Signatur | Titel | Verfasserangabe | Erschienen |
HS 17-0100 | Topkapi Sarayi-Museum: [1] Manuskripte | Hrsg. u. erw. von J[ohn] M[ichael] Rogers | Herrsching am Ammersee 1986 |
HS 17-0106 | Die Armenbibel des Serai | hrsg. und erklärt von Adolf Deissmann und Hans Wegener | Berlin [u.a.] 1934 |
HS 17-0125 | Catalogue des manuscrits grecs (fonds du Syllogos) | Bibliothèque de la Société Turque d'Histoire. Par Paul Moraux | Ankara 1964 |
HS 17-0150:1 | Catalogue des manuscrits conservés dans la Bibliothèque du Patriarcat Œcuménique: Vol. 1 Notices descriptives | par Matoula Kouroupou et Paul Géhin | Turnhout 2008 |
HS 17-0150:2 | Catalogue des manuscrits conservés dans la Bibliothèque du Patriarcat Œcuménique: Vol. 2 Illustrations | par Matoula Kouroupou et Paul Géhin | Turnhout 2008 |
HS 17-0330 | Libri liturgici manuscripti bibliothecarum Hungariae et limitropharum regionum | Quos recensuit Polycarpus Radó, OSB [Polikárp Radó]. Primae partis ed. rev. et aucta cui et toti operi adlaboravit Ladislaus Mezey [László Mezey] | Budapest 1973 |
HS 17-0340:1,1 | Fragmenta et codices in bibliothecis Hungariae: Fragmenta Latina codicum in Bibliotheca Universitatis Budapestinensis | rec. Ladislaus Mezey. Cum sociis in opere Adriana Fodor ... | Budapest 1983 |
HS 17-0340:1,2 | Fragmenta et codices in bibliothecis Hungariae: Fragmenta Latina codicum in Bibliotheca Seminarii Cleri Hungariae Centralis | rec. Ladislaus Mezey. Cum sociis in opere Adriana Fodor ... | Budapest 1989 |
HS 17-0340:2 | Fragmenta et codices in bibliothecis Hungariae: 2 Mittelalterliche lateinische Handschriftenfragmente in Esztergom | hrsg. von András Vízkelety. Unter Mitw. von Péter Erdő ... | Wiesbaden [u.a.] 1993 |
HS 17-0340:3 | Fragmenta et codices in bibliothecis Hungariae: 3 Mittelalterliche lateinische Handschriftenfragmente in Gyö̋r | hrsg. von András Vizkelety. Unter Mitw. von Péter Erdő ... | Wiesbaden [u.a.] 1998 |
HS 17-0340:4 | Fragmenta et codices in bibliothecis Hungariae: 4 Az európai prédikációirodalom recepciója a Leuveni Kódexben | Vizkelety András | Budapest 2004 |
HS 17-0340:5 | Fragmenta et codices in bibliothecis Hungariae: 5 Mittelalterliche lateinische Handschriftenfragmente in Sopron | hrsg. von Edit Madas ... Unter Mitw. von Katalin Fülep ... | Budapest 2006 |
HS 17-0340:6 | Fragmenta et codices in bibliothecis Hungariae: 6 Mittelalterliche lateinische Handschriften der Széchényi-Nationalbibliothek | András Vizkelety | Budapest 2007 |
HS 17-0350:1 | A Tiszántúli Református Egyházkerület Nagykönyvtárának (Debrecen) kéziratkatalógusa | Csaba Fekete; Botond Szabó | Budapest 1979 |
HS 17-0350:10 | Az Evangélikus Országos Levéltár (Budapest) kéziratkatalógusa | Böröcz Enikő | Budapest 1993 |
HS 17-0350:11-13 | A Magyar Piarista Rendtartomány Központi Leváltárának kéziratkatalógusa: 1 | | Budapest 2000 |
HS 17-0350:11-13 | A Váci Egyházmegyei Könyvtár kéziratkatalógusa | Tóth Béla | Budapest 1999 |
HS 17-0350:11-13 | A Csurgói Református Gimnázium, valamint a Kecskeméti, Kiskunhalasi és Kunszentmiklósi Református Egyházközségek könyvtárainak kéziratkatalógusa | Adorján Imréné; Szabó András | Budapest 1999 |
HS 17-0350:2 | A Pannonhalmi Főapátsági Könyvtár kéziratkatalógusa | Szabó Flóris | Budapest 1981 |
HS 17-0350:3 | A Dunamelléki Református Egyházkerület Ráday Gyűjteményének (Budapest) kéziratkatalógusa | L. Kozma Borbála; Ladányi Sándor | Budapest 1982 |
HS 17-0350:4 | A Tiszáninneni Református Egyházkerület Nagykönyvtárának (Sárospatak) kéziratkatalógusa | Börzsönyi József | Budapest 1986 |
HS 17-0350:5 | Az Egri Főegyházmegyei könyvtár kéziratkatalógusa | Iványi Sándor | Budapest 1986 |
HS 17-0350:6 | A Dunántúli Református Egyházkerület Nagykönyvtárának <Pápa> kéziratkatalógusa | Szabó György | Budapest 1987 |
HS 17-0350:7 | A Kalocsai Főszékesegyházi Könyvtár kéziratkatalógusa | Boros István | Budapest 1989 |
HS 17-0350:8 | A Győri Egyházmegyei Könyvtár kéziratkatalógusa | Bánhegyi B. Miksa | Budapest 1991 |
HS 17-0350:9 | Az Esztergomi Főszékesegyházi Könyvtár Batthyány-gyűjteményének katalógusa | Beke Margit | Budapest 1991 |
HS 17-0360 | Deutsche Handschriften in ungarischen Bibliotheken | von Robert Gragger | Berlin/Leipzig 1921 |
HS 17-0361:1 | Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der altdeutschen Handschriften in ungarischen Bibliotheken: Bd. 1 Széchényi-Nationalbibliothek | | Wiesbaden 1969 |
HS 17-0361:2 | Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der altdeutschen Handschriften in ungarischen Bibliotheken: Bd. 2 Budapest, Debrecen, Eger, Esztergom, Györ, Kalocsa, Pannonhalma Pápa, Pécs, Szombathely | | Wiesbaden 1973 |
HS 17-0380 | Bél Mátyás kéziratos hagyatékának katalógusa | Szelestei, N. László | Budapest 1984 |
HS 17-0410:3 | Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis: 3 (A H és J szak kiegészítő leírásai) | | Budapest 2001 |
HS 17-0490 | Libri manuscripti Graeci in bibliothecis Budapestinensibus asservati | descripsit Maria Kubinyi. [Curaverunt Stephanus Borzsák; Iulius Moravcsik] | Budapestini 1956 |
HS 17-0500 | Catalogus Codicum bibliothecae Universitatis r. scientiarum Budapestinensis | | Budapestini 1881 |
HS 17-0501 | Codices Latini medii aevi | quos recensuit Ladilaus Mezey | Budapest 1961 |
HS 17-0510 | Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis: [4] | | Budapest 2005 |
HS 17-0510:1 | Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis: [1] (A, Ab, B, C, D, E, F szakok kiegészítő leírásai) | | Budapest 1999 |
HS 17-0510:2 | Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis: 2 (G szak kiegészítő leírásai) | | Budapest 2000 |
HS 17-0550:1 | Balázs Béla hagyatéka az Akadémiai Könyvtár Kézirattárában | F. Csanak Dóra | Budapest 1966 |
HS 17-0550:10 | Kandidátusi és doktori disszertációk | István Kállay | Budapest 1978 |
HS 17-0550:11 | Kosztolányi Dezsö hagyatéka, Kosztolányi Dezsöné Harmos Ilona hagyatéka, Hitel Dénes gyűjteménye | Sáfrán Györgyi | Budapest 1978 |
HS 17-0550:13 | Arany Jánso-gyűjtemény, Petőfi Sándor-Szendrey Júlia kéziratok | Sáfrán Györgyi | Budapest 1982 |
HS 17-0550:14 | Az akadémia könyvtár iratai, 1831-1949 | Jánosné Fráter | Budapest 1984 |
HS 17-0550:15 | Fülep Lajos kéziratos hagyatéka | Dóra F. Csanak | Budapest 1984 |
HS 17-0550:16 | Catalogus Collectionis codicum Latinorum et Graecorum | composuit Csaba Csapodi | Budapest 1985 |
HS 17-0550:17 | Dutka Ákos kéziratos hagyatéka | Marth Hildegard | Budapest 1986 |
HS 17-0550:18 | Az 1954 - 1955-ben feldolgozott kéziratok katalógusa | Dóra Fülöpné Csanak | Budapest 1986 |
HS 17-0550:2 | Zalka Máté kéziratos hagyatéka | István Rejtő | Budapest 1966 |
HS 17-0550:20 | Veres Péter kéziratos hagyatéka | N. Abaffy Csilla | Budapest 1991 |
HS 17-0550:21 | Kazinczy Ferenc kéziratos hagyatéka | Gergye László | Budapest 1993 |
HS 17-0550:22 | Pilinszky János kéziratos hagyatéka | Körmendy Kinga | Budapest 1996 |
HS 17-0550:23 | Szabó Lőrinc kéziratos hagyatéka II. | Körmendy Kinga | Budapest 2007 |
HS 17-0550:24 | Kazinczy Ferenc levelezése | összeállította Czifra Mariann | [Budapest] 2014 |
HS 17-0550:3 | Vörösmarty Mihály-levelezés, Csokonai Vitéz Mihály-levelezés, Ady Endre-gyűjtemény | F. Csanak Dóra | Budapest 1967 |
HS 17-0550:4 | A Bolyai-gyűjtemény | Jánosné Fráter | Budapest 1968 |
HS 17-0550:5 | A "Magyar Codexek" elnevezésű gyűjtemény | Csapodi Csaba | Budapest 1973 |
HS 17-0550:6 | Szabó Lõrinc kéziratos hagyatéka | F. Csanak Dóra | Budapest 1973 |
HS 17-0550:7 | A Goethe-gyűjtemény | Marth Hildegard | Budapest 1974 |
HS 17-0550:8 | A Gábor Andor-hagyaték | Marth Hildegard | Budapest 1974 |
HS 17-0550:9 | A Széchenyi-gyűjtemény | Körmendy Kinga | Budapest 1976 |
HS 17-0600 | Codices manu scripti Latini: Vol. 1 Codices Latini medii aevi | | Budapestini 1940 |
HS 17-0630 | Catalogue of the Slavonic cyrillic manuscripts of the National Széchényi Library | ed. by Ralph Cleminson; Elissaveta Moussakova; Nina Voutova. With a historical essay by Orsolya Karsay | Budapest 2006 |
HS 17-0650 | Bibliographia bibliothecae regis Mathiae Corvini. Mátyas Király Könyvtarának irodalma | József Fitz. KLára Zolnai | Budapest 1942 |
HS 17-0651 | Corvinus manuscripts in the United States | by George Szabó | New York 1960 |
HS 17-0655 | La bibliothèque du roi Matthias Corvin | A. de Hevesy | Paris 1923 |
HS 17-0656 | + Guglielmo Fraknói - Giuseppe Fógel - Paolo Gulyás - Edit Hoffmann: Bibliotheca Corvina. La biblioteca di Mattia Corvino Re d'Ungheria. Per cura di Alberto Berzeviczy - Francesco Kollányi - Tiberio Gerevich. Traduzione dall'Ungherese di Luigi Zambra. 30 tavole | | Budapest 1927 |
HS 17-0658 | Corvinen | Ilona Berkovits. [Aus d. Ungar. übertr. von Josef Sternberg] | Budapest 1963 |
HS 17-0660 | Mikor pusztult el Mátyás király könyvtára? | | Budapest 1961 |
HS 17-0661 | Beatrix királyné könyvtára | Csaba Csapodi | Budapest 1964 |
HS 17-0662 | La Biblioteca di Beatrice d'Aragona | Csaba Csapodi | [Budapest] 1967 |
HS 17-0663 | Quando cessò l'attività della bottega di miniatura di Mattia? | Cs. Csapodi | [Budapest] 1968 |
HS 17-0664 | Corvinen-Einbände 1490 - etwa 1520 | von Éva Sz. Koroknay | Budapest 1969 |
HS 17-0665 | Bibliotheca Corviniana | [Bearb.] Csaba Csapodi. [Bearb.] Klára Csapodi-Gárdonyi. [Übers.] Géza Engl. [Übers.] Tibor Rusz | München/Berlin 1969 |
HS 17-0666 | The Corvinian Library | by Csaba Csapodi. [Transl. by Imre Gombos ...] | Budapest 1973 |
HS 17-0667 | Die Anfänge der Renaissance in Ungarn | Jolán Balogh | Graz 1975 |
HS 17-0668 | Bibliotheca Corviniana | Csaba Csapodi; Klára Csapodi-Gárdonyi. Dt. von Henriette Engl .. | [Budapest] 1978 |
HS 17-0669 | Bibliotheca Corviniana | Csaba Csapodi; Klara Csapodi-Gardonyi | [Budapest] 1982 |
HS 17-0670 | Das Corvinus-Graduale | von Elisabeth Soltész | Hanau 1982 |
HS 17-0671 | Mátyás-Graduale | [az előszót: Monok István írta. A bevezető tanulmányt és a képmagyarázatokat Soltész Zoltánné írta. ...] | [Budapest] 2007 |
HS 17-0672 | Art and humanism in Hungary in the age of Matthias Corvinus | Rózsa Feuer-Tóth. ([Aus d. ungar. Ms. übers.:] Györgyi Jacobi) | Budapest 1990 |
HS 17-0673 | Königliche Bücherliebe | Otto Mazal | Graz 1990 |
HS 17-0674 | The Corvinas of King Matthias in the National Széchényi Library | [written by] Árpád Mikó. [Photo by] József Hapák. [Ed.: Mária Hitseker] | [Budapest] 2008 |
HS 17-0745 | Die ungarische Bilderchronik | [Eingel. von Tibor Kardos. Kunsthistor. Untersuchung u. Ausw. d. Ill. von Ilona Berkovits. Anm. zur Chronik von László Mezey] | Budapest 1961 |
HS 17-0746 | Eine deutsche Fassung der Stephanslegende aus dem Jahre 1471 | | [Budapest] 1968 |
HS 17-0747 | Die nah-östlichen und mitteleuropäischen Beziehungen der ungarischen Renaissance-Einbände | Éva Koroknay | Budapest 1972 |
HS 17-0748 | Der Einband des "Pálóczi-Missale" | Éva Sz. Koroknay | [S.l.] 1968 |
HS 17-0748 | The book of the illuminated chronicle | [written by] László Veszprémy; Tünde Wehli; [photos by] József Hapák. [Transl. by Kornélia Vargha]; [publ. by] ... the National Széchényi Library | Budapest/Budapest 2009 |
HS 17-0750 | Halotti beszéd | [hrsg. von Edit Madas] | Budapest 2002 |
HS 17-1400 | Bibliothek des Münsters von Kalocsa | István Boros | Budapest 1994 |
HS 17-1800 | A legrégibb magyar könyvtár belsö rendje | Csaba Csapodi | Budapest 1957 |
HS 17-1920 | A szegedi Egyetemi Könyvtár Móra-Kéziratai | András Lengyel | Szeged 1976 |
HS 17-1921 | Régi könyveink és kézirataink katalógusai: Dézsi Lajos kézirathagyatéka | összeáll. Monok István | Szeged 1989 |
HS 17-1922 | A Szeged-Alsóvárosi Ferences rendház könyvtára | összeáll. Keveházi Katalin; Monok István | Szeged 1994 |
HS 17-2005 | Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana | per gentile concessione e con l'autorita di Alfons M. Stickler, Leonard E. Boyle, Paolo de Nicolò) | Firenze 1990 |
HS 17-2006 | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Ambrogio M. Piazzoni, Antonio Manfredi, Dalma Frascarelli, Alessandro Zuccari, Paolo Vian ; Einleitung von Mons. Cesare Pasini ; mit einem Beitrag von Paolo Portoghesi ; Redaktion und Übersetzung: Bernd Weiß, Fachübersetzungen, Hamburg | Stuttgart/Città del Vaticano/Città del Vaticano 2012 |
HS 17-2010 | Die Palatina in der Vaticana | Walter Berschin | Stuttgart/Zürich 1992 |
HS 17-2050 | Archivio Segreto Vaticano | [rev. delle schede e red. Ugo Paoli] | Firenze 2000 |
HS 17-2051 | Les archives secrètes du Vatican | préface de Sergio Pagano | Bruxelles <B> 2009 |
HS 17-2052 | Vatican Archives | Francis X. Blouin, Jr., general ed. ... | New York [u.a.] 1998 |
HS 17-2054 | A survey of the Vatican archives and of its medieval holdings | Leonard E. Boyle | Toronto 2001 |
HS 17-2080:1 | Guida ai fondi manoscritti, numismatici, a stampa della Biblioteca Vaticana: 1 Dipartimento Manoscritti | | Città del Vaticano 2011 |
HS 17-2080:2 | Guida ai fondi manoscritti, numismatici, a stampa della Biblioteca Vaticana: 2 Dipartimento Stampati, Dipartimento del Gabinetto Numismatico, Uffici della Prefettura, Archivio, Addenda, elenchi e prospetti, indici | | Città del Vaticano 2011 |
HS 17-2105:Add. | Francisci Ehrle Historia bibliothecae Romanorum Pontificum tum Bonifatianae tum Avenionensis: Addenda et emendanda ad Francisci Ehrle Historiae Bibliothecae Romanorum Pontificum tum Bonifatianae tum Avenionensis tomum 1 | collegit Augustus Pelzer | Romae 1947 |
HS 17-2110:1 | Bibliothèques ecclésiastiques au temps de la Papauté d'Avignon: T. 1 Inventaires de bibliothèques et mentions de livres dans les Archives du Vatican (1287 - 1420) | publ. par Daniel Williman. Avant-propos de Jaques Monfrin. Index établis par Marie-Henriette Jullien de Pommerol | Paris 1980 |
HS 17-2110:2 | Bibliothèques ecclésiastiques au temps de la Papauté d'Avignon: 2 Inventaires de prélats et de clercs français | publ. par Marie-Henriette Jullien de Pommerol et Jacques Monfrin | Paris 2001 |
HS 17-2112:1 | La bibliothèque pontificale à Avignon et à Peñiscola pendant le grand schisme d'occident et sa dispersion: Vol. 1 | | Roma 1991 |
HS 17-2112:2 | La bibliothèque pontificale à Avignon et à Peñiscola pendant le grand schisme d'occident et sa dispersion: Vol. 2 | | Roma 1991 |
HS 17-2112:2 | La bibliothèque pontificale à Avignon et à Peñiscola pendant le grand schisme d'occident et sa dispersion: Mikrofiches La bibliothèque pontificale | | Roma 1991 |
HS 17-2114:1 | La librairie des papes d'Avignon: T. 1 | | Amsterdam 1969 |
HS 17-2114:2 | La librairie des papes d'Avignon: T. 2 | | Amsterdam 1969 |
HS 17-2120 | Der Letzte Katalog der paepstlichen Bibliothek von Avignon 1594 | Anneliese Maier | Roma 1952 |
HS 17-2131 | I libri dei papi | Maria Alessandra Bilotta | Città del Vaticano 2011 |
HS 17-2150 | La bibliothèque du Vatican au XVe siècle | Eugène Müntz; Paul Fabre | Amsterdam 1970 |
HS 17-2151 | La bibliothèque du Pape Eugène IV (1431 - 1447) | Jeannine Fohlen | Città del Vaticano 2008 |
HS 17-2152 | I codici latini di Niccolò V | Antonio Manfredi | Città del Vaticano 1995 |
HS 17-2158 | Le fonds grec de la Bibliothèque vaticane des origines à Paul V | Robert Devreesse | Città del Vaticano 1965 |
HS 17-2165 | La Bibliothèque Vaticane de Sixte IV à Pie XI | Jeanne Bignami Odier. Avec la collaboration de José Ruysschaert | Città del Vaticano 1973 |
HS 17-2170 | Il trasferimento dei "Codices urbinates" alla Biblioteca Vaticana | Maria Moranti, Luigi Moranti | Urbino 1981 |
HS 17-2180 | Die Ausleihe vatikanischer Handschriften und Druckwerke (1563 - 1700) | Christine Maria Grafinger | Città del Vaticano 1994 |
HS 17-2181:1 | Die Ausleihe vatikanischer Handschriften und Druckwerke 18. Jahrhundert: Teil 1 Biblioteca Vaticana | | Città del Vaticano 2002 |
HS 17-2181:2 | Die Ausleihe vatikanischer Handschriften und Druckwerke 18. Jahrhundert: Teil 2 Archivio Segreto Vaticano | | Città del Vaticano 2002 |
HS 17-2201:1-678 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 1 Cod. 1 - 678 | rec. Marcus Vattasso ... | Romae 1902 |
HS 17-2201:10301-10700 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices 10301 - 10700 | rec. Marcus Vattasso ... | Romae 1920 |
HS 17-2201:10701-10875 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices 10701 - 10875 | rec. Iohannes Bapt. Borino ... | Romae 1947 |
HS 17-2201:10710-10875,Ind. | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices 10701 - 10875, Indices | rec. Iohannes Bapt. Borino | Romae 1947 |
HS 17-2201:10876-11000 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices 10876 - 11000 | rec. Iohannes Bapt. Borino | Romae 1955 |
HS 17-2201:11266-11326 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices 11266 - 11326 | rec. Maria Magdalena Lebreton ... | Romae 1985 |
HS 17-2201:1135-1266 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices 1135 - 1266 | rec. M.-H. Laurent | Romae 1958 |
HS 17-2201:1135-1266,Ind. | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices 1135 - 1266, Indices | rec. Maria Magdalena Lebreton | Romae 1968 |
HS 17-2201:11414-11709 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices 11414 - 11709 | schedis Hnerici Carusi adhibitis rec. José Ruysschaert | Romae 1959 |
HS 17-2201:1461-2059 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 3 Codices 1461 - 2059 | rec. Bartholomeus Nogara | Romae 1912 |
HS 17-2201:2060-2117 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices 2060 - 2117 | rec. Claudius Leonardi, ... | Romae 1987 |
HS 17-2201:2118-2192 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices 2118 - 2192 | rec. Anneliese Maier | Romae 1961 |
HS 17-2201:679-1134,App. | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 2,1,App. Appendix (Index nominum et rerum, initia operum) ad tomi 2 partem priorem, qua Codices 679 - 1134 enaverrat | add. Augustus Pelzer | Romae 1933 |
HS 17-2201:9734-9782 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices 9734 - 9782 (Codices Amatiani) | rec. Marcus Buonocore | Romae 1988 |
HS 17-2201:9852-10300 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices 9852 - 10300 | rec. Marcus Vattasso ... | Romae 1914 |
HS 17-2201:Cod. 679-1134 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 2,1 Codices 679 - 1134 | rec. Augustus Pelzer | Romae 1931 |
HS 17-2202 | Codices vaticani graeci | recensuit Salvator Lilla | Città del Vaticano 1996 |
HS 17-2202:1 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 1 Cod. 1 - 329 | rec. Iohannes Mercati et ... | Romae 1923 |
HS 17-2202:1485-1683 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: 6 Cod. 1485 - 1683 | rec. Cyrus Giannelli | Romae 1950 |
HS 17-2202:1684-1744 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Cod. 1684 - 1744 | rec. Cyrus Giannelli. Addenda et ind. cur. Paulus Canart | Romae 1961 |
HS 17-2202:1745-1962,1 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 1 Codicum enarrationes | rec. Paulus Canart | Romae 1970 |
HS 17-2202:1745-1962,2 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 2 Introductio, addenda, indices | rec. Paulus Canart | Romae 1973 |
HS 17-2202:2 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 2 Cod. 330 - 603 | rec. Robertus Devreesse | Romae 1937 |
HS 17-2202:2162-2254 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices 2162 - 2254 (Codices Columnenses) | rec. Salvator Lilla | Romae 1985 |
HS 17-2202:3 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 3 Cod. 604 - 866 | rec. Robertus Devreesse | Romae 1950 |
HS 17-2202:867-932 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Cod. 867 - 932 | rec. Petrus Schreiner | Romae 1988 |
HS 17-2203:1 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 1 | rec. et digessit Henricus Stevenson iun. Recogn. I. B. De Rossi | Romae 1886 |
HS 17-2204 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices manuscripti Palatini Graeci | rec. et digessit Henricus Stevenson sen. | Romae 1885 |
HS 17-2205:A,1 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 1 Cod. 1 - 500 | rec. Cosimus Stornajolo | Romae 1902 |
HS 17-2205:A,2 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 2 Cod. 501 - 1000 | rec. Cosimus Stornajolo | Romae 1912 |
HS 17-2205:A,3 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 3 Cod. 1001 - 1779 | rec. Cosimus Stornajolo | Romae 1921 |
HS 17-2205:B | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices Urbinates Graeci Bibliothecae Vaticanae | rec. Cosimus Stornajolo | Romae 1895 |
HS 17-2206:1 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 1 Cod. 1 - 250 | rec. Andreas Wilmart | Romae 1937 |
HS 17-2206:2 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 2 Cod. 251 - 500 | rec. Andreas Wilmart | Romae 1945 |
HS 17-2207 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices manuscripti Graeci Reginae Suecorum et Pii PP. II. | rec. et digessit Henricus Stevenson sen. | Romae 1888 |
HS 17-2208 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: I codici Capponiani | descritti da Giuseppe Salvo Cozzo | Romae 1897 |
HS 17-2209 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices manuscripti Graeci Ottoboniani | rec. E. Feron ... | Romae 1893 |
HS 17-2210 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices Graeci Chisiani et Borgiani | rec. Pius Franchi De' Cavalieri | Romae 1927 |
HS 17-2211:1 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 1 Cod. 1 - 425 | rec. Franciscus Aloisius Berra | Romae 1939 |
HS 17-2211:2 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 2 Cod. 426 - 736 | rec. Franciscus Aloisius Berra | Romae 1948 |
HS 17-2211:3 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 3 Cod. 737 - 977 | rec. Franciscus Aloisius Berra | Romae 1960 |
HS 17-2212:1 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 1 Cod. 1 - 163 | rec. Valentinus Capocci | Romae 1958 |
HS 17-2212:2 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: T. 2 Codices 164 - 281 | rec. Iosephus Mogenet. Enarrationes complevit Iulianus Leroy. Addenda et ind. cur. Paulus Canart | Romae 1989 |
HS 17-2213 | Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codices manu scripti recensiti ...: Codices 1 - 150 | rec. Sextus Prete | Romae 1968 |
HS 17-2220 | Codices Burghesiani Bibliothecae Vaticanae | [Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Rom]. Recensuit Anneliese Maier | Città del Vaticano 1952 |
HS 17-2225 | Catalogus codicum Copticorum manu scriptorum qui in Museo Borgiano Velitris adservantur | Georgius Zoega. Joseph-Maria Sauget [Mitarb.] | Hildesheim [u.a.] 1973 |
HS 17-2230:1 | Manoscritti Vaticani latini 14666-15203 | A cura di Ambrogio M Piazzoni e Paolo Vian | Città de Vaticano 1989 |
HS 17-2230:2 | La "Raccolta prima" degli Autografi Ferrajoli | a cura di Paolo Vian | Città del Vaticano 1990 |
HS 17-2230:3 | Le raccolte Ferrajoli e Menozzi degli autografi Ferrajoli | a cura di Paolo Vian | Città del Vaticano 1992 |
HS 17-2230:4 | Le raccolte Minervini e Odorici degli autografi Ferrajoli | introduzione, inventario e indice a cura di Paolo Vian | Città del Vaticano 1994 |
HS 17-2230:5 | La raccolta e la miscellanea Visconti degli autografi Ferrajoli | introd., inventario e indice a cura di Paolo Vian | Città del Vaticano 1996 |
HS 17-2230:8 | Inventario dei manoscritti Cerulli etiopici | Enrico Cerulli. Introd., integrazioni e indici a cura di Osvaldo Raineri | Città del Vaticano 2004 |
HS 17-2240:1 | Hispanic manuscripts and printed books in the Barberini collection: 1 Manuscripts | | Città del Vaticano 1978 |
HS 17-2240:2 | Hispanic manuscripts and printed books in the Barberini collection: 2 Printed books | | Città del Vaticano 1978 |
HS 17-2245 | I manoscritti coranici della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana e delle biblioteche romane | Carlo Alberto Anzuini | Città del Vaticano 2001 |
HS 17-2250 | Les vaticani Graeci 1487 - 1962 | Paul Canart | Città del Vaticano 1979 |
HS 17-2251 :415 | I manoscritti vaticani greci | Salvatore Lilla | Città del Vaticano 2004 |
HS 17-2255 | Catalogue des manuscrits grecs de l'Archivio di San Pietro | Paul Canart | Città del Vaticano 1966 |
HS 17-2260 | Codici latini Pico Grimani Pio e di altra biblioteca ignota del secolo 16 esistenti nell'Ottoboniana e i codici greci Pio di Modena | Giovanni Mercati | Città del Vaticano 1976 |
HS 17-2265 | Les manuscrits de la Reine de Suède au Vatican | | Città del Vaticano 1964 |
HS 17-2270 | Manoscritti slavi, documenti e carte riguardanti la storia bulgara della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana e dell'Archivio Segreto Vaticano | Aksinija Džurova; Božidar Dimitrov | Sofia 1979 |
HS 17-2272 | Manuscripts in the Vatican library relating to the Carmelite Order | ed. with an introd. and notes by Joachim Smet | Roma 1994 |
HS 17-2275 | Catalogus codicum manu S. Ioannis Cantii scriptorum qui in Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana asservantur | Romanus M. Zawadzki | Cracoviae 1997 |
HS 17-2285 | Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican Library | comp. by the staff of the Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts, Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem. Ed. by Benjamin Richler. Palaeographical and codicological descriptions Malachi Beit-Arié ... | Città del Vaticano 2008 |
HS 17-2305 | Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum Latinorum Bibliothecae Vaticanae | Albertus Poncelet | Bruxellis 1910 |
HS 17-2320 | Libri liturgici Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae | | Hildesheim/Zürich/New York 1985 |
HS 17-2322:1 | Les Manuscrits liturgiques latins de la Bibliothèque Vaticane: 1 Psautiers, antiphonaires, hymnaires, collectaires, bréviaires | | Città del Vaticano 1968 |
HS 17-2322:2 | Les Manuscrits liturgiques latins de la Bibliothèque Vaticane: 2 Sacramentaires, épistoliers, évangéliaires, graduels, missels | | Città del Vaticano 1969 |
HS 17-2322:3 | Les Manuscrits liturgiques latins de la Bibliothèque Vaticane: 3 Ordines Romani, pontificaux, rituels, céremoniaux | | Città del Vaticano 1970 |
HS 17-2322:4 | Les Manuscrits liturgiques latins de la Bibliothèque Vaticane: 4 Les livres de lectures de l'office ; les livres de l'office du chapitre ; les livres d'heures | | Città del Vaticano 1971 |
HS 17-2322:5 | Les Manuscrits liturgiques latins de la Bibliothèque Vaticane: 5 Liste complémentaire ; tables gènérales | | Città del Vaticano 1972 |
HS 17-2340:1 | Les manuscrits classiques latins de la Bibliothèque Vaticane: T. 1 Fonds Archivio San Pietro à Ottoboni | | Paris 1975 |
HS 17-2340:2,1 | Les manuscrits classiques latins de la Bibliothèque Vaticane: T. 2, Pt. 1 Fonds Patetta et Fonds de la reine | | Paris 1978 |
HS 17-2340:2,2 | Les manuscrits classiques latins de la Bibliothèque Vaticane: T. 2, Pt. 2 Fonds Palatin, Rossi, Ste-Marie Majeure et Urbinate | | Paris 1982 |
HS 17-2340:3,1 | Les manuscrits classiques latins de la Bibliothèque Vaticane: T. 3, Pt. 1 Fonds Vatican latin, 224 - 2900 | | Paris 1991 |
HS 17-2340:3,2 | Les manuscrits classiques latins de la Bibliothèque Vaticane: T. 3, Pt. 2 Fonds Vatican latin, 2901 - 14740 | éd. par Anne-Véronique Gilles-Raynal ... | Cité du Vatican [u.a.] 2010 |
HS 17-2343 | Aetas Ovidiana | Marco Buonocore | Sulmona 1994 |
HS 17-2345 | Codices Horatiani in Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana | recensuit Marcus Buonocore | Città del Vaticano 1992 |
HS 17-2347 | Properzio nei codici della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Marco Buonocore | Assisi 1995 |
HS 17-2360:1 | A catalogue of Canon and Roman law manuscripts in the Vatican Library: 1 Codices Vaticani latini 541-2299 | | Città del Vaticano 1986 |
HS 17-2360:2 | A catalogue of Canon and Roman law manuscripts in the Vatican Library: 2 Codices Vaticani latini 2300-2746 | | Città del Vaticano 1987 |
HS 17-2380 | Iter Vaticanum Franciscanum | by Girard J. Etzkorn | Leiden [u.a.] 1996 |
HS 17-2390:1,1 | Catalogo dei codici miniati della Biblioteca Vaticana: 1 Ross. 2 - 413 | | Città del Vaticano 2014 |
HS 17-2390:1,2 | Catalogo dei codici miniati della Biblioteca Vaticana: 2 Ross. 416 - 1195 | | Città del Vaticano 2014 |
HS 17-2390:1,3 | Catalogo dei codici miniati della Biblioteca Vaticana: 3 Tavole, bibliografia, indici | | Città del Vaticano 2014 |
HS 17-2400 | Sussidi bibliografici per i manoscritti greci della Biblioteca Vaticana | a cura di Paul Canart e Vittorio Peri | Città del Vaticano 1987 |
HS 17-2410:1 | Bibliografia retrospettiva dei fondi manoscritti della Biblioteca Vaticana: 1 | Marco Buonocore | Città del Vaticano 1994 |
HS 17-2410:2 | Bibliografia retrospettiva dei fondi manoscritti della Biblioteca Vaticana: 2 | Valentino Di Cerbo; Marco Di Paola; Caterina Franceschi. A cura di Marco Buonocore | Città del Vaticano 2011 |
HS 17-2420:1 | Bibliografia dei fondi manoscritti della Biblioteca Vaticana: 1 (1968 - 1980) | Marco Buonocore | Città del Vaticano 1986 |
HS 17-2420:2 | Bibliografia dei fondi manoscritti della Biblioteca Vaticana: 2 (1968 - 1980) | Marco Buonocore | Città del Vaticano 1986 |
HS 17-2421 | | | Citta del Vaticano 1991 |
HS 17-2422 | | | Citta del Vaticano 1998 |
HS 17-2423 | | | Città del Vaticano 2005 |
HS 17-2470 | Studi e ricerche nella Biblioteca e negli Archivi vaticani in memoria del Cardinale Giovanni Mercati (1866 - 1957) | raccolti a cura di Lamberto Donati | Firenze 1959 |
HS 17-2475 | Le chiavi della memoria | Alfons Stickler [Bearb.]. Scuola vaticana di paleografica, diplomatica e archivistica | Città del Vaticano 1984 |
HS 17-2476 | Cento anni di cammino | a cura di Terzo Natalini | Citta' del Vaticano 1986 |
HS 17-2550:1 | Die Einbände der Palatina in der Vatikanischen Bibliothek: 1 Beschreibung | | Citta del Vaticano 1962 |
HS 17-2550:2,1 | Die Einbände der Palatina in der Vatikanischen Bibliothek: 2,1 Katalog | | Citta del Vaticano 1962 |
HS 17-2550:2,2 | Die Einbände der Palatina in der Vatikanischen Bibliothek: 2,2 Katalog | | Citta del Vaticano 1962 |
HS 17-2560 | Legature bizantine vaticane | [Istituto Centrale per la Patologia del Libro. Carlo Federici ...] Contrib. di Paul Canart ... | Roma 1988 |
HS 17-2610 | The illuminations of the Vergilius Romanus (Cod. Vat. Lat. 3867) | Erwin Rosenthal | Dietikon-Zürich 1972 |
HS 17-2615 | Codicological notes on the Vergilius Romanus | David H. Wright | Città del Vaticano 1992 |
HS 17-2616 | Der Vergilius Romanus und die Ursprünge des mittelalterlichen Buches | David H. Wright. [Übers.: Rainer Zerbst] | Stuttgart 2001 |
HS 17-2625 | Die Miniaturen des Vergilius Vaticanus | J. de Wit | Amsterdam 1959 |
HS 17-2630 | Der Vergilius Vaticanus | David H. Wright. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Ulrike Bauer-Eberhardt | Graz/Austria 1993 |
HS 17-2631 | Die Genese narrativer Buchillustration | Angelika Geyer. [Auf Anregung u. unter Mitw. d. Stadt Frankfurt am Main. Hrsg. von d. Wiss. Ges. an d. Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Univ., Frankfurt am Main] | Frankfurt am Main 1989 |
HS 17-2640 | Five hundred unknown glosses from the Palatine Virgil | Michael McCormick | Citta del Vaticano 1992 |
HS 17-2650 | Anglo-Saxon gestures and the Roman stage | | Cambridge [u.a.] 2000 |
HS 17-2651 | The lost late antique illustrated Terence | David H. Wright | Città del Vaticano 2006 |
HS 17-2660 | Il codice Bembino di Terenzio | Sesto Prete | Città del Vaticano 1950 |
HS 17-2661 | Il Codice di Terenzio vaticano latino 3226 | Sesto Prete | Città del Vaticano 1970 |
HS 17-2700 | Die Liebe im Zeichen der Rose | Eberhard König | Stuttgart/Zürich 1992 |
HS 17-2745 | The Joshua Roll | Steven H. Wander | Wiesbaden 2012 |
HS 17-2750 | L' illustration byzantine du livre des rois | Jean Lassus | Paris 1973 |
HS 17-2760 | Le due Bibbie di Bovino | Marco Vattasso | Roma 1972 |
HS 17-2762 | De duobus codicibus olim Iordani Ursini cardinalis hebraice subscriptis | Caesar Questa; accedit appendicula Augusti Campana | Roma 1957 |
HS 17-2764 | Due note sulla tradizione manoscritta di Pier Damiani | Giovanni Miccoli | Roma 1959 |
HS 17-2780 | La Bibbia di Federico da Montefeltro | Annarosa Garzelli | Roma 1977 |
HS 17-2800 | Il maestro del codice di San Giorgio e il cardinale Jacopo Stefaneschi | Maria G. Ciardi-Dupré Dal Poggetto | Firenze 1981 |
HS 17-2810 | The missal of Cardinal Bertrand de Deux | Elly Cassee | Firenze 1980 |
HS 17-2820 | Das Stundenbuch Rom, Biblioteca Vaticana, Ms. Pal. lat. 537 und verwandte Handschriften | Wolfgang Metzger | Frankfurt am Main/Berlin [u.a.] 1994 |
HS 17-2825 | Der Codex Vaticanus Rossianus 181 | Beate Braun-Niehr | Berlin 1996 |
HS 17-2830 | Il codice vaticano Boncompagni n. 3 | Diego D'Elia | Trieste 2000 |
HS 17-2831 | Portraits de troubadours | publ. par Jean-Loup Lemaitre ... | Città del Vaticano 2008 |
HS 17-2900 | Un cas très curieux de restauration de manuscrit | Joseph-Marie Sauget | Città del Vaticano 1981 |
HS 17-2902 | Un Gazzā chaldéen disparu et retrouvé | Joseph-Marie Sauget | Città del Vaticano 1987 |
HS 17-2950 | Die althochdeutschen Griffelglossen der Handschrift Ottob. Lat. 3295 (Biblioteca Vaticana) | Hartwig Mayer | Bern/Frankfurt am Main 1982 |
HS 17-2955 | Die althochdeutschen Aratorglossen der Handschrift Rom, Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. Lat. 1716 und verwandte Glossierungen | Armin Schlechter | Göttingen 1993 |
HS 17-5000 | A guide to archives and manuscripts in the United States | comp. for the National Historical Publications Commission. Philip M. Hamer, ed. | New Haven, Conn. 1961 |
HS 17-5001 | Guides to archives and manuscript collections in the United States | comp. by Donald L. DeWitt | Westport, Conn. [u.a.] 1994 |
HS 17-5010:1 | Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada: 1 [Alabama - Massachusetts] | introd. note: Herbert Putnam ... | New York, NY 1961 |
HS 17-5010:2 | Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada: 2 [Michigan - Wisconsin] ; [Hawaii. Canada] | | New York, NY 1961 |
HS 17-5010:3 | Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada: 3 Indices | | New York, NY 1940 |
HS 17-5010:Suppl. | Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada: [4] Supplement to the Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada | originated by C. U. Faye. Continued and ed. by W. H. Bond | New York 1962 |
HS 17-5015 | National union catalog of manuscript collections | Library of Congress. Comp. and ed. by the NUCMC Team, Special Materials Cataloging Division | Washington, DC/Ann Arbor, Mich. 1962 |
HS 17-5016:1 | Index to personal names in the National union catalog of manuscript collections, 1959 - 1984: Vol. 1 A - K | | Alexandria, Va. 1988 |
HS 17-5016:2 | Index to personal names in the National union catalog of manuscript collections, 1959 - 1984: Vol. 2 L - Z | | Alexandria, Va. 1988 |
HS 17-5017:1 | Index to subjects and corporate names in the National Union Catalog of manuscript collections, 1959 - 1984: Vol. 1 A - G | | Alexandria, Va. 1994 |
HS 17-5017:2 | Index to subjects and corporate names in the National Union Catalog of manuscript collections, 1959 - 1984: Vol. 2 H - O | | Alexandria, Va. 1994 |
HS 17-5017:3 | Index to subjects and corporate names in the National Union Catalog of manuscript collections, 1959 - 1984: Vol. 3 P - Z | | Alexandria, Va. 1994 |
HS 17-5030 | American manuscripts, 1763-1815 | compiled and edited by Helen Cripe and Diane Campbell | Wilmington, Del. 1977 |
HS 17-5050 | Children's authors and illustrators | James Howard Fraser. With the assistance of Renée I. Weber | New York, NY [u.a.] 1980 |
HS 17-5053 | Petrarch in America | by Michael Jasenas. The Folger Shakespeare Library. The Pierpont Morgan Library | [New York, NY]/[Washington] 1974 |
HS 17-5055 | English legal manuscripts in the United States of America: 1 Medieval and Renaissance period <to 1558> | | London 1985 |
HS 17-5060 | A guide to archives and manuscript collections in the history of chemistry and chemical technology | Comp. by George D. Tselos and Colleen Wickey | Philadelphia. Pa. 1987 |
HS 17-5210:1 | A catalogue of Greek manuscripts at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: Volume 1 | | Ann Arbor, Michigan 2021 |
HS 17-5255 | Armenian manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery | by Sirarpie DerNersessian | Baltimore, Md. 1973 |
HS 17-5260:1 | Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery: Vol. 1 France, 875 - 1420 | | Baltimore, Md. [u.a.] 1989 |
HS 17-5260:2,1 | Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery: Vol. 2 | | Baltimore, Md. [u.a.] 1992 |
HS 17-5260:2,2 | Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery: Vol. 2 | | Baltimore, Md. [u.a.] 1992 |
HS 17-5260:3,1 | Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery: Vol. 3 | | Baltimore, Md. [u.a.] 1997 |
HS 17-5260:3,2 | Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery: Vol. 3 | | Baltimore, Md. [u.a.] 1997 |
HS 17-5270:1 | The Archimedes Palimpsest: Vol. 1 Catalogue and commentary | | Cambridge [u.a.] 2011 |
HS 17-5270:2 | The Archimedes Palimpsest: Vol. 2 Images and transcriptions | | Cambridge [u.a.] 2011 |
HS 17-5400 | The Islamic manuscript tradition | ed. by Christiane Gruber | Bloomington, Ind. [u.a.] 2010 |
HS 17-5405 | Gilding the Lilly | Christopher de Hamel | Bloomington, Ind. 2010 |
HS 17-5500 | Manuscripts sacred and secular | Ed. by Judith Oliver | Boston 1985 |
HS 17-5501 | Beyond words | edited by Jeffrey F. Hamburger, William P. Stoneman, Anne-Marie Eze, Lisa Fagin Davis & Nancy Netzer | Chicago/Chestnut Hill, Mass. 2016 |
HS 17-5502 | Beyond words | edited by Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Lisa Fagin Davis, Anne-Marie Eze, Nancy Netzer, & William P. Stoneman | Toronto 2021 |
HS 17-5520 | Vita Sancti Augustini imaginibus adornata | texte critique établi par Pierre Courcelle; commentaire iconographique par Jeanne Courcelle-Ladmirant | Paris 1964 |
HS 17-5570:1 | Catalog of manuscripts of the Massachusetts Historical Society: Vol. 1 A - Car | | Boston, Mass. 1969 |
HS 17-5570:2 | Catalog of manuscripts of the Massachusetts Historical Society: Vol. 2 Cas - E | | Boston, Mass. 1969 |
HS 17-5570:3 | Catalog of manuscripts of the Massachusetts Historical Society: Vol. 3 F - How | | Boston, Mass. 1969 |
HS 17-5570:4 | Catalog of manuscripts of the Massachusetts Historical Society: Vol. 4 Hox - Mar | | Boston, Mass. 1969 |
HS 17-5570:5 | Catalog of manuscripts of the Massachusetts Historical Society: Vol. 5 Mas - Poy | | Boston, Mass. 1969 |
HS 17-5570:6 | Catalog of manuscripts of the Massachusetts Historical Society: Vol. 6 Poz - St | | Boston, Mass. 1969 |
HS 17-5570:7 | Catalog of manuscripts of the Massachusetts Historical Society: Vol. 7 Su - Z. Addendum | | Boston, Mass. 1969 |
HS 17-5610 | A selection of books, manuscripts, and drawings brought to the Department of Printing and Graphic Arts by Philip Hofer '21, between 1938 and 1966 | | [Cambridge, Mass 1966 |
HS 17-5611 | The Houghton Library, 1942 - 1967 | | Cambridge, Mass. 1967 |
HS 17-5615:1 | Catalogue of manuscripts in the Houghton Library, Harvard University: 1 | | Alexandria (Va.) 1986 |
HS 17-5615:2 | Catalogue of manuscripts in the Houghton Library, Harvard University: 2 | | Alexandria (Va.) 1986 |
HS 17-5615:3 | Catalogue of manuscripts in the Houghton Library, Harvard University: 3 | | Alexandria (Va.) 1986 |
HS 17-5615:4 | Catalogue of manuscripts in the Houghton Library, Harvard University: 4 | | Alexandria (Va.) 1986 |
HS 17-5615:5 | Catalogue of manuscripts in the Houghton Library, Harvard University: 5 | | Alexandria (Va.) 1986 |
HS 17-5615:6 | Catalogue of manuscripts in the Houghton Library, Harvard University: 6 | | Alexandria (Va.) 1986 |
HS 17-5615:7 | Catalogue of manuscripts in the Houghton Library, Harvard University: 7 | | Alexandria (Va.) 1987 |
HS 17-5615:8 | Catalogue of manuscripts in the Houghton Library, Harvard University: 8 | | Alexandria (Va.) 1987 |
HS 17-5616:1 | Catalogue of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the Houghton Library, Harvard University: Vol. 1 MSS Lat 3 - 179 | | Binghamton, N.Y 1995 |
HS 17-5620 | Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in Houghton Library, Harvard University | Cornelius G. Buttimer | Notre Dame, Indiana 2022 |
HS 17-5630 | Picturing prayer | [introd.: Jeffrey F. Hamburger] | Cambridge, Mass. 2006 |
HS 17-5631 | Imitation as innovation | Jane Cheng | 2009 |
HS 17-5775 | A catalogue of the pre-1500 western manuscript books at the Newberry Library | Paul Saenger | Chicago [u.a.] 1989 |
HS 17-5825 | Verzeichnis der mittelalterlichen und orientalischen Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek Cincinnati, Ohio | | [Wolfenbüttel] 1975 |
HS 17-5840 | Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in California libraries: 1 Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the Claremont Libraries | C[onsuelo] W. Dutschke and R[ichard] H[unter] Rouse, with the ass. of Mirella Ferrari | Berkeley, Calif. [u.a.] 1986 |
HS 17-5845 | The Caporali missal: a masterpiece of Renaissance illumination ; [on the occasion of the Exhibition The Caporali Missal: A Masterpiece of Renaissance Illumination, February 17 - June 2, 2013, at the Cleveland Museum of Art] | with contributions by Dilys E. Blum ... Stephen N. Fliegel | Cleveland 2013 |
HS 17-5850 | A catalogue of incunabula and manuscripts in the Army Medical Library | By Dorothy M. Schullian and Francis E[rich] Sommer | New York 1948 |
HS 17-5890:1 | Catalog: 1 | | Columbus, Ohio 1992 |
HS 17-5890:2 | Catalog: 2 With indexes | | Columbus, Ohio 1992 |
HS 17-5900 | Catalogue of manuscripts in the University of Oregon Library | Comp. by Martin Schmitt | Eugene, Or.: Univ. of Oregon 1971 |
HS 17-6080:1 | Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts of the UCLA Library Special Collections: 1 The Richard and Mary Rouse Collection | R.H. and M.A. Rouse ; with the assistance of Stacey Graham and Rhiannon Knoll ; bindings described by Kristen St. John ; musical notation described by Gillian Gower | Tempe, Arizona 2017 |
HS 17-6095 | Persian medical manuscripts at the University of California, Los Angeles | | Malibu 1978 |
HS 17-6100 | Medieval Armenian manuscripts at the University of California, LosAngeles | Avedis K. Sanjian | Berkeley, Calif. [u.a.] 1999 |
HS 17-6101 | The Armenian Gospels of Gladzor | Thomas F. Mathews and Alice Taylor | Los Angeles, Calif. 2001 |
HS 17-6121:1 | Die Handschriften der Sammlung Ludwig: Bd. 1 | | Köln 1979 |
HS 17-6121:2 | Die Handschriften der Sammlung Ludwig: Bd. 2 | | Köln 1982 |
HS 17-6121:3 | Die Handschriften der Sammlung Ludwig: Bd. 3 | von Anton von Euw. Mit einem Beitr. von Tarif al Samman | Köln 1982 |
HS 17-6121:4 | Die Handschriften der Sammlung Ludwig: Bd. 4 | mit einem Reg. von Gisela Plotzek-Wederhake | Köln 1985 |
HS 17-6125 | Illuminated manuscripts | | London 1997 |
HS 17-6126 | Das Gebetbuch des Kardinals Albrecht von Brandenburg | Friedrich Winkler | Aachen 1962 |
HS 17-6127 | Das Gebetbuch des Kardinals Albrecht von Brandenburg | [von Joachim M. Plotzek] | Mainz 1980 |
HS 17-6128 | Eine karolingische Prachthandschrift in Aachener Privatbesitz | Bernhard Bischoff | [S.l.] 1966 |
HS 17-6129 | Margaret of York, Simon Marmion, and the visions of Tondal | Thomas Kren, ed. | Malibu, Calif. 1992 |
HS 17-6130 | The Stammheim Missal | Elizabeth C. Teviotdale | Los Angeles, Calif. 2001 |
HS 17-6132 | The Spitz master | Gregory T. Clark | Los Angeles, Calif. 2003 |
HS 17-6133 | Illuminated manuscripts from Belgium and the Netherlands in the J. Paul Getty Museum | Thomas Kren | Los Angeles, Calif. 2010 |
HS 17-6134 | Italian illuminated manuscripts in the J. Paul Getty Museum | Thomas Kren; Kurt Barstow | Los Angeles, Calif. 2015 |
HS 17-6135 | French illuminated manuscripts | Thomas Kren | Los Angeles, Calif. 2007 |
HS 17-6136 | Illuminated manuscripts of Germany and Central Europe in the J. Paul Getty Museum | Thomas Kren ; The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | Los Angeles, Calif. 2009 |
HS 17-6137 | The prayer book of Charles the bold | Antoine de Schryver | Los Angeles, Calif. 2008 |
HS 17-6140 | Illuminating the end of time | | Los Angeles, Calif. [u.a.] 2011 |
HS 17-6142 | The adventures of Gillion de Trazegnies | Elizabeth Morrison and Zrinka Stahuljak ; The J. Paul Getty Museum | Los Angeles 2015 |
HS 17-6500 | The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library | | New Haven, Conn 1994 |
HS 17-6505:1 | Catalogue of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University: Vol. 1 Mss 1 - 250 | by Barbara A. Shailor | Binghamton, NY 1984 |
HS 17-6505:2 | Catalogue of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University: Vol. 2 Mss 251 - 500 | by Barbara A. Shailor | Binghamton, NY 1987 |
HS 17-6505:3 | Catalogue of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University: Vol. 3 Marston manuscripts | by Barbara A. Shailor | Binghamton, NY 1992 |
HS 17-6505:4 | Catalogue of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University: Vol. 4 Mss 481 - 485 | by Robert B. Babcock; Lisa Fagin Davis; Philip G. Rusche | Turnhout 2004 |
HS 17-6510:1 | Catalogue of the papers of James Boswell at Yale University: Vol. 1 | | Edinburgh [u.a.] 1993 |
HS 17-6510:2 | Catalogue of the papers of James Boswell at Yale University: Vol. 2 | | Edinburgh [u.a.] 1993 |
HS 17-6510:3 | Catalogue of the papers of James Boswell at Yale University: Vol. 3 | | Edinburgh [u.a.] 1993 |
HS 17-6512:3 | Alchemy and the occult: 3 Manuscripts 1225-1671 | | New Haven 1977 |
HS 17-6512:4 | Alchemy and the occult: 4 Manuscripts 1675-1922 | | New Haven 1977 |
HS 17-6515 | The De Lévis hours and the Bedford workshop | by Millard Meiss | New Haven, Conn. 1972 |
HS 17-6518 | The most mysterious manuscript | ed. by Robert S. Brumbaugh | Carbondale, Ill. [u.a.] 1978 |
HS 17-6519 | Der Voynich-Code | Gerry Kennedy; Rob Churchill. Aus dem Engl. von Hainer Kober | Berlin 2005 |
HS 17-6520 | The Voynich manuscript | edited by Raymond Clemens ; with an introduction by Deborah Harkness | New Haven/London 2016 |
HS 17-6525 | The Rothschild canticles | Jeffrey F. Hamburger | New Haven [u.a.] 1990 |
HS 17-6526 | Gladiatoria | Dierk Hagedorn, Bartłomiej Walczak ; foreword by Sydney Anglo | [London] 2018 |
HS 17-6710 | An index of images in English manuscripts: New York City: Columbia University - Union Theological | by Martha W. Driver; Michael T. Orr | London [u.a.] 2007 |
HS 17-6724 | Les belles heures du duc de Berry | Hélène Grollemund et Pascal Torres | Paris/Paris 2012 |
HS 17-6726 | The art of illumination | Timothy B. Husband | New York, NY/New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 2008 |
HS 17-6727 | The Jaharis Gospel Lectionary | John Lowden. Metropolitan Museum of Art | New Haven, Conn./London 2009 |
HS 17-6760 | Katalog: Bd. 1 Deutschsprachige jüdische Gemeinden, Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Jahrbücher, Almanache und Kalender, unveröffentlichte Memoiren und Erinnerungsschriften | | Tübingen 1970 |
HS 17-6770 | Collections and treasures | | New York 1985 |
HS 17-6790:1 | Medieval manuscripts in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America: [Hauptbd.] | | New York, NY 1983 |
HS 17-6790:2 | Medieval manuscripts in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America: Indices | | New York, NY 1983 |
HS 17-6792:1 | Spanish drama of the Golden Age: Volume 1 | | New York 1984 |
HS 17-6792:2 | Spanish drama of the Golden Age: Volume 2 | | New York 1984 |
HS 17-6810:1 | Ohel Hayim: Vol. 1 Kabbalistic manuscripts | Prepared by Moshe Hallamish; with the participation of Elazar Hurvitz. Introd. by Manfred R. Lehmann | New York 1988 |
HS 17-6810:2 | Ohel Hayim: Vol. 2 Biblical manuscripts | Prepared by Israel Yeivin. With the participation of Elazar Hurvitz. Introd. by Manfred R. Lehmann | New York 1990 |
HS 17-6810:3 | Ohel Hayim: 3 Printed books incunabula and sixteenth century books | Prepared by Shimon M. Iakerson. With the participation of Elazar Hurvitz. Introd. by Manfred R. Lehmann | New York 1996 |
HS 17-6810:4 | Ohel Hayim: 4 Mishneh Torah manuscripts by R. Moshe Ben Maimon - Maimonides | prepared and ed. by the members of Ariel Inst., Jerusalem Michael Erlich ... , with the participation of Elazar Hurvitz | New York 1998 |
HS 17-6820:1 | A guide to the manuscript collections of the New-York Historical Society: Vol. 1 [Descriptive inventories] | | Westport, Conn. 1975 |
HS 17-6820:2 | A guide to the manuscript collections of the New-York Historical Society: Vol. 2 [Index & chronological listing of entries] | | Westport, Conn. 1975 |
HS 17-6840 | The Christmas story in medieval and Renaissance manuscripts from the Spencer Collection | Karl Kup | New York 1969 |
HS 17-6900 | Pierpont Morgan as collector and patron, 1837-1913 | Francis Henry Taylor | New York 1970 |
HS 17-6905 | Treasures from the Pierpont Morgan Library | [Introd.: Frederick B. Adams. Jr.] | New York, NY 1957 |
HS 17-6906 | In august company | | New York, NY 1993 |
HS 17-6920 | Books and manuscripts from the Heinemann Collection | [Introd. Frederick B. Adams, Jr.] | New York 1963 |
HS 17-6930 | Italian manuscripts in the Pierpont Morgan Library | comp. by Meta Harrsen and George K. Boyce. With an introd. by Bernard Berenson | New York, NY 1953 |
HS 17-6931 | Central European manuscripts in the Pierpont Morgan Library | comp. by Meta Harrsen | New York, NY 1958 |
HS 17-6935:1 | British literary manuscripts: 1 From 800 to 1800 | Verlyn Klinkenborg | New York, NY 1981 |
HS 17-6935:2 | British Literary Manuscripts: 2 From 1800 to 1914 | Verlyn Klinkenborg | New York, NY 1981 |
HS 17-6940:1 | Major acquisitions of the Pierpont Morgan Library 1924 - 1974: Autograph letters & manuscripts | [Introd. by Herbert Cahoon] | New York 1974 |
HS 17-6940:2 | Major acquisitions of the Pierpont Morgan Library 1924 - 1974: Drawings | [Introd. by Felice Stampfle] | New York 1974 |
HS 17-6940:3 | Major acquisitions of the Pierpont Morgan Library 1924 - 1974: Medieval & Renaissance manuscripts | [Introd. by William Voelkle] | New York 1974 |
HS 17-6940:4 | Major acquisitions of the Pierpont Morgan Library 1924 - 1974: Early printed books | [Introd. by Paul Needham] | New York 1974 |
HS 17-6950 | The Pierpont Morgan Library | | New York 1949 |
HS 17-6952 | A review of acquisitions 1949 - 1968 | with a forew. by Henry S. Morgan, and pref. by Arthur A. Houghton | New York 1969 |
HS 17-6982 | Distribution of labor | Robert G. Calkins | Philadelphia, Pa. 1979 |
HS 17-6984 | Typologische taferelen uit het leven van Jezus | Bert Cardon; Robrecht Lievens: Maurits Smeyers | Leuven 1985 |
HS 17-6990 | Bibles & bestiaries | Elizabeth B. Wilson | New York 1994 |
HS 17-6995 | "Ein Buch von Gold und Silber" | von Hans Ulrich Rudolf. Mit Beitr. von Felix Heinzer ... | Ravensburg 1997 |
HS 17-6998 | The master of Claude, Queen of France | by Charles Sterling | New York, NY 1975 |
HS 17-7000 | The hours of Henry VIII | Roger S. Wieck, William M. Voelkle, K. Michelle Hearne | New York 2000 |
HS 17-7002 | The book of kings | The Walters Art Museum. Vol. ed. William Noel ... | London 2002 |
HS 17-7005 | The Hours of Catherine of Cleves | [compiled and edited by] Rob Dückers and Ruud Priem. With contr. by ... | New York, NY/Antwerp 2009 |
HS 17-7006 | Das Stundenbuch der Katharina von Kleve | [Konzept: Rob Dückers ... Autoren: Anne Margreet W. As-Vijvers ...] | Stuttgart 2009 |
HS 17-7007 | Art in a time of war | Gregory T. Clark | Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2016 |
HS 17-7200 | Catalogue of the medieval and renaissance manuscripts of the University of Notre Dame | James A. Corbett | Notre Dame, Ind. [u.a.] 1978 |
HS 17-7201 | A descriptive catalogue of the medieval and Renaissance manuscripts of the University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary's College | David T. Gura | Notre Dame, Indiana 2016 |
HS 17-7250:Hauptw. | Catalogue of manuscripts in the libraries of the University of Pennsylvania to 1800: [Hauptw.] | | Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Pr. 1965 |
HS 17-7270 | A descriptive catalogue of the John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts in the Free Library of Philadelphia | comp. by Edwin Wolf. With an introduction A. S. W. Rosenbach | Philadelphia 1937 |
HS 17-7280 | A selection from our shelves | comp. and described by Clive E. Driver | Philadelphia 1973 |
HS 17-7285 | Making the Renaissance manuscript | Nicholas Herman | Philadelphia, PA 2020 |
HS 17-7290 | A catalogue of the manuscripts and archives of the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia | Rudolf Hirsch [Hrsg.]. Francis Clark Wood Institute for the History of Medicine | Philadelphia/Pa. 1983 |
HS 17-7295 | A new guide to the collections in the Library of the American Philosophical Society | J. Stephen Catlett, Ed. | Philadelphia, Pa. 1987 |
HS 17-7296 | "The proper study of mankind" | David K. van Keuren | Philadelphia 1986 |
HS 17-7325 | Transformation of knowledge | ed. by Crofton Black | London 2006 |
HS 17-7400 | Greek manuscripts at Princeton, sixth to nineteenth century | Sofia Kotzabassi and Nancy Patterson Ševčenko. With the collaboration of Don C. Skemer. Department of Art and Archaeology and Program in Hellenic Studies, Princeton University. | Princeton, NJ 2010 |
HS 17-7401:1 | Medieval & Renaissance manuscripts in the Princeton University Library: Vol. 1 | | Princeton, NJ 2013 |
HS 17-7401:2 | Medieval & Renaissance manuscripts in the Princeton University Library: Vol. 2 | | Princeton, NJ 2013 |
HS 17-7500 | Henry Edwards Huntington | by Robert O. Schad | San Marino, Calif. 1987 |
HS 17-7505 | Ten centuries of manuscripts in the Huntington Library | by Herbert C. Schulz, Norma B. Cuthbert and Haydée Noya | San Marino, Calif. 1962 |
HS 17-7506 | The Huntington Library | by the director and curators | San Marino, Calif./London 2004 |
HS 17-7510:1 | Guide to medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the Huntington Library: Vol. 1 | | San Marino, Calif. 1989 |
HS 17-7510:2 | Guide to medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the Huntington Library: Vol. 2 | | San Marino, Calif. 1989 |
HS 17-7512 | Guide to literary manuscripts in the Huntington Library | [Forew.: Daniel H. Woodward] | San Marino, Calif. 1979 |
HS 17-7514 | Guide to American historical manuscripts in the Huntington Library | | San Marino, Cal. 1979 |
HS 17-7516 | Guide to British historical manuscripts in the Huntington Library | [Foreword: Daniel H[olt] Woodward] | San Marino, Calif. 1982 |
HS 17-7520 | Chaucer's Canterbury Tales | by James Thorpe | San Marino, Calif. 1978 |
HS 17-7525 | An illustrated check list of manuscript leaves in the collection of Mark Lansburgh | with an introductory essay by E. A. Lowe and descriptive notes by M. Lansburgh | Santa Barbara [Calif 1962 |
HS 17-7527 | Book of hours | Illuminations by Simon Marmion. With an introd. and comm. by James Thorpe | San Marino, Calif. 1980 |
HS 17-7570 | The Burke collection of Italian manuscript paintings | edited by Sandra Hindman and Federica Toniolo ; introduction by Christopher de Hamel | London 2021 |
HS 17-7600 | The Leopold von Ranke manuscript collection of Syracuse University | Edward Muir | Syracuse, N.Y. 1983 |
HS 17-7650 | Catalogue of the manuscripts in the Dom Edmond Obrecht Collection of Gethsemani Abbey | pre-1500 descriptions compiled by: Anna Kirkwood-Graham and Chrysogonus Waddell OCSO ; post-1500 descriptions compiled by: Arthur J. Russell and Micah Erwin ; managing editors: E. Rozanne Elder and Susan M.B. Steuer ; assisting editors: Katie Sewell, Peter Sewell ; scholarly addenda: Laura Taylor, Coleen Dunn and Jason Glatz | Kalamazoo 2016 |
HS 17-7750 | The history of books | Alice D. Schreyer | Washington 1987 |
HS 17-7760:1 | Medieval and Renaissance manuscript books in the Library of Congress: Vol. 1 Bibles, liturgy, books of hours | | Washington 1989 |
HS 17-7760:2 | Medieval and Renaissance manuscript books in the Library of Congress: Vol. 2 Theology and Canon law | | Washington 1999 |
HS 17-7765 | Hans P. Kraus collection of Hispanic American manuscripts | Joseph Benedict Warren | Washington 1974 |
HS 17-7770 | Manuscript sources in the Library of Congress for research on the American revolution | comp. by John R. Sellers ... , American Revolution Bicentennial Office | Washington 1975 |
HS 17-7775 | The Washington Haggadah | copied and illustrated by Joel Ben Simeon; introduction and translation by David Stern; introduction by Katrin Kogman-Appel | Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.] 2011 |
HS 17-7800 | Das Album amicorum von Dietrich Bevernest | Leonard Forster | Amsterdam [u.a.] 1982 |
HS 17-7801:1 | Catalog of manuscripts of the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.: 1 A - Garrick, D. | | Boston, Mass. 1971 |
HS 17-7801:2 | Catalog of manuscripts of the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.: 2 Garrick, E. - P | | Boston, Mass. 1971 |
HS 17-7801:3 | Catalog of manuscripts of the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.: 3 Q - Z. Appendices | | Boston, Mass. 1971 |
HS 17-7820 | Manuscripts of the Dibner collection | (Forew.: Robert Maloy) | Washington, D.C. 1985 |
HS 17-7850 | Medieval & Renaissance miniatures from the National Gallery of Art ; [exhibition dates at the National Gallery of Art: January 26 - June 1, 1975] | comp. by Carra Ferguson, David S. Stevens Schaff, Gary Vikan. Under the dir. of Carl Nordenfalk. Ed. by Gary Vikan | Washington, DC 1975 |
HS 17-7920 | Guide to the Winterthur Library | compiled by E. Richard McKinstry | Winterthur, Del. 2003 |
HS 17-7930 | The Freer biblical manuscripts | ed. by Larry W. Hurtado | Leiden [u.a.] 2006 |
HS 17-9000:1 | The McCarthy Collection: volume 1 Italian and Byzantine miniatures | Gaudenz Freuler ; with contributions by Georgi Parpulov | London 2018 |
HS 17-9000:2 | The McCarthy Collection: volume 2 Spanish, English, Flemish and Central European miniatures | Peter Kidd | London 2019 |
HS 17-9000:3 | The McCarthy Collection: volume 3 French miniatures | Peter Kidd | London 2021 |