
Signaturbereich: NT 13-0000 bis 9999

NT 13-0600Encyclopedia of the scientific revolutioned. Wilbur Applebaum New York [u.a.] 2000
NT 13-0602Science in Europe, 1500 - 1800ed. by Malcolm Oster Basingstoke [u.a.] 2002
NT 13-2050From Copernicus to Newtonby Shirley M. Speke Wigtown, Scotland 1995
NT 13-2060Patronage and institutionsed. by Bruce T. Moran Rochester, NY 1991
NT 13-2065:101650 - 1850: Vol. 10 New York 2004
NT 13-2065:11 1650 - 1850: Vol. 11 New York 2005
NT 13-2065:12 1650 - 1850: Vol. 12 New York 2006
NT 13-2065:13 1650 - 1850: Vol. 13 New York 2006
NT 13-2065:14 1650 - 1850: Vol 14 New York 2007
NT 13-2065:151650 - 1850: Vol. 15 New York 2008
NT 13-2065:161650 - 1850: Vol. 16 New York 2009
NT 13-2065:171650 - 1850: Vol. 17 New York 2010
NT 13-2065:181650 - 1850: Vol. 18 New York 2011
NT 13-2065:191650 - 1850: Vol. 19 New York 2012
NT 13-2065:21650 - 1850: Vol. 2 New York 1996
NT 13-2065:201650 - 1850: Vol. 20 New York 2013
NT 13-2065:211650 - 1850: Vol. 21 New York 2014
NT 13-2065:221650 - 1850: Vol. 22 New York 2015
NT 13-2065:31650 - 1850: Vol. 3 New York 1997
NT 13-2065:41650 - 1850: Vol. 4 New York 1998
NT 13-2065:51650 - 1850: Vol. 5 New York 2000
NT 13-2065:61650 - 1850: Vol. 6 New York 2001
NT 13-2065:71650 - 1850: Vol. 7 New York 2002
NT 13-2065:81650 - 1850: Vol. 8 New York 2003
NT 13-2065:91650 - 1850: Vol. 9 New York 2003
NT 13-2070The Revolution in science 1500-1750A. Rupert Hall London [u.a.] 1984
NT 13-2071The rise of early modern scienceToby E. Huff Cambridge [u.a.] 1993
NT 13-2072Science and social changeColin A. Russell [London] 1983
NT 13-2075Revolution in scienceI. Bernard Cohen Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.] 1985
NT 13-2076Revolutionen in der NaturwissenschaftI. Bernard Cohen. Übers. von Werner Kutschmann Frankfurt am Main 1994
NT 13-2077The scientific revolutionSteven Shapin Chicago [u.a.] 1996
NT 13-2085A hombros de gigantesAlberto Elena Madrid 1989
NT 13-2086Discipline & experiencePeter Dear Chicago [u.a.] 1995
NT 13-2090Forme di esperienza e rivoluzione scientificaGabriele Baroncini Firenze 1992
NT 13-2100Science and the artsJacob Opper Rutherford [u.a.] 1973
NT 13-3250Album of scienceI. Bernard Cohen New York, NY 1980
NT 13-4520Reappraisals of the scientific revolutioned. by David C. Lindberg and Robert S. Westman Cambridge [u.a.] 1991
NT 13-4521Rethinking the scientific revolutioned. by Margaret J. Osler Cambridge [u.a.] 2000
