
Signaturbereich: KA 75-0000 bis 9999

KA 75-0030Frauenforschung in Naturwissenschaften, Technik und MedizinMargarete Maurer Wien 1993
KA 75-0110 1958
KA 75-0115The history of science and technology in the United States: [1] New York [u.a.] 1982
KA 75-0120Americana to 1860: 4 Natural history in America, 1609-1860Andrea J. Tucher New York u.a. 1985
KA 75-0230Catalogue des thèses de doctorat ès sciences naturelles soutenues à Paris de 1891 à 1954par Suzanne Lavaud. Combes, Raoul ... [Paris] 1955
KA 75-0450A bibliography of the philosophy of sciencecomp. by Richard J. Blackwell Westport, Conn. [u.a.] 1983
KA 75-0505A guide to the literature of astronomyRobert A. Seal Littleton, Colo. 1977
KA 75-0510Astronomy and astronauticsAndy Lusis New York, N.Y. 1986
KA 75-0570The history of modern physicsStephen G[eorge] Brush; Lanfranco Belloni New York, N.Y. u.a. 1983
KA 75-0905Botanical bibliographiesLloyd H. Swift Königstein 1974
KA 75-0908Kräuter und BlumenEduard Isphording Nürnberg 2008
KA 75-1053:1Bibliographical notes on histories of inventions and books of secrets: Vol. [1] 1-6 & index London 1959
KA 75-1053:2Bibliographical notes on histories of inventions and books of secrets: Vol. 2 Suppl. 1 - 7 and index London 1959
KA 75-1055The awakening interest in science during the first century of printing 1450 - 1550Margaret Bingham Stillwell New York 1970
KA 75-1056 2000
KA 75-1057British Natural History Books, 1495-1900Richard Broke Freeman Folkestone u.a. 1980
KA 75-1060Bibliographie Néerlandaise historique-scientifique des ouvrages importants dont les auteurs sont nés aux 16e, 17e et 18e siècle, sur les sciences mathématiques et physiques, avec leurs applicationsD. Bierens de Haan Nieuwkoop 1965
KA 75-1065:1Los Impresos científicos españoles de los siglos XV y XVI: Vol. 1 Introducción, Inventario A - C Valencia 1981
KA 75-1065:2/3Los Impresos científicos españoles de los siglos XV y XVI: Vol. 2-3 Inventario D - QJosé María López Piñero; Francesc Bujosa i Homar ... Valencia 1984
KA 75-1075History of science and technology. A select bibliogr. for studentsBy K. J. Rider London 1970
KA 75-1078The history of modern scienceStephen G. Brush Ames, Iowa 1988
KA 75-1080Éléments de bibliographie de l'histoire des sciences et des techniquesFrançois Russo Paris 1969
KA 75-1085Medieval science and technologyClaudia Kren New York, N.Y. [u.a.] 1985
KA 75-1130Bibliotheca historico-naturalis[Bearb.] Wilhelm Engelmann Weinheim/Bergstr. 1960
KA 75-1170Isis cumulative bibliographypubl. for the History of Science Society. Ed. by John Neu Canton, Mass./London 1971
KA 75-1170:Suppl.1 1980
KA 75-1170:Suppl.2 1990
KA 75-1170:Suppl.3 1997
KA 75-1200Scientists since 1660Leslie Howsam Aldershot [u.a.] 1997
KA 75-1420Milestones of sciencecatalog comp. by Ruth A. Sparrow Buffalo, NY 1972
KA 75-1422Union catalogue of scientific libraries in the University of Cambridge London 1977
KA 75-1423:1Union catalogue of scientific libraries in the University of Cambridge: 1 London 1975
KA 75-1423:2Union catalogue of scientific libraries in the University of Cambridge: 2 London 1975
KA 75-1425The Cleveland herbal, botanical, and horticultural collectionscomp. by Stanley H. Johnston Kent, Ohio [u.a.] 1992
KA 75-1427The catalogue of the Herschel librarycomp. by Isabella Herschel. Ed. by Sydney Ross Troy, NY 2001
KA 75-1430A checklist of the Newberry Library's printed books in science, medicine, technology, and the pseudosciences, ca. 1460 - 1750Jean S. Gottlieb New York [u.a.] 1992
KA 75-1455:1Catalogus bibliothecae historico-naturalis Josephi Banks: T. 1 Scriptores generales New York, NY 1966
KA 75-1455:2Catalogus bibliothecae historico-naturalis Josephi Banks: T. 2 Zoologi New York, NY 1966
KA 75-1455:3Catalogus bibliothecae historico-naturalis Josephi Banks: T. 3 Botanici New York, NY 1966
KA 75-1455:4Catalogus bibliothecae historico-naturalis Josephi Banks: T. 4 Mineralogi New York, NY 1966
KA 75-1455:5Catalogus bibliothecae historico-naturalis Josephi Banks: T. 5 Supplementum et index auctorum New York, NY 1966
KA 75-1456Catalogue of the printed books and pamphlets in the library of the Royal Microscopical Society London 1929
KA 75-1457:1Book catalogue of the Library of the Royal Society: Vol. 1 A., A. - Costard, George Washington, DC 1982
KA 75-1457:2Book catalogue of the Library of the Royal Society: Vol. 2 Costard, George - Halley, Edmond Washington, DC 1982
KA 75-1457:3Book catalogue of the Library of the Royal Society: Vol. 3 Halley, Edmond - Lydekker, Richard Washington, DC 1982
KA 75-1457:4Book catalogue of the Library of the Royal Society: Vol. 4 Lydekker, Richard - Ross, John Washington, DC 1982
KA 75-1457:5Book catalogue of the Library of the Royal Society: Vol. 5 Ross, John - Zype, Franciscus van der Washington, DC 1982
KA 75-1458A catalogue of manuscripts and drawings in the General Library of the Natural History Museum, LondonJohn C. Thackray London [u.a.] 1995
KA 75-1459Alphabetischer Katalog München [u.a.] 1981
KA 75-1460Schlagwortkatalog München u.a. 1982
KA 75-1462:1Catalogue of the Wheeler Gift of books, pamphlets and periodicals in the library of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers: Vol. 1 New York 1909
KA 75-1462:2Catalogue of the Wheeler Gift of books, pamphlets and periodicals in the library of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers: Vol. 2 New York 1909
KA 75-1464:1TheCatalogue of the History of Science Collectionsof the University of Oklahoma Libraries: Vol. 1 A - I London 1976
KA 75-1464:2TheCatalogue of the History of Science Collectionsof the University of Oklahoma Libraries: Vol. 2 J - Z London 1976
KA 75-1470Catalogue des ouvrages imprimés au XVIe siècleBibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève Paris. Réd. par Jacqueline Linet ... Paris/München [u.a.] 1980
KA 75-1475:1Clavis scientiarum: [] A-K Pavia 1990
KA 75-1475:2Clavis scientiarum: [] L-Z Pavia 1990
KA 75-1487Royal Society of Sciences of UppsalaGun Karlberg Uppsala [u.a.] 1977
KA 75-1489:1Fuentes para la historia de la ciencia y la técnica en la biblioteca del Palacio de Santa Cruz: 1 Valladolid 1990
KA 75-1489:2Fuentes para la historia de la ciencia y la técnica en la biblioteca del Palacio de Santa Cruz: 2 Valladolid 1990
KA 75-1510:1Bibliotheca chemico-mathematica: 1 München 1980
KA 75-1510:2Bibliotheca chemico-mathematica: 2 München 1980
KA 75-1510:2,2Bibliotheca chemico-mathematica: Suppl. 2,2 München 1980
KA 75-1510:Suppl.1Bibliotheca chemico-mathematica: Suppl. 1 München 1980
KA 75-1510:Suppl.2,1Bibliotheca chemico-mathematica: Suppl. 2,1 München 1980
KA 75-1510:Suppl.3Bibliotheca chemico-mathematica: Suppl. 3 München 1980
KA 75-1530Rara: Volumen 2 [8 partes]Dr. W. Junk Berlin/Den Haag 1926
KA 75-1530Rara: Volumen 1 [21 partes]W. Junk Berlin/Den Haag 1900
KA 75-1530Rara: Supplementum Die Historico-Bibliophilievon Wilhelm Junk, Dr. phil. et rer., Nat. h.c. Den Haag 1939
KA 75-1552:1 1981
KA 75-1560:1 1971
KA 75-1560:3 1973
KA 75-1588:1 Firenze 1985
KA 75-1810:1Indices naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischer Periodica bis 1850: Bd. 1 Der Naturforscherhrsg. von Armin Geus Stuttgart 1971
KA 75-1810:2Indices naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischer Periodica bis 1850: Teil 1 Stuttgart 1974
KA 75-1810:3Indices naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischer Periodica bis 1850: Bd. 3 Die tiermedizinischen Zeitschriften des 18. Jahrhundertsbearb. von Bernd Wimmer u. Armin Geus Stuttgart 1981
KA 75-1820:1 1965
KA 75-1820:12Supplement zu A - Z 1902
KA 75-1820:13A - B 1914
KA 75-1820:14C - Fittig 1915
KA 75-1820:15Fitting - Hyslop 1916
KA 75-1820:16I - Marbut 1918
KA 75-1820:17 1921
KA 75-1820:17 1965
KA 75-1820:18 1965
KA 75-1820:19 1965
KA 75-1820:2 1965
KA 75-1820:3 1965
KA 75-1820:4 1965
KA 75-1820:5 1965
KA 75-1820:6 1965
KA 75-1820:7 1965
KA 75-1820:8 1965
KA 75-1820:Ind. 1908
KA 75-1830Nostri plena laborisCharles Mollan with Eileen Byrne ... [Dublin] 1987
KA 75-1840 1953
KA 75-1840Index zur Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technikim Auftr. d. Deutschen Vereinigung für Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technik. Hrsg. von Walter Artelt ; Johannes Steudel München/Berlin 1953
KA 75-1850FrancisINIST, Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy 1991
KA 75-1850Bulletin signalétiqueCNRS, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Techniques Paris 1969
KA 75-1850:29 1975
KA 75-1850:30 1976
KA 75-1850:31 1977
KA 75-1850:32 1978
KA 75-1850:33 1979
KA 75-1850:34 1980
KA 75-1850:35 1981
KA 75-1850:36 1982
KA 75-1850:37 1983
KA 75-1850:38 1984
KA 75-1850:39 1985
KA 75-1850:40 1986
KA 75-1850:41 1987
KA 75-1850:42 1988
KA 75-1850:43 1989
KA 75-1850:44 1990
KA 75-1850:45 1991
KA 75-1850:46 1992
KA 75-1850:47 1993
KA 75-1850:48 1994
KA 75-1852Annual bibliography of the history of natural historythe Natural History Museum London 1985
KA 75-1852:1 1985
KA 75-1852:2 1986
KA 75-1852:3 1987
KA 75-1852:4 1990
KA 75-1852:5 1991
KA 75-1852:6 1993
KA 75-1855 Firenze 1996
KA 75-1855 Firenze 1998
KA 75-1855Bibliografia italiana di storia della scienzaIstituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza Firenze 1985
KA 75-1855:11 Firenze 1995
KA 75-1855:2 Firenze 1986
KA 75-1855:3 Firenze 1987
KA 75-1855:4 Firenze 1989
KA 75-1855:5 Firenze 1990
KA 75-1855:6 Firenze 1991
KA 75-1855:7 Firenze 1993
KA 75-1855:8 Firenze 1993
KA 75-1855:9/10 Firenze 1994
KA 75-1858Bibliografía española de historia de la ciencia y de la tecnologia (B.E.H.C.Y.T.): [3], Ad. Adenda - 1990 Madrid 1990
KA 75-1858Bibliografía española de historia de la ciencia y de la tecnologia (B.E.H.C.Y.T.): 3 1990 Madrid 1990
KA 75-1858Bibliografía española de historia de la ciencia y de la tecnologia (B.E.H.C.Y.T.): 1 1988 Madrid 1989
KA 75-1858Bibliografía española de historia de la ciencia y de la tecnologia (B.E.H.C.Y.T.): 4 1991 Madrid 1993
KA 75-1858Bibliografía española de historia de la ciencia y de la tecnologia (B.E.H.C.Y.T.): 2 1989 Madrid 1989
KA 75-1858Bibliografía española de historia de la ciencia y de la tecnologia (B.E.H.C.Y.T.): 5 1992 Madrid 1993
KA 75-1885Czechoslovak history of science: [1] 1970 - 1980 Prague 1981
KA 75-2005Bibliotheca Riviniana sive Catalogus librorum philologico-philosophico-historicorum, itinerariorum, inprimis autem medicorum, botanicorum et historiae naturalis scriptorum &c. rariorum, ...quam Magno studio et sumptu sibi comparauit D. Aug. Quir. Rivinus. [Vorwort: Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. med. h.c. Rudolph Zaunick, Halle/Saale am 26.August 1966] Amstelodami 1966
KA 75-2040Bibliotheca mathematica: Bd. 1 Die encyclopaedisch-mathematische Literatur umfassend Wiesbaden 1971
KA 75-2051Führer durch die mathematische Literaturvon Felix Müller Nendeln 1979
KA 75-2055The History of mathematics from antiquity to the presentJoseph W(arren) Dauben New York u.a. 1985
KA 75-2060Bibliography and research manual of the history of mathematicsKenneth O. May Toronto [u.a.] 1973
KA 75-2265:2Biobibliography of British mathematics and its applications: Pt. 2 1701 - 1760 Letchworth 1986
KA 75-2265:3An index of British mathematicians: Pt. 3 1701 - 1800 Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1993
KA 75-2270:1Biblioteca matematica italiana: 1 Catalogo biografico, bibliografico e storico per ordine alfabeticoPietro Riccardi Milano 1952
KA 75-2270:2,1Biblioteca matematica italiana: 1,Corr Corr. ed aggiunte Milano 1952
KA 75-2270:2,2Biblioteca matematica italiana: 2 Classificazione per materie delle opere indicate nella Parte 1Pietro Riccardi Milano 1952
KA 75-2275Practical mathematics in the Italian RenaissanceWarren van Egmond Firenze 1981
KA 75-2350A Bibliography of early modern algebraRobin E. Rider Berkeley 1982
KA 75-2355Bibliotheca mathematicaa cura di Livia Giacardi e Clara Silvia Roero; catalogazione di Giuseppe Slaviero Torino 1987
KA 75-2380Bibliotheca MathematicaUniversitätsbibliothek der Montanuniversität Leoben ; gestaltet von Arnold Richard Kräuter und Lieselotte Jontes Leoben 1995
KA 75-2440Catalogue of the Turner collection of the history of mathematics held in the library of the university of KeeleSusan Hill Keele 1982
KA 75-2460Rara arithmeticaby David Evgene Smith. Arithmetical books from the invention of printing to the present time / by Augustus de Morgan New York 1970
KA 75-2600:1Bibliografija piśmiennictwa polskiego z działu matematyki i fizyki oraz ich zastósowań: 1 Warszawa 1992
KA 75-2600:2Bibliografija piśmiennictwa polskiego z działu matematyki i fizyki oraz ich zastósowań: 2 Warszawa 1992
KA 75-2910Bibliographie zur Geschichte des Vermessungswesens: [Hauptbd.] von Klaus Grewe Stuttgart 1984
KA 75-2920Handbuch der historischen Metrologie: Bd. 1 Deutsche Bibliographie zur historischen MetrologieHarald Witthöft. Unter Mitarb. von Karl Jürgen Roth ... St. Katharinen 1991
KA 75-3015Rome Astronomical Observatory LibraryGiovanno Grassi Rome 1977
KA 75-3020Bibliographie astronomique avec l'histoire de l'astronomiepar Jérôme de La Lande Amsterdam 1970
KA 75-3040:1,1Bibliographie générale de l'astronomie jusqu'en 1880: P. 1 London 1964
KA 75-3040:1,2Bibliographie générale de l'astronomie jusqu'en 1880: P. 2 London 1964
KA 75-3040:2Bibliographie générale de l'astronomie jusqu'en 1880: T. 2 Mémoires et notices insérés dans les collections académiques et les revues London 1964
KA 75-3045The history of modern astronomy and astrophysicsDavid H. De Vorkin New York [u.a.] 1982
KA 75-3050The sky exploredDeborah J. Warner New York, NY [u.a.] 1979
KA 75-3055Bibliographie der KometenliteraturVolker Fritz Brüning Stuttgart 2000
KA 75-3059Halley's CometComp. by Ruth S. Freitag Washington 1984
KA 75-3060Halley's Cometcomp. by Bruce Morton Westport, Conn. [u.a.] 1985
KA 75-3070Geschichte und Bibliographie der astronomischen Literatur in Deutschland zur Zeit der Renaissancevon Ernst Zinner Stuttgart 1964
KA 75-3310:1Bibliography of astronomers: Vol. 1 The spirit of the nineteenth century Bernardston, Mass. 1989
KA 75-3380Union catalogue of printed books of 15th, 16th and 17th centuries in European astronomical observatoriesGiovanna Grassi Manziana, Roma 1989
KA 75-3400Catalogue of the Crawford Library of the Royal Observatory Edinburgh: Suppl. Edinburgh 1977
KA 75-3400:1Astrologia: 1 A - L [Firenze] 2007
KA 75-3400:2Astrologia: 2 M - Z [Firenze] 2007
KA 75-3405:1Zentralkatalog alter astronomischer Drucke in den Bibliotheken der DDR (bis 1700): [Teil 1] [Abb - Gal] Berlin-Treptow 1987
KA 75-3405:2Zentralkatalog alter astronomischer Drucke in den Bibliotheken der DDR (bis 1700): Teil 2 Gar - Neu Berlin-Treptow 1988
KA 75-3405:3Zentralkatalog alter astronomischer Drucke in den Bibliotheken der DDR (bis 1700): Teil 3 Nip - Wel Berlin-Treptow 1989
KA 75-3405:4Zentralkatalog alter astronomischer Drucke in den Bibliotheken der DDR (bis 1700): Teil 4 Wel - Zwick. Kalendarien und Prognostiken 1472-1632 Berlin-Treptow 1991
KA 75-3405:5Zentralkatalog alter astronomischer Drucke in den Bibliotheken der deutschen Bundesländer Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Berlin, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen und Sachsen: Teil 5 Berlin-Treptow 1993
KA 75-3410:1Catalogo delle opere di astronomia dell'Accademia Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere e Arti di Modena: T. 1 Secoli XV - XVIII Modena 2009
KA 75-3410:2Catalogo delle opere di astronomia dell'Accademia Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere e Arti di Modena: T. 2 Aggiornamenti sec. XVI - XVIII, secoli XIX - XXI, manoscritti Modena 2012
KA 75-3410:3Catalogo delle opere di astronomia dell'Accademia Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere e Arti di Modena: T. 3 Opuscoli, periodicicon la coll. Cecilia Venturi Modena 2013
KA 75-3420Biblioteca GalileianaDino Cinti Firenze 1957
KA 75-3440Astronomica et astrologica Cracoviensia ante annum 1550Mieczyslaw Markowski Firenze 1990
KA 75-3450Quellen zur Astronomie in der Forschungs- und Landesbibliothek Gotha unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Gothaer Sternwartenzsgest. und kommentiert von Oliver Schwarz; Cornelia Hopf; Hans Stein Gotha 1998
KA 75-3470Gli arcani delle stelleMinistero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali; Biblioteca Casanatense. [Schede catalografiche a cura di Rita Aiello ...] [Roma] 1991
KA 75-3473L'astronomie à La RochelleJacques Vialle La Rochelle 2000
KA 75-3475Catalogue of the rare astronomical books in the San Diego State University Libraryby Louis A. Kenney. Introd. by Owen Gingerich San Diego 1988
KA 75-3480The Crone Libraryby Hubert J. M. W. Peters Nieuwkoop 1989
KA 75-3800450 Jahre Copernicus "De revolutionibus"[Katalogred.: Uwe Müller ...] Schweinfurt 1998
KA 75-4020The history of classical physicsR. W. Home. With the assistance of Mark J. Gittins New York [u.a.] 1984
KA 75-4040Bibliotheca mechanicaby Verne L. Roberts & Ivy Trent New York, NY 1991
KA 75-4080General bibliography of time measurement followed by a suggested technical and geographical classificationpref. by Paul Ditisheim. Documentation collected by Tardy Paris 1980
KA 75-4090:1Bibliographie zur historischen Metrologie: Teil 1 Trier 1992
KA 75-4090:2Bibliographie zur historischen Metrologie: Teil 2 Trier 1995
KA 75-4610:1Catalogue of books and papers relating to the "History of electricity" in the library of the Institute for Theoretical Electricity, Chalmers University of Technology: 1 Historical collection 1 <up to 1820> Göteborg 1964
KA 75-4610:2Catalogue of books and papers relating to the "History of electricity" in the library of the Institute for Theoretical Electricity, Chalmers University of Technology: 2 Historical collection 2 <Oersted to present times> Göteborg 1966
KA 75-4620Electricity, magnetism, and animal magnetismcomp. by Ellen G. Gartrell for the American Philosophical Society Wilmington, Delaware 1975
KA 75-4625The history of electrical technologyBernard S. Finn New York/London 1991
KA 75-5100The History of geophysics and meteorologyStephen G[eorge] Brush, Helmut E[rich] Landsberg with the ass. of Martin Collins New York [u.a.] 1985
KA 75-6003:1Bibliography on the history of chemistry and chemical technology: Vol. 1 München [u.a.] 1994
KA 75-6003:2Bibliography on the history of chemistry and chemical technology: Vol. 2 München [u.a.] 1994
KA 75-6003:3Bibliography on the history of chemistry and chemical technology: Vol. 3 München [u.a.] 1994
KA 75-6005Bibliotheca chemica oder Catalogus von chymischen BüchernFriedrich Roth-Scholtz Hildesheim [u.a.] 1971
KA 75-6006:1The Roy G. Neville Historical Chemical Library: Vol. 1 A - K Philadelphia, Penn 2006
KA 75-6006:2The Roy G. Neville Historical Chemical Library: Vol. 2 L - Z, Appendix Philadelphia, Penn 2006
KA 75-60102Repertorium der chemischen Litteratur: Bd. 2 Hildesheim [u.a.] 1974
KA 75-6010:1Repertorium der chemischen Litteratur: Bd. 1 Mit einem Vorw. von Georg E. Dann Hildesheim [u.a.] 1974
KA 75-6012Berg-, Probir- und KunstbüchleinErnst Darmstaedter München 1926
KA 75-6015Chemical literature 1700 - 1860William A. Cole London [u.a.] 1988
KA 75-6020A select bibliography of chemistry: [Hauptbd.] 1492 - 1892 Millwood, NY 1973
KA 75-6035Alchemyedited by Ron. Charles Hogart; introduction by Manly P. Hall LosAngeles, Calif. 1986
KA 75-6040AlchemyAlan Pritchard London [u.a.] 1980
KA 75-6042Alchemy in EuropeClaudia Kren New York [u.a.] 1990
KA 75-6070Bibliographia chemica hispanica: 2 Libros y folletos, 1801-1900 Valencia 1987
KA 75-6410William Cooper's A catalogue of chymicall books, 1673-88Stanton J. Linden New York [u.a.] 1987
KA 75-6421:1Catalogue of the Ferguson Collection of books, mainly relating to alchemy, chemistry, witchcraft, and gipsies in the Library of the University of Glasgow: vol. 1 [A - L] Mansfield Centre, Conn. 2002
KA 75-6421:2Catalogue of the Ferguson Collection of books, mainly relating to alchemy, chemistry, witchcraft, and gipsies in the Library of the University of Glasgow: vol. 2 [L - Z] Mansfield Centre, Conn. 2002
KA 75-6440Bibliotheca hermeticaVinci Verginelli Firenze 1986
KA 75-6480Die Alchemiebibliothek Alexander von Bernus in der Badischen Landesbibliothek Karlsruhevon Annelies Stöckinger und Joachim Telle Wiesbaden 1997
KA 75-6495:1Alchemy and the occult: 1 Printed books 1472-1623 New Haven 1968
KA 75-6495:2Alchemy and the occult: 2 Printed books 1624-1790 New Haven 1968
KA 75-6850:HauptbdBibliographia lactaria: Hauptw. Paris 1901
KA 75-6850:Suppl.Bibliographia lactaria: Suppl. Premier supplément Paris 1901
KA 75-7005Catalogue des bibliographies géologiques: Vol. 1 Amsterdam 1966
KA 75-7005Catalogue des bibliographies géologiques: Vol. 2 Amsterdam 1966
KA 75-7010The earth sciencesRoy Porter New York [u.a.] 1983
KA 75-7050:1Geologists and the history of geology: Vol. 1 Introduction. General histories of science, of geology and its subdivisions, and of allied sciences. Historical accounts of institutions concerned with geology. Histories of the petroleum industry. Accounts of geological events Malabar, Fla. 1980
KA 75-7050:2Geologists and the history of geology: Vol. 2 The individual geologists, A - K Malabar, Fla. 1980
KA 75-7050:3Geologists and the history of geology: Vol. 3 The individual geologists, L - Z. Prospectors, diviners and mining engineers Malabar, Fla. 1980
KA 75-7050:4Geologists and the history of geology: Vol. 4 Geologists indexed by country and specialty Malabar, Fla. 1980
KA 75-7050:5Geologists and the history of geology: Vol. 5 Index of authors, editors and translators. Appendix Malabar, Fla. 1980
KA 75-7050:Suppl.1,1Geologists and the history of geology: Suppl. [1] Bibliography Malabar, Fla. 1987
KA 75-7050:Suppl.1,2Geologists and the history of geology: Suppl. [1] Index Malabar, Fla. 1987
KA 75-7195Geology emergingDederick C. Ward; Albert V. Carozzi Urbana-Champaign, Ill. 1984
KA 75-7300Schriftenverzeichnis des Institutes für Bergbaukunde, Bergtechnik und Bergwirtschaft, 1840 - 1993Georg L. F. Wöber Leoben 1993
KA 75-7450:1Bibliographie der in der DDR zur Geschichte der Geologie, Mineralogie, Geophysik und Paläontologie vorgelegten Arbeiten: [1] 1970 - 1976 Freiberg 1978
KA 75-7450:2Bibliographie der in der DDR zur Geschichte der Geologie, Mineralogie, Geophysik und Paläontologie vorgelegten Arbeiten: [2] 1977 - 1982 Freiberg 1984
KA 75-7510Introduction bibliographique à l'histoire de la biologie Paris 1975
KA 75-7515The history of biologyJudith A. Overmier New York,N.Y. [u.a.] 1989
KA 75-7518Bibliography of natural history travel narrativesA.S. Troelstra Zeist, The Netherlands 2016
KA 75-7518:Suppl.Supplement to bibliography of natural history travel narrativesA.S. Troelstra Zeist, The Netherlands 2018
KA 75-7520The history of natural historyGavin Bridson New York [u.a.] 1994
KA 75-7530Bibliography of the history of biologyÄnne Bäumer Frankfurt am Main [u.a.] 1997
KA 75-7540History of the life sciencesby Pieter Smit. With a forew. by Frans Verdoorn Amsterdam 1974
KA 75-7550Die Bibliographie der BiologieHans-Reiner Simon Stuttgart 1977
KA 75-7800Catalogue of works on the microscope and of those referring to microscopical subjects in the library of Freeman C. S. RoperFreeman Clarke Samuel Roper Bronxville, N.Y 1979
KA 75-7802Vademecum mikroskopischer LiteraturHubert de Martin Wien 1973
KA 75-8020Thesaurus literaturae botanicae omnium gentium inde a rerum botanicarum initiis ad nostra usque temporaGeorg A. Pritzel Königstein/Ts. 1972
KA 75-8022Guide to the literature of botanyby Benjamin Daydon Jackson, Secretary of the Linnean Society Koenigstein 1974
KA 75-8050:1Botanische Einblattdrucke und Flugschriften vor 1800: Bd. 1 Getreide, Kornregen, Blutalgen, Weinrebe Stuttgart 2001
KA 75-8050:2Botanische Einblattdrucke und Flugschriften vor 1800: Bd. 2 Wundergestalt, Missbildungen, exotische Pflanzen Stuttgart 2001
KA 75-8200:1British botanical and horticultural literature before 1800: 1 The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries London 1975
KA 75-8200:2British botanical and horticultural literature before 1800: 2 The eighteenth century London 1975
KA 75-8200:3British botanical and horticultural literature before 1800: 3 The eighteenth century London 1975
KA 75-8210:1British botanical and horticultural literature before 1800: 1 The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries London/Oxforf/New York 1999
KA 75-8210:2British botanical and horticultural literature before 1800: 2 The eighteenth century London/Oxford/New York 1999
KA 75-8210:3British botanical and horticultural literature before 1800: 3 The eighteenth century London/Oxford/Nerw York 1999
KA 75-8270La botanica in ItaliaPier Andrea Saccardo Bologna 1971
KA 75-8295Paradisus BatavusJ. Kuijlen; C[arla] S. Oldenburger-Ebbers; D. O. Wijnands Wageningen 1983
KA 75-8420Ouvrages botaniques anciensdressé et publié sous la dir. de Hervé M. Burdet. Avec la collab. de Marianne Tsioli-Ray ... Genève 1985
KA 75-8440:1Author catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library Kew, England: Vol. 1 A - C Boston, Mass. 1974
KA 75-8440:2Author catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library Kew, England: Vol. 2 D - Hi Boston, Mass. 1974
KA 75-8440:3Author catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library Kew, England: Vol. 3 Hj - Mik Boston, Mass. 1974
KA 75-8440:4Author catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library Kew, England: Vol. 4 Mil - Sch Boston, Mass. 1974
KA 75-8440:5Author catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library Kew, England: Vol. 5 Sci - Z Boston, Mass. 1974
KA 75-8441:1Classified catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library Kew, England: Vol. 1 Bibliography Boston, Mass. 1974
KA 75-8441:2Classified catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library Kew, England: Vol. 2 180 - 581.53 Boston, Mass. 1974
KA 75-8441:3Classified catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library Kew, England: Vol. 3 581.54 - 950 Boston, Mass. 1974
KA 75-8441:4Classified catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library Kew, England: Vol. 4 Flora, travel, geographic index, subject index Boston, Mass. 1974
KA 75-8465:1Catalogue of the botanical art collection at the Hunt Institute: 1 Plant portraits, artists A - D Pittsburgh, Pa. 1985
KA 75-8465:2Catalogue of the botanical art collection at the Hunt Institute: 2 Plant portraits, artists E - G Pittsburgh, Pa. 1987
KA 75-8465:3Catalogue of the botanical art collection at the Hunt Institute: 3 Plant portraits, artists H Pittsburgh, Pa. 1988
KA 75-8465:4Catalogue of the botanical art collection at the Hunt Institute: 4 Plant potraits, artists I - O Pittsburgh, Pa. 1991
KA 75-8465:5Catalogue of the botanical art collection at the Hunt Institute: Part 5 Plant portrais, artists P - S Pittsburgh, Pa. 1994
KA 75-8465:6Catalogue of the botanical art collection at the Hunt Institute: Part 6 Plant portraits, artists T - Z and unknown Pittsburgh, Pa. 1995
KA 75-8465:7Catalogue of the botanical art collection at the Hunt Institute: Part 7 Decorative, horticultural and non-botanical subjects. Supplement to parts 1 - 6, plant portraits Pittsburgh, Pa. 1998
KA 75-8465:8Catalogue of the botanical art collection at the Hunt Institute: Part 8 Indey by higher taxa to parts 1 - 6, and supplement, plant portraits Pittsburgh, Pa. 1998
KA 75-8465:9Catalogue of the botanical art collection at the Hunt Institute: Part 9 Index by genera to parts 1 - 6, and supplement, plant portraits Pittsburgh, Pa. 1998
KA 75-8920Great flower booksby Sacheverell Sitwell and Wilfrid Blunt. The bibliography ed. by Patrick M[illington] Synge and comp. by W[illiam] T[homas] Stearn ..., with a foreword by S[idney] Dillon Ripley New York 1990
KA 75-8950Rose booksK. L. Stock Milton Keynes 1984
KA 75-9020Geschichte und Bibliographie der TierzeichenbücherBoris Röhrl Stuttgart 2009
KA 75-9040:1Bibliographia zoologiae et geologiae: vol. 1 A - B Bristol 2001
KA 75-9040:2Bibliographia zoologiae et geologiae: vol. 2 C - F Bristol [u.a.] 2001
KA 75-9040:3Bibliographia zoologiae et geologiae: vol. 3 G - M Bristol [u.a.] 2001
KA 75-9040:4Bibliographia zoologiae et geologiae: vol. 4 N - Z Bristol [u.a.] 2001
KA 75-9050:1Zoologische Einblattdrucke und Flugschriften vor 1800: Bd. 1 Wirbellose, Reptilien, Fische Stuttgart 1998
KA 75-9050:2Zoologische Einblattdrucke und Flugschriften vor 1800: Bd. 2 Vögel, Säugetiere: Affen, Landraubtiere, Robben, Schuppentiere, Nager, Hasenartige Stuttgart 1999
KA 75-9050:3Zoologische Einblattdrucke und Flugschriften vor 1800: Bd. 3 Paarhufer: Schweine, Kamele, Hirsche, Giraffen, Rinder Stuttgart 2001
KA 75-9050:4Zoologische Einblattdrucke und Flugschriften vor 1800: Bd. 4 Wale, Sirenen, Elefanten Stuttgart 2002
KA 75-9050:5Zoologische Einblattdrucke und Flugschriften vor 1800: Bd. 5 Unpaarhufer: Nashörner, Tapire, Pferdeartige. Sammelblätter. Monster. Generalregister zu Band I - V Stuttgart 2003
KA 75-9050:6Zoologische Einblattdrucke und Flugschriften vor 1800: Bd. 6 Supplement Stuttgart 2010
KA 75-9110Catalogue of the library of the zoological society of London London 1902
KA 75-9250Bibliotheca entomologicaH. A. Hagen Weinheim/Bergstr./Codicote/Herts. 1960
KA 75-9255:1Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Entomological Society of London: 1 Boston, Mass. 1980
KA 75-9255:2Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Entomological Society of London: 2 Boston, Mass. 1980
KA 75-9255:3Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Entomological Society of London: 3 Boston, Mass. 1980
KA 75-9255:4Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Entomological Society of London: 4 Boston, Mass. 1980
KA 75-9255:5Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Entomological Society of London: 5 Boston, Mass. 1980
KA 75-9256Catalogue of manuscripts in the Entomology Library of the Natural History Museum, LondonJulie M.V. Harvey, Pamela Gilbert, and Kathy Martin London/New York 1996
KA 75-9260British bee booksby International Bee Research Association ; principal collaborators: Joan P. Harding, F.S.A.; David A. Smith, M.A.; Eva Crane, M.Sc., Ph.D.; Rosamund M. Duruz, M.A. London 1979
KA 75-9261Le api di cartaMarco Accorti [Firenze] 2000
KA 75-9560:1A bibliography of fishes: Vol. 1 Publications grouped under the names of authors A - K Koenigstein/Ts. 1972
KA 75-9560:2A bibliography of fishes: Vol. 2 Authors' titles L - Z Koenigstein/Ts. 1972
KA 75-9560:3A bibliography of fishes: Vol. 3 Including indices, general bibliographies, periodicals relating to fishes, early works, voyages and expeditions, addenda, and errata of volumes I and II Koenigstein/Ts. 1972
KA 75-9562Bibliographie der deutschen Fisch- und Fischereiliteratur von 1498 bis 1850Rolf Schlenker Stuttgart 2009
KA 75-9880Bibliographie der deutschen vogelkundlichen Literatur von 1480 bis 1850Rolf Schlenker Stuttgart$aAnton Hiersemann 2004
KA 75-9885British bird-booksby Raymond Irwin London 1951
KA 75-9887A bibliography of British ornithology from the earliest times to the end of 1912W. H. Mullens; H. Kirke Swann Codicote [u.a.] 1986
KA 75-9890Bird Books and bird artwritten and compiled by Jean Anker Hague 1979
KA 75-9895Ornithological books in the Yale University Librarycomp. by S. Dillon Ripley and Lynette L. Scribner New Haven 1961
KA 75-9910Bibliographie ornithologique française: T. 2 Abréviations des titres des publications périodiques cités dans la Bibliographie ornithologique française et Index méthodiques et systématiques Paris 1949
KA 75-9910Bibliographie ornithologique française: T. 1 Bibliographie Paris 1948
KA 77-2080Technikgeschichte und SchrifttumJosef Stummvoll Düsseldorf 1975
