
Signaturbereich: HS 14-0000 bis 9999

HS 14-0033Specimina Sinaiticavon Dieter Harlfinger, Diether Roderich Reinsch, Joseph A. M. Sonderkamp. In Zsarb. mit Giancarlo Prato Berlin 1983
HS 14-0034:1The illuminated Greek manuscripts: 1 From the ninth to the twelfth century Princeton, NJ 1990
HS 14-0045An East Slavic sinodik from the SinaiMoshe Altbauer Köln [u.a.] 1992
HS 14-0060:1Manuscrits grecs enluminés des Archives Nationales de Tirana (VIe - XIVe siècles): Vol. 1 Texte Sofia 2011
HS 14-0060:2Manuscrits grecs enluminés des Archives Nationales de Tirana (VIe - XIVe siècles): Vol. 2 Album Sofia 2011
HS 14-0061Greek New Testament manuscripts from Albaniaby Didier Lafleur with the assistance of Luc Brogly Leiden/Boston 2018
HS 14-0075Manuscrits & bibliothèques musulmanes en AlgérieArab Abdelhamid Méolans-Revel 2006
HS 14-0112Medieval and renaissance illuminated manuscripts in Australian collectionsMargaret M. Manion and Vera F. Vines, with a foreword by K. V. Sinclair Melbourne [u.a.] 1984
HS 14-0114Celebrating word and image 1250 - 1600Margaret M. Manion and Charles Zika West Perth, Western Australia 2013
HS 14-0115Revealing the Rothschild Prayer Book c.1505 - 1510essay by Kay Sutton West Perth/Australian Capital Equity/Fremantle, W.A. 2015
HS 14-0116An illuminationintroduction by Margaret M. Manion West Perth, Western Australia 2015
HS 14-0230:1Antiphonaria: Vol. 1 Averbode, Dendermonde, Diest, Geel, Ghent, Tongerened. by Sarah Ann Long and Inga Behrendt Turnhout 2015
HS 14-0411Catalogue of illuminated manuscripts, Museum Plantin-Moretus, AntwerpLieve Watteeuw & Catherine Reynolds. Ed. by Jan Van der Stock Paris [u.a.] 2013
HS 14-0412Manuscripten uit het Museum Plantin-Moretus[text en selectie illustraties: Dirk Imhof. Coörd.: Marianne Thys] [Schoten] 2013
HS 14-0415Breviarium Mayer van den BerghHans Nieuwdorp; Brigitte Dekeyzer Gent 1997
HS 14-0416Layers of illusionBrigitte Dekeyzer Ghent [u.a.] 2004
HS 14-0475 2002
HS 14-0510Inventaris van het oud archief der kerkfabriek van Onze-Lieve-Vrouw te BruggeMinisterie van Onderwijs en "Ministere de l'education nationale" ... door M. Vandermaesen Brussel 1984
HS 14-0511Inventaris van het hedendaags archief der kerkfabriek van Onze-Lieve-Vrouw te BruggeMinisterie van Onderwijs en "Ministere de l'education nationale" ... door Maurice Vandermaesen Brussel 1986
HS 14-0530De handschriften van Ter DoestAnselm Hoste Steenbrugge 1993
HS 14-0617Cinq années d'acquisitions, 1974 - 1978 Bruxelles 1979
HS 14-0618Dix années d'acquisitions[collab, Anne Rouzet ...]. Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique Bruxelles 1991
HS 14-0625Inventaris van de Middelnederlandse handschriften van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek van BelgiëJ. Deschamps; H. Mulder Brussel 1998
HS 14-0635:2Les principaux manuscrits à peintures de la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique: T. 2 Bruxelles 1987
HS 14-0635:3,1Les principaux Manuscrits à peintures de la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique: T. 3, pt. 1 Frédéric Lyna. Éd. par Christiane Pantens Bruxelles 1989
HS 14-0635:3,2Les principaux manuscrits à peintures de la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique: T. 3, pt. 2 Frédéric Lyna. Éd. par Christiane Pantens Bruxelles 1989
HS 14-0650:1La librairie des ducs de Bourgogne: Vol. 1 Textes liturgiques, ascétiques, théologiques, philosophiques et moraux Turnhout 2000
HS 14-0650:2La librairie des ducs de Bourgogne: Vol. 2 Textes didactiques Turnhout 2003
HS 14-0650:3 La librairie des ducs de Bourgogne: Vol. 3 Textes littéraires Turnhout 2006
HS 14-0650:4 La librairie des ducs de Bourgogne: Vol. 4 Textes historiques Turnhout 2009
HS 14-0650:5La librairie des ducs de Bourgogne: Vol. 5 Textes historiques Turnhout 2015
HS 14-0655Inventaire des plus anciens manuscrits de papier conservés à la Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier et de leurs filigranes (XIIIe XIVe siècles)par Martin Wittek Bruxelles 2001
HS 14-0656:1Inventaire des manuscrits de papier du XVe siècle conservés à la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique et de leurs filigranes: T. 1 Manuscrits datés (1401 - 1440) Bruxelles 2003
HS 14-0656:2Inventaire des manuscrits de papier du XVe siècle conservés à la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique et de leurs filigranes: T. 2 Manuscrits datés (1441 - 1460) Bruxelles 2004
HS 14-0656:3,1Inventaire des manuscrits de papier du XVe siècle conservés à la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique et de leurs filigranes: Texte Bruxelles 2005
HS 14-0656:3,2 Inventaire des manuscrits de papier du XVe siècle conservés à la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique et de leurs filigranes: Album Bruxelles 2005
HS 14-0656:4 Inventaire des manuscrits de papier du XVe siècle conservés à la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique et de leurs filigranes: T. 4 Manuscrits datés (1481 - 1500) Bruxelles 2006
HS 14-0660Inventaire raisonné des manuscrits Voltairiens de la Bibliothèque Royale Albert IerJeroom Vercruysse Turnhout [Belgium] 1983
HS 14-0690Das Evangelistar von Groß-Sankt-MartinErnst Günther Grimme Freiburg im Breisgau [u.a.] 1989
HS 14-0697Les chroniques de Hainaut ou les ambitions d'un prince bourguignonsous la dir. de Pierre Cockshaw. Éd. par Christiane van den Bergen-Pantens Turnhout 2000
HS 14-1000Les livres manuscrits de l'Abbaye des DunesMarie-Thérèse Isaac Aubel (Belgique) 1984
HS 14-1104:1Catalogus van de Middelnederlandse handschriften in de Bibliotheek van de Rijksuniversiteit te Gent: 1 De handschriften verworven vóór 1852 Gent 1984
HS 14-1104:2,1Catalogus van de Middelnederlandse handschriften in de Bibliotheek van de Rijksuniversiteit te Gent: 2,1 De handschriften verworven na 1852 ; (Deel 1) Gent 1996
HS 14-1105Medieval manuscriptsAlbert Derolez, with the assistance of Hendrik Defoort and Frank Vanlangenhove Ghent 2017
HS 14-1116Die komputistischen Tafeln des Liber floridusAlbert Derolez [Trier] 2003
HS 14-1117Liber Floridus 1121[ed.:] Karen De Coene; Martine De Reu; Philippe De Maeyer Warnsveld 2011
HS 14-1118The making and meaning of the Liber FloridusAlbert Derolez London/Turnhout 2015
HS 14-1120Vita Sanctae Coletae(Verf.: Pierre de Vaux.) Prolegomenis auxerunt Charles van Corstanje ... Tielt u.a. 1982
HS 14-1160The Anjou Bibleed . by Lieve Watteeuw Paris/Leuven/Bristol, CT 2023
HS 14-1210De Bibliotheek der latijnse school te Mechelen circa 1350Adriaan Pattin Mechelen 1982
HS 14-1250Catalogue des manuscrits de l'Abbaye de MaredsousLuc Knapen Turnhout 1997
HS 14-1400Inventaris van de handschriften in het Abdijarchief te TongerloJan Corthouts Tongerlo 1987
HS 14-1426 Autour de la Bible de Lobbes (1084)texte réunis par Monique Maillard-Luypaert ... Bruxelles 2007
HS 14-1427:1 Archives et manuscrits précieux tournaisiens: 1 avec la participation de Ingrid Bourgeois ... Tournai 2007
HS 14-1427:2 Archives et manuscrits précieux tournaisiens: 2 avec la participation de Pierre-Maurice Bogaert ... Tournai 2008
HS 14-1450Bibliotheca auctorum, traductorum et scriptorum Ordinis Cisterciensis: T. 3 Handschriftenbezit en boekengebruik Trappisten van Westmalle 1794 - 1994 Leuven 1994
HS 14-1524Slavjanski, grŭcki i orientalski rŭkopisi ot sbirkata na centŭra za slavjano-vizantijski proučvanija "Ivan Dujčev"(Naučni red.: Aksinija Džurova [u.a.]) Sofija 1988
HS 14-1525Actes de la la table ronde Thessalonique 1992
HS 14-1526A catalogue of Greek liturgical manuscripts in the "Ivan Dujčev Centre for Slavo-Byzantine Studies"Dorotei Getov Roma 2007
HS 14-1530:1A catalogue of the Greek manuscripts at the Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria: volume 1 Bačkovo monasteryDorotei Getov Turnhout 2014
HS 14-1530:2A catalogue of the Greek manuscripts at the Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria: Volume 2 Turnhout 2017
HS 14-1535A catalogue of the Greek manuscripts in the National Library "Sts. Cyril and Methodius", SofiaDorotei Getov Turnhout, Belgium 2019
HS 14-1625Codices orientales Bibliothecae Regiae Havniensis Osnabrück 1987
HS 14-1626:1 Catalogue of Oriental manuscripts, xylographs etc. in Danish collections: Book 1 Codices Arabici and codices Arabici additamentaIrmeli Perho Copenhagen 2007
HS 14-1626:2 Catalogue of Oriental manuscripts, xylographs etc. in Danish collections: Book 2 Codices Arabici and codices Arabici additamentaIrmeli Perho Copenhagen 2007
HS 14-1626:3 Catalogue of Oriental manuscripts, xylographs etc. in Danish collections: Book 3 Codices Arabici and codices Arabici additamentaIrmeli Perho Copenhagen 2007
HS 14-1630Codices Graeci Hauniensesvon Bjarne Schartau. Mit zwei Appendices von Erik Petersen Copenhagen 1994
HS 14-1632:2Papyri Graecae Haunienses: 2 Letters and mummy labels from Roman egypted. with transl. and comm. by Adam Bülow-Jacobsen Bonn 1981
HS 14-1632:3Papyri Graecae Haunienses: 3 Subliterary texts and Byzantine documents from Egypted. with transl. and Tage Larsen and Adam Bülow-Jacobsen Bonn 1985
HS 14-164866 håndskrifter fra Arne Magnussons samlingredigeret af Matthew Driscoll; Svanhildur Óskarsdóttir København 2015
HS 14-1654Stambøger i Det Kongelige Bibliotek før 1800Vello Helk København 1980
HS 14-1660Inventar over det Kongelige Biblioteks fragmentsamlingMerete G. Andersen; Jorgen Raasted Hafniæ 1983
HS 14-1661Fifty-six Aelfric fragments(Ælfric [Grammaticus]). Ed. by Else Fausbøll Copenhagen 1986
HS 14-1685The Christina PsalterMarina Vidas Copenhagen 2006
HS 14-1686Das Kopenhagener StundenbuchRostislav Tumanov Köln/Weimar/Wien 2017
HS 14-1687The Copenhagen Bohun manuscriptsMarina Vidas Kopenhagen 2019
HS 14-1820Mittelalterliche Handschriften in den Sammlungen des Stadtarchivs Tallinn und des Estnischen Historischen Museumsherausgegeben von Tiina Kala Tallinn 2007
HS 14-1925:4,1Verzeichnis der mittelalterlichen Handschriftenfragmente in der Universitätsbibliothek zu Helsingfors: 1 AntiphonariaIlkka Taitto Helsinki 2001
HS 14-1925:4,2Verzeichnis der mittelalterlichen Handschriftenfragmente in der Universitätsbibliothek zu Helsingfors: 2 AntiphonariaIlkka Taitto Helsinki 2001
HS 14-1926Fragmenta membranea IVIlkka Taitto Helsinki 2002
HS 14-1935Graduale AboenseIlkka Taitto Helsinki 2002
HS 14-2010:60Catalogue général des Manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France: [III] Bibliotheque historique de la ville de ParisM. Vasseur-Depoux; H. Verlet Paris 1981
HS 14-2010:61Catalogue général des Manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France: [III] Suppléments Paris 1980
HS 14-2010:62Catalogue général des Manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France: [III] Grenoble (2. Suppl.) Paris 1983
HS 14-2010:63Catalogue général des Manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France: [III] Supplements Paris 1984
HS 14-2010:64Catalogue général des Manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France: [III] Supplément Paris 1989
HS 14-2010:65Catalogue général des Manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France: [III] Suppléments s.l. 1990
HS 14-2010:66Catalogue général des Manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France: [III] Suppléments s.l. 1993
HS 14-2011:Ind., 1Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France: 1 A - ENT Paris 1993
HS 14-2011:Ind., 2Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France: 2 ENT - MON Paris 1993
HS 14-2011:Ind., 3Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France: 3 MON - ZYL Paris 1993
HS 14-2030:1Les manuscrits classiques latins des bibliothèques publiques de France: 1 Agen-Évreux Paris 1989
HS 14-2055:1 Catalogue des manuscrits des dépôts publics Français concernant lórdre des Chartreux: Tome 1 Abbeville - Lyon Salzburg 2007
HS 14-2055:2 Catalogue des manuscrits des dépôts publics Français concernant lórdre des Chartreux: Tome 2 Marseille - Vienne Salzburg 2007
HS 14-2060:1,1Catalogue des manuscrits notés du Moyen Âge conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de France: 1 Colmar, Bibliothèque Municipale Turnhout 2006
HS 14-2060:1,2 Catalogue des manuscrits notés du Moyen Âge conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de France: 2 Besançon, Épinal, Metz, Mulhouse, Nancy, Rambervillers, Saint-Dié, Saint-Mihiel, Salins-les-Bains, Sélestat, Strasbourg, Verdun, Vesoul Turnhout 2008
HS 14-2060:2Catalogue des manuscrits notés du Moyen Âge conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de France: 2 Collections de Champagne-Ardenne Turnhout 2010
HS 14-2060:3Catalogue des manuscrits notés du Moyen Âge conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de France: 3 Collections de Bourgogne et d'Île-de-France Turnhout 2013
HS 14-2060:4,1Catalogue des manuscrits notés du Moyen Âge conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de France: 1 Abbeville, Amiens, Arras, Bergues, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Cambrai Turnhout 2014
HS 14-2060:4,2Catalogue des manuscrits notés du Moyen Âge conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de France: 2 Chantilly, Douai, Laon, Lille, Saint-Omer, Saint-Quentin, Soissons, Valenciennes Turnhout 2016
HS 14-2060:5Catalogue des manuscrits notés du Moyen Âge conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de France: 5 Collections de Bretagne, du Centre et des Pays-de-la-Loire Turnhout 2017
HS 14-2060:6Catalogue des manuscrits notés du Moyen Âge conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de France: 6 Collections d'Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes, de Nouvelle Aquitaine, d'Occitanie et de Provence - Alpes - Côte d'AzurChristian Meyer Turnhout 2019
HS 14-2060:7Catalogue des manuscrits notés du Moyen Âge conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de France: 7 Collections de Normandie, Bibliothèque Nationale de France et Bibliothèques parisiennesChristian Meyer avec la collaboration de Laura Albiero Turnhout 2021
HS 14-2060:8Catalogue des manuscrits notés du Moyen Âge conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de France: 8 Fragments notés : Paris, Archives nationales, Solesmes, abbaye Saint-PierreLaura Albiero, Christian Meyer Turnhout 2023
HS 14-2065:1,1Répertoire des manuscrits liturgiques en Haute-Normandie: Tome 1 Sources fondamentales des offices (Xe-XVe siècle) Mont-Saint-Aignan 2011
HS 14-2080:1 Bibliothèque Nationale de Francepar Philippe Bobichon. Sur la base des notices de Georges Vajda Paris/Turnhout 2008
HS 14-2080:2 Bibliothèque de l'Alliance Israélite Universellepar Michèle Dukan Turnhout 2008
HS 14-2080:3Bibliothèque Nationale de Francepar Silvia Di Donato Turnhout 2011
HS 14-2080:4Bibliothèque Nationale de Francepar Javier Del Barco Turnhout 2011
HS 14-2080:5Bibliothèque Nationale de Francepar Philippe Bobichon Turnhout 2015
HS 14-2080:6Bibliothèque Nationale de Francepar Cristina Ciucu Turnhout 2014
HS 14-2080:7Bibliothèque Nationale de Francepar Arlette Lipszyc-Attali Turnhout 2015
HS 14-2128Incunables & merveilles de la Bibliothèque municipale d'Amiens[Réd. du catalogue par Albert Labarre, avec la collab. de ...] Amiens 1993
HS 14-2130Le fond de l'histoire[coord. du catalogue: Jean Vilbas] Amiens 2002
HS 14-2200Catalogue des manuscrits d'Autun, Bibliothèque Municipale et Société ÉduenneInstitut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes. Sous la direction de Claire Maître. Notices établies par A. Bondéelle-Souchier ... Turnhout 2004
HS 14-2205The Gundohinus GospelsLawrence Nees Cambridge, Mass. 1987
HS 14-2220The Mont Saint-Michel manuscriptsJean-Luc Leservoisier. Photographs by Paul Hay. Drawings by Marine Corbel. Transl. by Angela Moyon Rennes 1999
HS 14-2245La bibliothèque de Charles d'Orléans et de Louis XII au château de BloisPascale Thibault Blois 1989
HS 14-2291Les manuscrits de l'abbaye de Cadouinsous la direction de Thomas Falmagne et Alison Stones ; avec la participation de Christelle Cazaux-Kowalski et Yolanta Zaluska [Périgueux] 2015
HS 14-2300Manuscrits médiévaux de ChambéryCaroline Heid-Guillaume; Anne Ritz Paris 1998
HS 14-2340Blätter im "Herbst des Mittelalters"Adolf Wild Mainz 1986
HS 14-2341Das Stundenbuch des Herzogs von BerryText von Edmond Pognon [Stuttgart] 1983
HS 14-2342Das Stundenbuch des Duc de BerryRaymond Cazelles; Johannes Rathofer. Mit einer Einf. von Umberto Eco Wiesbaden 1996
HS 14-2343:Faks.Bl..Les Très Riches Heures: Faks.-Doppelblatt Faksimile-Doppelblatt, Folio 25 und 26 Luzern 2013
HS 14-2343:Hauptw.Les Très Riches Heures: [Hauptwerk] [Emanuelle Toulet ...] Luzern 2013
HS 14-2345Les Heures d'Etienne Chevalier par Jean Fouquet[textes: Patricia Stirnemann, en collab. ave Marie-Thérèse Gousset ...] Paris 2003
HS 14-2347A late medieval songbook and its contexted. by Yolanda Plumley and Anne Stone Turnhout 2009
HS 14-2348Le Ci nous ditChristian Heck Turnhout 2012
HS 14-2349L' Inferno di ChantillyChiara Balbarini Roma 2011
HS 14-2350Unus liber de Sancto BenedictoVerena Bestle-Hofmann Sankt Ottilien 2016
HS 14-2410L'an milG(eorges) Bonnebas [et] Françoise Garnot Chartres 1986
HS 14-2440Le bréviaire de ChateaurouxInès Villela-Petit Paris 2003
HS 14-2510Manuscrits enluminés de Dijonpar Yolanta Załuska Paris 1991
HS 14-2640Les cotes des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque municipale de LilleJacques Charles Lemaire Liège 2007
HS 14-2645 Catalogue des livres de dévotion, manuscrits et imprimés (XIIe - XVIe siècle)Bibliothèque Municipale de Lille. Marc Gil Lille 2006
HS 14-2660Les manuscrits liturgiques du Diocèse de LyonRobert Amiet Paris 1998
HS 14-2700Das "Andachtsbüchlein aus der Sammlung Bouhier" (Montpellier, Bibliothèque Universitaire Historique de Médecine, H 396)von Henrike Manuwald Wiesbaden 2022
HS 14-2735Un livre d'heures nancéienéd. de André Markiewicz. Avec la collab. de Mireille François. Photogr. de Claude Philippot Nancy 2003
HS 14-2755 Un manuscrit d'Anne de BretagneSophie Cassagnes-Brouquet Rennes 2007
HS 14-2770Catalogue des manuscrits médiévaux de la Bibliothèque Municipale d'Orléanssous la dir. d'Elisabeth Pellegrin ... Notices établies par Colette Jeudy ... Paris 2010
HS 14-2775Le pontifical de Pierre de la JugieÉmilie Nadal Turnhout 2017
HS 14-2840La Bibliothèque Royale du Louvreéd. Jean-Luc Deuffic Saint-Denis (France) 2004
HS 14-2874L' oeuvre de Gerson à Saint-Victor de Parispar Danièle Calvot et Gilbert Ouy Paris 1990
HS 14-2878:1Les manuscrits de l'Abbaye de Saint-Victor: T. 1 [Introduction, concordances, index] [Paris] 1999
HS 14-2878:2Les manuscrits de l'Abbaye de Saint-Victor: T. 2 [Texte] [Paris] 1999
HS 14-2885Le registre de prêt de la Bibliothèque du Collège de Sorbonneéd. et annoté par Jeanne Vielliard, avec la collab. de Marie-Henriette Jullien de Pommerol Paris 2000
HS 14-2912Die Nationalbibliothek in ParisVon Werner Paravicini. Préf. de Georges Le Rider. München [u.a.] 1981
HS 14-3020:3/6,1Catalogue général des manuscrits latins: Pt. 1 Table analytique Paris 1981
HS 14-3020:3/6,2,1Catalogue général des manuscrits latins: 1 A - M Paris 1983
HS 14-3020:3/6,2,2Catalogue général des manuscrits latins: 2 N - Z. Lemmes bibliques Paris 1983
HS 14-3020:7Catalogue général des manuscrits latins: T. 7 (Nos 3776 à 3835) Paris 1988
HS 14-3020:7,TablesCatalogue général des manuscrits latins: Tables du T. 7 par Françoise Bléchet ... Paris 1991
HS 14-3020:Suppl.1Catalogue général des manuscrits latins: [Suppl. 1] Nos 8823 à 8921sous la dir. de Marie-Pierre Laffitte ... Par Françoise Bléchet ... Paris 1997
HS 14-3048:1983-1992Manuscrits du Moyen âge et de la RenaissanceBibliothèque Nationale de France. Sous la dir. de Jacqueline Sclafer Paris 1994
HS 14-3100Die angelsächsischen Handschriften in den Pariser BibliothekenBirgit Ebersperger Heidelberg 1999
HS 14-3102:3,1,1,Erg.Bd.Catalogue des manuscrits grecs: [Pt. 3] Numéros 1 à 150par Charles Astruc, Marie-Louise Concasty, Cécile Bellon, Christian Förstel et alii Paris 2003
HS 14-3138Lettres autographes conservées au Département de la musique Paris 1984
HS 14-3139La collection de Bourgogne (mss 1 - 74) à la Bibliothèque nationaleMarie-Louise Auger Génève 1987
HS 14-3150Répertoire des manuscrits coptes (sahidiques) publiés de la Bibliothèque Nationale de ParisEnzo Lucchesi ; préface de Paul Devos Genève 1981
HS 14-3155Manuscrites de la Société de geographie concernant l'Asie et l'OceanieCatherine Méhaud Paris 1979
HS 14-3160Manuscrits arméniens de la Bibliothèque Nationale de FranceRaymond H. Kévorkian; Armèn Ter-Stépanian avec le concours de Bernard Outtier ... Bibliothèque Nationale de France; Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian Paris 1998
HS 14-3220:1Manuscrits enluminés d'origine italienne: 1 VIe - XIIe sièclespar François Avril et Yolanta Załuska Paris 1980
HS 14-3220:2Manuscrits enluminés d'origine italienne: 2 XIIIe sièclepar François Avril et Marie-Thérèse Gousset avec la collab. de Claudia Rabel Paris 1984
HS 14-3220:3,1Manuscrits enluminés d'origine italienne: 3 Lombardie - Liguriepar François Avril et Marie Thérèse Gousset, avec la collab. de Jean-Pierre Aniel Paris 2005
HS 14-3220:3,2Manuscrits enluminés d'origine italienne: 2 Émilie-Vénétie Paris 2012
HS 14-3222Manuscrits enluminés de la péninsule ibériqueBibliotheque Nationale, Département des Manuscrits; Centre de Recherches sur les manuscrits enluminés. Par François Avril ... Paris 1983
HS 14-3224Manuscrits enluminés d'origine insulairepar François Avril et Patricia Danz Stirnemann Paris 1987
HS 14-3226:1Manuscrits enluminés d'origine germanique: T. 1 Xe - XIVe sièclepar François Avril et Claudia Rabel avec la collab. d'Isabelle Delaunay Paris 1995
HS 14-3226:2Manuscrits enluminés d'origine germanique: Tome 2 XVe sièclesous la direction de Laure Rioust ; avec la collaboration de: Marie-Blanche Cousseau, Isabelle Delaunay, Ilona Hans-Collas, Olga Karaskova, Dominic Olariu, Claudia Rabel ; conseillers scientifiques: François Avril et Claudia Rabel [Turnhout]/[Paris] 2020
HS 14-3227:1Manuscrits enluminés des anciens Pays-Bas méridionaux: 1 Manuscrits de Louis de Brugespar Ilona Hans-Collas et Pascal Schandel ... Paris 2009
HS 14-3237Enluminures médiévalesBnF, Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Marie-Thérèse Gousset Paris/Paris 2005
HS 14-3275:1Miniatures & peintures indiennes: Vol. 1 [publié à l'occasion de l'exposition "Miniatures et peintures indiennes de la Bibliothèque nationale de France", présentée par la Bibliothèque nationale de France sur le site François-Mitterrand du 10 mars au 6 juin 2010] Paris 2010
HS 14-3275:2Miniatures & peintures indiennes: Vol. 2 Paris 2011
HS 14-3305Promenade dans des jardins disparusMichèle Bilimoff Rennes 2001
HS 14-3324Les plus beaux manuscrits de l'abbaye d'Echternach conservés à la Bibliothèque nationale de Parisintroduction et commentaires par Claudia Rabel et Eric Palazzo Paris 1989
HS 14-3330Jean Fouquet - die Bilder der Grandes chroniques de FranceBeitr. von François Avril ... Graz 1987
HS 14-3336 The poetry and paintings of the First Bible of Charles the BaldPaul Edward Dutton and Herbert L. Kessler Ann Arbor 1997
HS 14-3340Das Andachtsbuch der Marie de Gavrevon Andreas Bräm Wiesbaden 1997
HS 14-3349Die Grandes Heures de RohanEberhard König Simbach am Inn 2006
HS 14-3350Le livre des tournois du Roi René de la Bibliothèque NationaleIntroduction de François Avril Paris 2003
HS 14-3351Das Pariser Perikopenbuch Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Ms. lat. 17325 und die Anfänge der romanischen Buchmalerei an Rhein und WeserAndrea Worm Berlin 2008
HS 14-3352 Picturing kingshipHarvey Stahl University Park, Pa. 2008
HS 14-3354 The Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS Fr 19093)by Carl F. Barnes. Glossary prepared by Stacey L. Hahn Burlington [u.a.] 2009
HS 14-3359Das Godescalc-EvangelistarFabrizio Crivello; Charlotte Denoël; Peter Orth. Mit einem Geleitw. von Florentine Mütherich Darmstadt 2011
HS 14-3360El breviario de Martín el HumanoJosefina Planas Badenas Valencia 2010
HS 14-3361Haec figura demonstratJeffrey F. Hamburger Berlin [u.a.] 2013
HS 14-3362The Ashburnham Pentateuch and its contextsJennifer Awes Freeman Woodbridge 2022
HS 14-3363Die Wunder der ErdeTexte: Eberhard König, Dieter Röschel, Gabriele Bartz Darmstadt 2022
HS 14-3900Les enluminures du Louvresous la dir. scientifique de François Avril... Paris/Paris 2011
HS 14-4055Trésors de la Bibliothèque de l'ArsenalBibliothèque Nationale. [Bearb.:] Jacques Guignard ... Paris 1980
HS 14-4056Le Grand armorial équestre de la Toison d'OrMichel Pastoureau, Jean-Charles de Castelbajac [Paris] 2017
HS 14-4186Images du pouvoir royalGhislain Brunel Paris 2005
HS 14-4210Catalogue des manuscrits égyptiensThéodule Devéria Hildesheim [u.a.] 1980
HS 14-4250Cartulaire de Saint-Guénolé de Landévennecsous la direction de Stéphane Lebecq; préfaces du père Jean-Michel Grimaud et de Ludovic Jolivet Rennes/Rennes 2015
HS 14-4290L' Évangéliaire de RemiremontYolanta Załuska Turnhout 1996
HS 14-4310Missel pontifical de Michel Guibé, XVe siècle[ont collab.: Sophie Cassagnes-Brouquet ...] [Rennes] 2001
HS 14-4312L' image du mondeSophie Cassagnes-Brouquet Rennes 2003
HS 14-4313Les Romans de la Table Ronde, premières images de l'univers arthurienSophie Cassagnes-Brouquet. Avec une contrib. de Martine Clouzot Rennes 2005
HS 14-4467Catalogue des manuscrits orientaux du Département d'Études Turques de l'Université de StrasbourgStoyanka Kenderova Roma/[Paris] (F) 2009
HS 14-4471Painting the Hortus deliciarumDanielle B. Joyner University Park, Pennsylvania 2016
HS 14-4660 Livre d'heures enluminé par Pèlerin Frison, peintre des Capitouls dans les années 1500[Jocelyne Deschaux ... Bibliothéque Municipale de Toulouse] Toulouse 2003
HS 14-4700Les manuscrits franciscains de la Bibliothèque de TroyesJacques Guy Bougerol Grottaferrata (Roma) 1982
HS 14-4801Illuminating sanctityby Maria R. Grasso Leiden 2019
HS 14-4810À la découverte des ecritures anciennesIsabelle Delabruyère-Neuschwander. Direction des Services d'Archives des Yvelines et de l'ancienne Seine-et-Oise, Archives départementales Versailles 1989
HS 14-5125:1Catalogi manuscriptorum Graecorum qui, in periodico "Neos Hellēnomnēmōn" olim publici iuris facti, adhuc usui sunt: 1 Leuven u.a. 1981
HS 14-5131:2Catalogue of the illuminated Byzantine manuscripts of the National Library of Greece: 2 Manuscripts of New Testament texts, 13th - 15th centuryAnna Marava-Chatzinicolaou; Christina Toufexi-Paschou [Mitarb.] Athens 1985
HS 14-5160Exploring Greek manuscripts in the Gennadius Libraryed. by Maria Politi ... Princeton, NJ/Princeton, NJ 2011
HS 14-5161Hidden treasures at the Gennadius Library[editing: Maria Georgopoulou ...] Athens 2011
HS 14-5201:3Hoi thēsauroi tu Hagiu Orus: T.3 M. Megîstēs Laúras, M. Pantokrátoros, M. Docheiaríu, M. Karakálu, M. Philothéu, M. Hagîu Paúlu Athēnai 1979
HS 14-5201:4Hoi thēsauroi tu Hagiu Orus: T.4 M. Vatopediu, M. Zōgraphu, M. Stauronikēta, M. Xenophōntos[Dieythynsē ekdoseōs: Panagiōtēs K. Chrēstou ...] Athēnai 1991
HS 14-5250Katalogos cheirographōn tou Panepistēmiou ThessalonikēsLinou Politē [Linos Politēs]. Epimeleia-symplērōseis P. Sōtērudē, A. Sakellaridu-Sōtērudē Thessalonikē 1991
HS 14-5310:3Medieval manuscripts in British libraries: 3 Lampeter - Oxford Oxford 1983
HS 14-5310:4Medieval manuscripts in British libraries: 4 Paisley - York Oxford 1992
HS 14-5310:5Medieval manuscripts in British libraries: 5 Indexes and addendaed. by I. C. Cunningham and A. G. Watson Oxford 2002
HS 14-5340:1Scotland under Jus commune: Vol. 1 Edinburgh 2010
HS 14-5340:2Scotland under Jus commune: Vol. 2 Edinburgh 2010
HS 14-5340:3Scotland under Jus commune: Vol. 3 Edinburgh 2010
HS 14-5345An index of images in English & Welsh manuscripts from the time of Chaucer to Henry VIII, c. 1380 - c. 1509: 6 Welsh manuscripts & English manuscripts in Walesby Ceridwen Lloyd-Morgan London [u.a.] 2011
HS 14-5350A Union catalogue of cyrillic manuscripts in British and Irish collectionscompiled by Ralph Cleminson. General editors Veronica Du Feu and W. F. Ryan London 1988
HS 14-5360The manuscripts of early Norman Englandby Richard Gameson Oxford [u.a.] 1999
HS 14-5375Natural history manuscript resources in the British Islescompiled by Gavin D. R. Bridson, Valerie C. Phillips and Anthony P. Harvey London 1980
HS 14-5376The manuscript papers of British scientists 1600 - 1940the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts London 1982
HS 14-5377Guide to the manuscript papers of British scientists catalogued by the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre and the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists 1973-1993by Peter Harper Bath 1993
HS 14-5390Guide to the location of collections described in the Reports and Calendars series, 1870 - 1980Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts London 1982
HS 14-5420Guide to the Department of Manuscripts and Records Aberystwyth 1994
HS 14-5425The Romance of the rose illuminatedby Alcuin Blamires and Gail C. Holian Tempe, Ariz. 2002
HS 14-5550 The Cambridge illuminationsed. by Stella Panayotova London [u.a.] 2007
HS 14-5551:1 An index of images in English manuscripts: 1 Christ's College, Clare College, Corpus Christi College, Emmanuel College, Gonville and Caius College and the Fitzwilliam Museumby Ann Eljenholm Nichols London [u.a.] 2008
HS 14-5551:2An index of images in English manuscripts: 2 Jesus College, King's College, Magdalene College, Old Library, Pepys Library, Newnham College, Pembroke College, Peterhouse, Queens' College, Saint Catherine's College, Saint John's College, Selwyn College, Sidney Sussex College, Trinity Hallby Ann Eljenholm Nichols and Trinity College by Holly James-Maddocks, Ann Eljenholm Nichols London/Turnhout 2021
HS 14-5580Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in Cambridge librariesPádraig de Brún; Máire Herbert Cambridge u.a. 1986
HS 14-5605Catalogue des manuscrits français de la bibliothèque Parker (Parker Library), Corpus Christi College, CambridgeNigel Wilkins Cambridge 1993
HS 14-5606Les manuscrits français de la bibliothèque ParkerÉtudes recueillies par Nigel Wilkins Cambridge 1993
HS 14-5611Pictor in carmineherausgegeben von Karl-August Wirth Berlin 2006
HS 14-5630:1A descriptive catalogue of the additional illuminated manuscripts in the Fitzwilliam Museum aquired between 1895 and 1979 (excluding the McClean collection): Vol. 1 Cambridge [u.a.] 1982
HS 14-5630:2A descriptive catalogue of the additional illuminated manuscripts in the Fitzwilliam Museum aquired between 1895 and 1979 (excluding the McClean collection): Vol. 2 Cambridge [u.a.] 1982
HS 14-5631:1,1Illuminated manuscripts in Cambridge: Vol. 1 The Frankish Kingdoms, Northern Netherlands, Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Austria London [u.a.] 2009
HS 14-5631:1,2 Illuminated manuscripts in Cambridge: Vol. 2 The Meuse Region, Southern Netherlands London [u.a.] 2009
HS 14-5631:2,1Illuminated manuscripts in Cambridge: Vol. 1 London [u.a.] 2011
HS 14-5631:2,2Illuminated manuscripts in Cambridge: Vol. 2 London [u.a.] 2011
HS 14-5631:3,1Illuminated manuscripts in Cambridge: Vol. 1 C. 1000 - c. 1250 London [u.a.] 2015
HS 14-5631:4,1Illuminated manuscripts in Cambridge: Vol. 1 Insular and Anglo-Saxon manuscripts c. 700 - c. 1100 London [u.a.] 2013
HS 14-5631:5,1Illuminated manuscripts and incunabula in Cambridge: Volume 1 Books printed in ItalyAzzurra Elena Andriolo and Suzanne Reynolds London/Turnhout 2017
HS 14-5640The Macclesfield psalterText: Stella Panayotova. Photography: Andrew Morris Cambridge 2005
HS 14-5665:1Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge: Vol. 1 Printed bookscomp. by N. A. Smith. Assisted by H. M. Adams and D. Pepys Whiteley. With an appendix on Incunabula by J. C. T. Oates Cambridge/Totowa, NJ 1978
HS 14-5665:2,1Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge: Pt. 1 Cataloguecomp. by Helen Weinstein Cambridge [u.a.] 1992
HS 14-5665:2,2Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge: Pt. 2 Indexescomp. by Helen Weinstein. With a note on the collection by Richard Luckett Cambridge/Woodbridge, Suffolk/Rochester, NY 1994
HS 14-5665:3,1Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge: Pt. 1 Generalcomp. by A. W. Aspital. With an introd. by P. H. Hulton Woodbridge, Suffolk/Totowa, NJ 1980
HS 14-5665:3,2Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge: Pt. 2 Portraitscomp. by Eric Chamberlain Cambridge [u.a.] 1994
HS 14-5665:4Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge: Vol. 4 Music, maps and calligraphy[music comp. by John Stevens. Maps comp. by Sarah Tyacke. Calligraphy comp. by Rosamond McKitterick and Joyce Irene Whalley] Woodbridge, Suffolk [u.a.] 1989
HS 14-5665:5,1Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge: Pt. 1 Medievalcomp. by Rosamond McKitterick and Richard Beadle Cambridge/Woodbridge, Suffolk/Rochester, NY 1992
HS 14-5665:5,2Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge: Pt. 2 Moderncomp. by C. S. Knighton Woodbridge, Suffolk/Totowa, NJ 1981
HS 14-5665:6Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge: Vol. 6 Bindingscomp. by the late Howard M. Nixon Woodbridge, Suffolk/Totowa, NJ 1984
HS 14-5665:7,1Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge: Pt. 1 'Catalogue' and 'Alphabet' Cambridge/Woodbridge, Suffolk/Rochester, NY 1991
HS 14-5665:7,2Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge: Pt. 2 'Appendix classica' Cambridge/Woodbridge, Suffolk/Rochester, NY 1991
HS 14-5670A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts of Pembroke College, CambridgeRodney M. Thomson Cambridge 2022
HS 14-5675A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts in the library of Peterhouse, CambridgeR. M. Thomson Cambridge 2016
HS 14-5715:4The western manuscripts in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge: Vol. 4 Containing plates, addenda, corrigenda and index Cambridge 1989
HS 14-5720Anglo-Saxon manuscriptsSimon Keynes Binghamton, N.J. 1992
HS 14-5725The Eadwine PsalterThe Modern Humanities Research Association. Ed. by Margaret Gibson ... London [u.a.] 1992
HS 14-5726The trinity apocalypseDavid McKitterick, Nigel Morgan, Ian Short and Teresa Webber. Ed. by David McKitterick London 2005
HS 14-5755:1A catalogue of the manuscripts preserved in the library of the University of Cambridge: 1 München u.a. 1980
HS 14-5755:2A catalogue of the manuscripts preserved in the library of the University of Cambridge: 2 München u.a. 1980
HS 14-5755:3A catalogue of the manuscripts preserved in the library of the University of Cambridge: 3 München u.a. 1980
HS 14-5755:4A catalogue of the manuscripts preserved in the library of the University of Cambridge: 4 München u.a. 1980
HS 14-5755:5A catalogue of the manuscripts preserved in the library of the University of Cambridge: 5 München u.a. 1980
HS 14-5755:Suppl.A catalogue of the manuscripts preserved in the library of the University of Cambridge: [Suppl.] Adversaria.Index München 1980
HS 14-5756A catalogue of English legal manuscripts in Cambridge University LibraryJ.H. Baker; with codicological descriptions of the early manuscripts by J.S. Ringrose Woodbridge, Suffolk [u.a.] 1996
HS 14-5757Summary catalogue of the additional medieval manuscripts in Cambridge University Library acquired before 1940Jayne Ringrose Woodbridge [u.a.] 2009
HS 14-5760Genizah seriesCambridge University Library Cambridge [u.a.] 1978
HS 14-5760:1The Cambridge Genizah Collectionsed. by Stefan C. Reif. With the assistance of Shulamit Reif Cambridge 2003
HS 14-5760:12Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic manuscripts in the Cambridge Genizah CollectionsColin F. Baker and Meira Polliack. Specialist advisor Haggai Ben-Shammai Cambridge [u.a.] 2001
HS 14-5760:5,1A hand-list of rabbinic manuscripts in the Cambridge Genizah collections: Vol. 1 Taylor-Schechter new series Cambridge [u.a.] 1998
HS 14-5761Hebrew manuscripts at Cambridge University LibraryStefan C. Reif ... Cambridge [u.a.] 1997
HS 14-5765Western illuminated manuscriptsPaul Binski and Patrick Zutshi Cambridge [u.a.] 2011
HS 14-5770Codex BezaeD. C. Parker Cambridge [u.a] 1992
HS 14-5776Studies on the Book of DeerKatherine Forsyth, ed. Dublin [u.a.] 2008
HS 14-5790 The earliest books of Canterbury Cathedralby Richard Gameson London 2008
HS 14-5805A catalogue of Durham Cathedral music manuscriptscompiled by Brian Crosby Oxford [u.a.] 1986
HS 14-5810Manuscript treasures of Durham CathedralRichard Gameson with contributions by A. I. Doyle ... London 2010
HS 14-5845:5Catalogue of manuscripts acquired since 1925: Vol. 5 Manuscripts 6406 - 7529, charters and other formal documents 6001 - 7636 Edinburgh 1986
HS 14-5845:7Catalogue of manuscripts acquired since 1925: Vol. 7 Manuscripts 8023 - 9500, charters and other formal documents, 7637 - 8500 Edinburgh 1989
HS 14-5845:8Catalogue of manuscripts acquired since 1925: Vol. 8 Manuscripts 9501 - 11000, charters and other formal documents 8501 - 8970 Edinburgh 1992
HS 14-5847:1British literary manuscripts from the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh: 1 An Inventory to part one of the Harvester Microform Collection Brighton 1986
HS 14-5847:2British literary manuscripts from the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh: 2 An Inventory to part two of the Harvester Microform Collection Brighton 1987
HS 14-5847:3.4British literary manuscripts from the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh: 3/4 An Inventory to parts three and four of the Harvester Microform Collection Brighton 1987
HS 14-5855An index of images in English & Scottish manuscripts: Fascicle 1 National Library of Scotland, Edinburghby Marlene Villalobos Hennessy London/Turnhout 2022
HS 14-5880Index to manuscripts: Suppl.1 [Pref.: Brenda E. Moon] Boston, Mass. 1981
HS 14-5890Anglo-Saxon ExeterPatrick W. Conner Woodbridge 1993
HS 14-5895William Hunter as a collector of medieval manuscriptsby N. R. Ker Glasgow 1983
HS 14-5896The glory of the pageintrod. & catalogue by Nigel Thorp London 1987
HS 14-5900Catalogue of the manuscripts of Hereford Cathedral LibraryR. A. B. Mynors and R. M. Thomson. With a contribution on the bindings by Michael Gullick Woodbridge, Suffolk 1993
HS 14-5906Art and optics in the Hereford mapMarcia Kupfer ; published for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art New Haven/London 2016
HS 14-5910:1,1A catalogue of the manuscripts in the Library at Holkham Hall: Pt. 1 Shelfmarks 1 - 399 Turnhout 2015
HS 14-5930The Brotherton Collection, University of Leeds Leeds 1986
HS 14-5950Catalogue of the Library of Leicester AbbeyMontague Rhodes James. A. Hamilton Thompson [Hrsg.] Leicester 1980
HS 14-5951Leicester Abbeyed. by Joanna Story, Jill Bourne and Richard Buckley Leicester 2006
HS 14-5965A catalogue of the Cathedral Library manuscriptsLichfield Cathedral Library. Comp. by B. S. Benedikz Birmingham 1986
HS 14-5975Catalogue of the manuscripts of Lincoln Cathedral Chapter LibraryR. M. Thomson Cambridge 1989
HS 14-6040Treasures of the British Librarycomp. by Nicolas Barker and the curatorial staff of the British Library London 1988
HS 14-6043The illuminated pageJanet Backhouse London 1997
HS 14-6045:1An index of images in English manuscripts: 1 MSS Additional and Egertonby Kathleen L. Scott London [u.a.] 2014
HS 14-6060:1Index of manuscripts in the British Library: 1 A - Borr[pref.: Daniel Waley] Cambridge 1984
HS 14-6060:10Index of manuscripts in the British Library: 10 Toll - Zyhl Cambridge 1986
HS 14-6060:2Index of manuscripts in the British Library: 2 Borr - Cole Cambridge 1984
HS 14-6060:3Index of manuscripts in the British Library: 3 Cole - Engl Cambridge 1984
HS 14-6060:4Index of manuscripts in the British Library: 4 Engl - Gren Cambridge 1984
HS 14-6060:5Index of manuscripts in the British Library: 5 Gren - Joha Cambridge 1985
HS 14-6060:6Index of manuscripts in the British Library: 6 Joha - Marg Cambridge 1985
HS 14-6060:7Index of manuscripts in the British Library: 7 Marg - Past Cambridge 1985
HS 14-6060:8Index of manuscripts in the British Library: 8 Past - Sars Cambridge 1985
HS 14-6060:9Index of manuscripts in the British Library: 9 Sars - Toll Cambridge 1985
HS 14-6065Books with manuscriptby R. C. Alston London 1994
HS 14-6074Catalogue of the manuscripts in the Cottonian Library, 1696[By] Thomas Smith [1638-1710]. Reprint. from Sir Robert Harley's copy, ann. by Humfrey Wanley, together with documents relating to the fire of 1731. Ed. by C[olin] G.C. Tite. Introd. essays transl. by Godfrey E. Turton (Cambridge) 1984
HS 14-6075The manuscript library of Sir Robert CottonColin G. C. Tite London 1994
HS 14-6076Sir Robert Cotton as collectorThe British Library. Ed. by C. J. Wright. [Contrib.: Janet Backhouse; James P. Carley ...] London 1997
HS 14-6077The early records of Sir Robert Cotton's libraryColin G. C. Tite London 2003
HS 14-6131:1,1Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts: Pt. 1 Descriptions London 1985
HS 14-6131:1,2Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts: Pt. 2 Index A - La London 1985
HS 14-6131:1,3Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts: Pt. 3 Index La - Z London 1985
HS 14-6131:2The British Library catalogue of additions to the manuscripts London 1991
HS 14-6131:3,1The British Library catalogue of additions to the manuscripts: Pt. 1 Descriptions London 1994
HS 14-6131:3,2The British Library catalogue of additions to the manuscripts: Pt. 2 Index London 1994
HS 14-6131:4Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts London 2000
HS 14-6131:5The British Library catalogue of additions to the manuscripts[comp. by R. A. Christophers] London 2001
HS 14-6135Catalogue of the literary and historical manuscriptsThe British Library Stefan Zweig Collection London 2017
HS 14-6153Summary catalogue of Greek manuscripts: Vol. 1 London 1999
HS 14-6170:1Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the British Museum: Vol.1 Dublin 1992
HS 14-6170:2Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the British Museum: Vol.2 Dublin 1992
HS 14-6215Armenian illuminated Gospel-booksV. Nersessian London [u.a.] 1987
HS 14-6232Music manuscripts London 1987
HS 14-6265Manuscripts of the BibleT. S. Pattie London 1979
HS 14-6270Hebrew manuscript paintingDavid Goldstein London [u.a.] 1985
HS 14-6695Das Siegburger Lektionarhrsg. von Mauritius Mittler Siegburg 1979
HS 14-6700Die Grosse Bibel von Moutier Grandvalbearb. von Joseph Hanhart. Mit freundl. Mitwirk. d. Manuskriptabt. d. British Museum, London, ... Neuallschwil/Basel 1979
HS 14-6712The Roman writing tablets from VindolandaAlan K. Bowman London 1983
HS 14-6715The making of a manuscriptAliza Cohen-Mushlin Wiesbaden 1983
HS 14-6716The Psalter of Robert de Lisle in the British Libraryby Lucy Freeman Sandler Wiesbaden/[London] 1983
HS 14-6722Robert Thornton and the London Thornton manuscriptJohn J. Thompson Cambridge [u.a.] 1987
HS 14-6726The Becket leavesJanet Backhouse and Christopher de Hamel London 1988
HS 14-6728The Luttrell PsalterJanet Backhouse London 1989
HS 14-6730The Isabella BreviaryJanet Backhouse London 1993
HS 14-6735The De Brailes hoursClaire Donovan London 1991
HS 14-6736Paradisoby Giovanni di Paolo. John Pope-Hennessy London 1993
HS 14-6738The Harley psalterWilliam Noel Cambridge [u.a.] 1995
HS 14-6740The benedictional of Aethelwoldby Robert Deshman Princeton, NJ [u.a.] 1995
HS 14-6745:1Omne bonum: Vol. 1 Text London 1996
HS 14-6745:2Omne bonum: Vol. 2 Illustrated catalogue London 1996
HS 14-6746The Golden HaggadahBezalel Narkiss London 1997
HS 14-6747Frühe Miniaturen zu Dantes "Divina Commedia"Almut Stolte Münster 1998
HS 14-6751The Sherborne missalJanet Backhouse. British Library London 1999
HS 14-6752Medieval birds in the Sherborne MissalJanet Backhouse London 2001
HS 14-6755The Egerton GenesisMary Coker Joslin; Carolyn Coker Joslin Watson London [u.a.] 2001
HS 14-6759The Lindisfarne GospelsMichelle P. Brown London 2003
HS 14-6760 Die Bedford HoursEberhard König Darmstadt 2007
HS 14-6762:1La Divina Commedia di Alfonso d'Aragona re di Napoli: Vol. 1 Modena 2006
HS 14-6762:2La Divina Commedia di Alfonso d'Aragona re di Napoli: Vol. 2 Modena 2006
HS 14-6763Il libro d'ore di Bonaparte Ghislieria cura di Massimo Medica. Saggi di Giancarlo Benevolo ... Modena 2008
HS 14-6764Codex Sinaiticus[ed. by] D. C. Parker Massachusetts/London 2010
HS 14-6765The Lindisfarne gospels and the early medieval worldMichelle P. Brown London 2011
HS 14-6766Vom Ende der ZeitenDieter Röschel. Mit einem Beitr. von Eberhard König Simbach am Inn 2012
HS 14-6767The Taymouth hoursKathryn A. Smith London [u.a.] 2012
HS 14-6768The St Cuthbert Gospeled. by Claire Breay & Bernard Meehan London 2015
HS 14-6769The Lindisfarne gospelsedited by Richard Gameson Leiden/Boston 2017
HS 14-7200Historical catalogue of the manuscripts of Bible House LibraryComp. by M. Rosaria Falivene and ed. by Alan F. Jesson London 1982
HS 14-7230:1A catalogue of manuscripts in the College of Arms: Vol. 1 London 1988
HS 14-7305:4A catalogue of manuscripts in Lambeth Palace Library: [3] Mss. 2341 - 3119 Oxford [u.a.] 1983
HS 14-7320Lambeth Palace Libraryed. by Richard Palmer and Michelle P. Brown London 2010
HS 14-7324 Introducing the Lambeth BibleDorothy M. Shepard Turnhout 2007
HS 14-7400Catalogue of manuscripts in the Society of Antiquaries of LondonPamela J. Willetts Woodbridge 2000
HS 14-7460The only dated medieval Hebrew manuscript written in England <1189 CE>by Malachi Beit-Arié. Appendix 1 by Menahem Banitt. Appendix 2 by Zefira Entin Rokéaḥ London 1985
HS 14-7480Western illuminated manuscripts: Vol. 2 London 2011
HS 14-7480Western illuminated manuscripts: Vol. 1 London 2011
HS 14-7480Western illuminated manuscripts: Vol. 3 London 2011
HS 14-7490:Suppl.4Catalogue of English non-illuminated manuscripts in the National Art Library up to December 1973: [Suppl. 1977] Accessions for 1977 London 1978
HS 14-7490:Suppl.5Catalogue of English non-illuminated manuscripts in the National Art Library up to December 1973: [Suppl. 1978] Accessions for 1978 London 1979
HS 14-7515Catalogue of jyotiṣa manuscripts in the Wellcome Libraryby David Pingree Leiden [u.a.] 2004
HS 14-7570A descriptive catalogue of the Latin manuscripts in the John Rylands University Library: 1 Mss. 1 - 83 with plates München 1980
HS 14-7571A catalogue of the Turkish manuscripts in the John Rylands University Library at Manchesterby Jan Schmidt Leiden [u.a.] 2011
HS 14-7600 The Wollaton medieval manuscriptsed. by Ralph Hanna ... Woodbridge, Suffolk 2010
HS 14-7615Jewish treasures from Oxford librariesedited by Rebecca Abrams &#38; César Merchán-Hamann Oxford 2020
HS 14-7620:1Catalogue of Irish language manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and Oxford college libraries: Pt. 1 Descriptions Dublin 2001
HS 14-7620:2Catalogue of Irish language manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and Oxford college libraries: Pt. 2 Plates and indexes Dublin 2003
HS 14-7640:9Digby manuscripts Oxford 1999
HS 14-7646Catalogue of the Hebrew manuscripts in the Bodleian Library and in the College Libraries of Oxford: [Hauptbd.] Including mss. in other languages, which are written with Hebrew characters, or relating to the Hebrew language or literature; and a few Samaritan mss.comp. by Ad. Neubauer Oxford 1994
HS 14-7646:Suppl.Catalogue of the Hebrew manuscripts in the Bodleian Library: Suppl. Supplement of addenda and corrigenda to Vol. 1 (A. Neubauer's catalogue)comp. under the dir. of Malachi Beit-Arié; ed. by R. A. May Oxford 1994
HS 14-7651:1An index of images in English manuscripts: Fasc. 1 MSS Additional - Digbyby Ann Eljenholm Nichols ... [London] 2000
HS 14-7651:2An index of images in English manuscripts: Fasc. 2 MSS Dodsworth - Marshallby Lynda Dennison ... [London] 2001
HS 14-7651:3An index of images in English manuscripts: 1 All Souls College, Balliol College, Brasenose College, Christ College, Corpus Christi College, Exeter College, Hertford College, Jesus College, Keble College, Lady Margaret Hall, Lincoln Collegeby Lynda Dennison London/Turnhout 2018
HS 14-7651:3An index of images in English manuscripts: Fasc. 3 MSS e Musaeo - Woodby Lynda Dennison ... London [u.a.] 2002
HS 14-7670:1A summary catalogue of Western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford: 1 München 1980
HS 14-7670:2,1A summary catalogue of Western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford: 2,1 Nos. 1-3490 München 1980
HS 14-7670:2,2A summary catalogue of Western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford: 2,2 Nos. 3491-8716 München 1980
HS 14-7670:3A summary catalogue of Western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford: 3 Nos. 8717-16669 München 1980
HS 14-7670:4A summary catalogue of Western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford: 4 Nos. 16670-24330 München 1980
HS 14-7670:5A summary catalogue of Western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford: 5 Nos. 24331-31000 München 1980
HS 14-7670:6A summary catalogue of Western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford: 6 Nos. 31001-37299 München 1980
HS 14-7670:7A summary catalogue of Western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford: 7 Index München 1980
HS 14-7690:1,1,2British literary manuscripts from the Bodleian Library, Oxford: Ser. 1 An inventory to part one of the Harvester Microform Collection Brighton [u.a.] 1988
HS 14-7690:1,2,2British literary manuscripts from the Bodleian Library, Oxford: Ser. 1 Listing and guide Brighton [u.a.] 1989
HS 14-7690:1,3British literary manuscripts from the Bodleian Library, Oxford: Ser. 1 Manuscripts from the Additional, Ashmole, Aubrey, Bodleian, Cherry, Clarendon, Don., Douce, Fairfax and Firth Collections Brighton [u.a.] 1992
HS 14-7691Choralhandschriften österreichischer Provenienz in der Bodleian Library, OxfordRudolf Flotzinger Wien 1991
HS 14-7692Latin liturgical psalters in the Bodleian LibraryElizabeth Solopova Oxford 2013
HS 14-7693:1Medieval manuscripts from the Mainz Charterhouse in the Bodleian Library, Oxford: Volume 1 Oxford 2018
HS 14-7693:2Medieval manuscripts from the Mainz Charterhouse in the Bodleian Library, Oxford: Volume 2 Oxford 2018
HS 14-7694Medieval manuscripts from Würzburg in the Bodleian Library, OxfordDaniela Mairhofer Oxford 2014
HS 14-7695:1Summary catalogue of post-medieval western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford: Vol. 1 Catalogue <SC 37300 - 46393> Oxford 1991
HS 14-7695:2Summary catalogue of post-medieval western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford: Vol. 2 Catalogue <SC 46394 - 55936> Oxford 1991
HS 14-7695:3Summary catalogue of post-medieval western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford: Vol. 3 Indexes Oxford 1991
HS 14-7700Medieval manuscripts from the collection of T. R. Buchanan in the Bodleian Library, OxfordPeter Kidd Oxford 2001
HS 14-7701A catalogue of Greek manuscripts acquired by the Bodleian Library since 1916 Barbara Crostini Lappin Oxford 2003
HS 14-7702A catalogue of Greek manuscript from the Meerman Collection in the Bodleian LibraryAnnaclara Cataldi Palau Oxford 2011
HS 14-7705Manuscripts of the Wycliffite Bible in the Bodleian and Oxford College LibrariesElizabeth Solopova Liverpool 2016
HS 14-7750:1A new catalogue of Arabic manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford: Vol. 1 MedicineEmilie Savage-Smith Oxford [u.a.] 2011
HS 14-7810The Douce legacy Oxford 1984
HS 14-7815The two Winchester biblesWalter Oakeshott Oxford 1981
HS 14-7820 The Douce ApocalypseNigel Morgan Oxford 2007
HS 14-7821 St. Margaret's Gospel-bookRebecca Rushforth Oxford 2007
HS 14-7822Das Ranshofener Evangeliar in OxfordRudolf Wolfgang Schmidt Ranshofen/Osternberg 2012
HS 14-7823The Ormesby PsalterFrederica C.E. Law-Turner Oxford 2017
HS 14-7824The founders' bookedited by Julian Luxford ; with contributions by Adrian Ailes and Susan Powell Donington 2021
HS 14-8105Select index of manuscript collections in Oxford libraries outside the Bodleiancompiled by Paul Morgan Oxford 1991
HS 14-8110Illuminated manuscripts in Oxford College libraries, the University archives and the Taylor InstitutionJ. J. G. Alexander and Elźbieta Temple Oxford 1985
HS 14-8130A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts of All Souls College, OxfordAndrew G. Watson Oxford [u.a.] 1997
HS 14-8165A descriptive catalogue of the Western manuscripts, to c. 1600, in Christ Church, Oxfordby Ralph Hanna and David Rundle ; using materials collected by Jeremy J. Griffiths Oxford 2017
HS 14-8175A descriptive catalogue of the Greek manuscripts of Corpus Christi College OxfordNigel Wilson Woodbridge [u.a.] 2011
HS 14-8176A descriptive catalogue of the Hebrew manuscripts of Corpus Christi College, Oxfordedited by Peter E. Pormann Cambridge 2015
HS 14-8200A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts of Exeter College, OxfordAndrew G. Watson Oxford [u.a] 2000
HS 14-8240The medieval manuscripts of Keble College Oxfordcomp. by M. B. Parkes London 1979
HS 14-8250 A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts of Merton College, OxfordR. M. Thomson. With a description of the Greek manuscripts by N. G. Wilson Cambridge 2009
HS 14-8265A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts of the Queen's College, Oxfordcompiled by Peter Kidd Oxford 2016
HS 14-8275A descriptive catalogue of the western medieval manuscripts of St. John's College, OxfordRalph Hanna. Using material collected by the late Jeremy Griffiths with photographs by Christopher Phillips Oxford [u.a.] 2002
HS 14-8276A descriptive catalogue of Oriental manuscripts at St John's College OxfordEmilie Savage-Smith. With contr. by Geert Jan van Gelder ... Oxford [u.a.] 2005
HS 14-8277A descriptive catalogue of Greek manuscripts at St. John's College, OxfordMark L. Sosower Oxford 2007
HS 14-8350Texts and their traditions in the medieval library of Rochester Cathedral PrioryMary P. Richards Philadelphia, Pa. 1988
HS 14-8360Scribes and scholars at Salisbury CathedralTeresa Webber Oxford 1992
HS 14-8381Il libro d'ore di Maddalena De' MediciLaura Regnicoli. Con un contributo di Pippa Shirley Modena 2011
HS 14-8391The Winchester BibleClaire Donovan Toronto [u.a.] 1993
HS 14-8400A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts in Worcester Cathedral LibraryR. M. Thomson. With a contribution on the bindings by Michael Gullick. Published on behalf of the dean and chapter of Worcester Cathedral Woodbridge, Suffolk [u.a.] 2001
HS 14-8410King of the worldMilo Cleveland Beach &#38; Ebba Koch; with new transl. by Wheeler Thackston London 1997
HS 14-8800Directory of Irish archivesedited by Seamus Helferty and Raymond Refaussé Blackrock, Co. Dublin 1993
HS 14-9015The word of GodWilfrid Lockwood Dublin 1987
HS 14-9016Latin psalter manuscripts in Trinity College Dublin and the Chester Beatty LibraryLaura Cleaver and Helen Conrad O'Briain Dublin 2015
HS 14-9020 IslamElaine Wright London 2009
HS 14-9040:10Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 10 Mss. G 434 - G 500 Dublin 1987
HS 14-9040:11Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 11 Mss. G 501 - G 599Pádraig Ó Macháin Dublin 1990
HS 14-9040:12Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 12 Mss. G 600 - G 699 Dublin 1990
HS 14-9040:13Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 13 Mss. G 700 - G 773 Dublin 1996
HS 14-9040:5Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 5 Mss. G 161 - G 207 Dublin 1979
HS 14-9040:6Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 6 Mss. G 208 - G 257 Dublin 1980
HS 14-9040:7Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 7 Mss. G 258 - G 330 Dublin 1982
HS 14-9040:8Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 8 Mss. G 331 - G 373 Dublin 1984
HS 14-9040:9Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland: 9 Mss. G 374 - G 433 Dublin 1986
HS 14-9045Treasures of the Royal Irish Academy Libraryed. by Bernadette Cunningham and Siobhan Fitzpatrick Dublin 2009
HS 14-9050Treasures of the Library, Trinity College DublinEd. by Peter Fox Dublin 1986
HS 14-9060Catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Trinity College, DublinThomas Kingsmill Abbott Hildesheim [u.a.] 1980
HS 14-9065:1Descriptive catalogue of the mediaeval and renaissance Latin manuscripts: 1 Aldershot 1991
HS 14-9065:2Descriptive catalogue of the mediaeval and renaissance Latin manuscripts: 2 Aldershot 1991
HS 14-9075The book of Kellsselected and introd. by Peter Brown London 1984
HS 14-9077Das Book of Kellsvorgestellt von Bernard Meehan. [Aus dem Engl. von Magda Moses und Bram Opstelten] London 1995
HS 14-9080The Book of Kellsed. by Felicity O'Mahony Aldershot [u.a.] 1994
HS 14-9082The book of KellsCarol Farr London [u.a.] 1997
HS 14-9083Word and image in the Book of KellsHeather Pulliam Dublin [u.a.] 2006
HS 14-9084Book of KellsBernard Meehan. Aus dem Engl. von Yvonne El Saman Freiburg/Basel/Wien 2012
HS 14-9200 The medieval manuscripts of Christ Church cathedral, DublinRaymond Gillespie &#38; Raymond Refaussé, eds Dublin [u.a.] 2006
HS 14-9450The Medieval manuscripts at MaynoothPeter J. Lucas and Angela M. Lucas Dublin [u.a.] 2014
HS 14-9820Codici liturgici latini di Terra SanctaNicola Bux Fasano &#60;Brindisi&#62; 1990
HS 14-9840Armenische KunstBezalel Narkiss ... Stuttgart [u.a.] 1980
