3752Licensing entertainmentWilliam B. Warner Berkeley, Calif. [u.a.] 1998
AN 22-3753Popular fiction before Richardsonby John J. Richetti Oxford 1992
AN 22-3756The Eighteenth-century novelHomai J. Shroff London 1983
AN 22-3757Women and property in the eighteenth-century English novelApril London Cambridge [u.a.] 1999
AN 22-3760Story and historyWilliam Ray Oxford [u.a.] 1990
AN 22-3761Sensibility and economics in the novel, 1740 - 1800Gillian Skinner Basingstoke, [u.a.] 1999
AN 22-3762Models of valueJames Thompson Durham [u.a.] 1996
AN 22-3790Mistress of the houseTim Dolin Aldershot/Brookfield USA/Singapore/Sydney 1997
AN 22-3835Der englische Roman der GegenwartRüdiger Imhof ... <Hrsg.> Tübingen 1987
AN 22-3840Der moderne englische Romanunter Mitw. von Willi Erzgräber ... hrsg. von Horst Oppel (Berlin) 1971
AN 22-3842Der historische Roman: 2 20. Jahrhundert Heidelberg 1984
AN 22-3842Der historische Roman: 1 19. Jahrhundert Heidelberg 1984
AN 22-3844Der englische Roman im 19. Jahrhundertvon Ralph Pordzik Berlin 2001
AN 22-3845Der englische Roman im 19. Jahrhundert: Interpretationen ; zu Ehren von Horst Oppelhrsg. von Paul Goetsch ... Berlin 1973
AN 22-3854Les formes de la création romanesque à l'époque de Walter Scott et de Jane Austen, 1814-1820Hubert Teyssandier Paris 1977
AN 22-3855The literature of changeJohn Lucas Hassocks, Sussex 1977
AN 22-3856Der Künstler im englischen Roman des 19. JahrhundertsRenate Noll-Wiemann Heidelberg 1977
AN 22-3857The new woman and the Victorian novelGail Cunningham London [u.a.] 1978
AN 22-3861The religion of the heartElisabeth Jay Oxford 1979
AN 22-3862Frühviktorianische SeeromaneJoachim Möller Grossen-Linden 1979
AN 22-3867The Victorian multiplot novel New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1980
AN 22-3868Vom Buch zur BühneSylvia M. Patsch Innsbruck 1980
AN 22-3869The romantic impulse in Victorian fictionDonald D. Stone Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.] 1980
AN 22-3872Die Beeinflussung des LesersNorbert H. Platz Tübingen 1986
AN 22-3915The survival of the novelNeil McEwan London [u.a.] 1983
AN 22-3920Der experimentelle englische Roman der GegenwartAnnegret Maack Darmstadt 1984
AN 22-3923Der englische Romanvon Kurt Otten Berlin 1986
AN 22-3924Der englische Romanvon Kurt Otten Berlin 1990
AN 22-4100Raum, Situation, erzählte WirklichkeitGerhard Hoffmann Stuttgart 1978
AN 22-4305Novel and romance 1700 - 1800ed. by Ioan Williams London 1970
AN 22-4340Studien zur Entstehung der englischen Romantheorie an der Wende zum 18. JahrhundertWalter F. Greiner Tübingen 1969
AN 22-5010Dreams of adventure, deeds of empireMartin Green London [u.a.] 1980
AN 22-5300Der historische Roman des 19. JahrhundertsHeinz-Joachim Müllenbrock Heidelberg 1980
AN 22-5450Der DetektivromanPaul G. Buchloh; Jens P. Becker. Mit Beitr. von Antje Wulff u. Walter T. Rix Darmstadt 1989
AN 22-5665Die RobinsonadeErhard Reckwitz Amsterdam 1976
AN 22-5685Der gotische Roman und die Ästhetik des BösenJürgen Klein Darmstadt 1975
AN 22-5688Schauerroman und DeismusFriederike Lichius Frankfurt am Main [u.a.] 1978
AN 22-5690The gothic romanceBette B. Roberts New York, N.Y. 1980
AN 22-5745Reader in a strange landPeter Ruppert Athens, Ga. [u.a.] 1986
AN 22-5750Der Science-fiction-Roman in der angloamerikanischen Literaturhrsg. von Hartmut Heuermann Düsseldorf 1986
AN 22-5751Novel machinesJospeh Drury Oxford 2017
AN 22-6550The Oxford library of classic English short stories: Vol. 2 1956-1975 Oxford [u.a.] 1990
AN 22-6550The Oxford library of classic English short stories: Vol. 1 1900-1956 Oxford [u.a.] 1990
AN 22-6655The Cambridge history of the English short storyedited by Dominic Head Cambridge, United Kingdom/New York, NY 2016
AN 22-7190Das englische Kunstmaerchen im neunzehnten JahrhundertDieter Petzold Tübingen 1981
AN 22-7510English children and their magazines, 1751-1945Kirsten Drotner New Haven [u.a.] 1988
