
Signaturbereich: NT 85-0000 bis 9999

NT 85-0250The algebra of Abū Kāmilin a commentary by Mordecai Finzi. Hebrew text, translation, and commentary, with special reference to the Arabic text [edited by] Martin Levey Madison 1966
NT 85-0810Adelard of Bathed. by Charles Burnett London 1987
NT 85-0815Adelard of BathLouise Cochrane London 1994
NT 85-0920 :1The optics of Ibn al-Haytham: 1 Translation London 1989
NT 85-0920:1The optics of Ibn al-Haytham: 2 Introduction, commentary, glossaries, concordances, indices. - 1989. - (... ; 40,2) London 1989
NT 85-0930:1A history of Arabic sciences and mathematics: Vol. 1 Founding figures and commentators in Arabic mathematicstransl. by Roger Wareham ... London [u.a.] 2012
NT 85-0930:2A history of Arabic sciences and mathematics: Vol. 2 Ibn Al-Haytham and analytical mathematicsRoshdi Rashed. Transl. by Susan Glynn ... London [u.a.] 2013
NT 85-0930:3A history of Arabic sciences and mathematics: volume 3 Ibn Al-Haytham's theory of conics, geometrical constructions and practical geometryRoshdi Rashed ; translated by J.V. Field London/New York/[Beirut] 2013
NT 85-0930:4A history of Arabic sciences and mathematics: vol. 4 Ibn Al-Haytham, new spherical geometry and astronomyRoshdi Rashed London [u.a.] 2014
NT 85-0930:5A history of Arabic sciences and mathematics: volume 5 Ibn al-Haytham's geometrical methods and the philosophy of mathematicsRoshdi Rashed ; translated by J.V. Field London/New York 2017
NT 85-0940On the configuration of the worldIbn-al-Haytham [*H̀asan Ibn-al-Ḥusain Ibn-al-Haiṯam] (Ed. and transl. from the Arabic by) Y. Tzvi Langermann New York [u.a.] 1990
NT 85-1010De vegetabilibus, Buch VI, Traktat 2Übers. und Kommentar von Klaus Biewer. Mit einem Geleitw. von Rudolf Schmitz Stuttgart 1992
NT 85-1050De astronomia Alphonsi regised. preparada por Mercé Comes ... Barcelona 1987
NT 85-1060Las tablas de los movimientos de los cuerpos çelestiales del Iluxtrisimo Rey don Alonso de Castilla seguidas de su Additiotrad. castellana anónima de los cánones de Juan de Sajonia. Estudio y ed. de José Martínez Gázquez Murcia 1989
NT 85-1400LeComput manuel de magister AnianusDavid Eugene Smith Genève 1977
NT 85-1505:1Apollonii Pergaei quae Graece exstant: 1 Stutgardiae: Teubner 1974
NT 85-1505:2Apollonii Pergaei quae Graece exstant: 2 Stutgardiae: Teubner 1974
NT 85-1553La section des droites selon des rapportsApollonius de Perge. Éd. et trad. du texte arabe par Roshdi Rashed ... Berlin [u.a.] 2010
NT 85-1745The works of Archimedesed. by T.L. Heath Mineola, N.Y 2002
NT 85-1747:1The works of Archimedes: Vol. 1 The two books on the sphere and the cylinder Cambridge [u.a.] 2004
NT 85-1747:2The works of Archimedes: Volume 2 On spiralstranslated into English, with commentary, and critical edition of the diagrams Reviel Netz, Patrick Suppes Professor of Greek Mathematics and Astronomy, Stanford University Cambridge/New York, NY/Port Melbourne/Delhi 2017
NT 85-1748:1Archimedis Opera omnia: Vol. 1 Stutgardiae 1972
NT 85-1748:2Archimedis Opera omnia: Vol. 2 Stutgardiae 1972
NT 85-1748:3Archimedis Opera omnia: Vol. 3 Stutgardiae 1972
NT 85-1748:4Archimedis Opera omnia: Vol. 4 Über einander berührende Kreiseaus dem Arab. übers. und mit Anm. vers. von Yvonne Dold-Samplonius ... Stutgardiae 1975
NT 85-1749:1Archimède: T. 1 De la sphère et du cylindre. La mesure du cercle. Sur les conoides et les sphéroides Paris 1970
NT 85-1749:2Archimède: T. 2 Des spirales. De l'équilibre des figures planes. L'arénaire. La quadrature de la parabole Paris 1971
NT 85-1749:3Archimède: T. 3 Des corps flottants. Stomachion. La méthode. Le livre des lemmes. Le problème des bœuf Paris 1971
NT 85-1749:4Archimède: T. 4 Commentaires d'Eutocius et fragments Paris 1972
NT 85-1750Werke ; Kreismessung ; Des Archimedes Methodenlehre von den mechanischen LehrsätzenHrsg. u. übers. v. Arthur Czwalina (Werke), F. Rudio (Kreismessung) u. J. L. Heiberg (Methodenlehre), m. e. Komm. zur Methodenlehre v. H. G. Zeuthen Darmstadt 1972
NT 85-1755Über Spiralenvon Archimedes. Übers. und Anm. von A. Czwalina-Allenstein Thun [u.a.] 1996
NT 85-1760Eureka manAlan Hirshfeld New York 2009
NT 85-1780Archimedesby E. J. Dijksterhuis Copenhagen 1956
NT 85-1800:1Archimedes in the Middle Ages: Vol. 1 The Arabo-Latin tradition Madison/Wis. 1964
NT 85-1800:2,AArchimedes in the Middle Ages: Pt. 1/2 Pt. I: Introduction, Pt. II: Texts Philadelphia 1976
NT 85-1800:2,BArchimedes in the Middle Ages: Pt. 3 Variant readings, commentary, diagrams and indexes Philadelphia 1976
NT 85-1800:3,AArchimedes in the Middle Ages: pt. 1/2 Pt. I: The Moerbeke translations of Archimedes at Paris in the fourteenth century. Pt II: The Arabo-Latin and handbook traditions of Archimedes in the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries Philadelphia 1978
NT 85-1800:3,B Archimedes in the Middle Ages: pt. 3 The medieval Archimedes in the Renaissance Philadelphia 1978
NT 85-1800:3,CArchimedes in the Middle Ages: Pt. 4 Appenixes, bibliography, diagrams and indexes Philadelphia 1978
NT 85-1800:4,1Archimedes in the Middle Ages: Pt. 1 Texts and analysis Philadelphia 1980
NT 85-1800:4,2Archimedes in the Middle Ages: Pt. 2 Bibliography, diagrams, and indexes Philadelphia 1980
NT 85-1800:5,1-4Archimedes in the Middle Ages: 1/4 Parts 1-3. Texts and analysis. Part 4. Appendixes Philadelphia 1984
NT 85-1800:5,5Archimedes in the Middle Ages: 5 Bibliography, diagrams, and indexes Philadelphia 1984
NT 85-1810Archimedea cura di Corrado Dollo Firenze 1992
NT 85-2210Aristarchus of Samos, the ancient Copernicusa new Greek text with transl. and notes by Sir Thomas Heath New York, N.Y. 1981
NT 85-2215Aristarch von Samosvon Beate Noack Wiesbaden 1992
NT 85-2310Mathematics in AristotleHeath, Sir Thomas (Little) New York u.a. 1980
NT 85-2315Aristotle and mathematicsby John J. Cleary Leiden [u.a.] 1995
NT 85-2319Fisicadi Aristotele. A cura di Marcello Zanatta Torino 1999
NT 85-2320Aristotle's physicsed. by Lindsay Judson Oxford [u.a.] 1995
NT 85-2321PhysicsAristotle. Translated with a commentary by Daniel W. Graham Oxford [u.a.] 1999
NT 85-2322La physique d'AristoteLambros Couloubaritsis Brüssel 1997
NT 85-2330On Aristotle On the heavens 1.1 - 4Simplicius. Transl. by R. J. Hankinson London 2002
NT 85-2350Il senso delludito nel Corpus AristotelicumStefano Martini Bern/Berlin/Bruxelles/Frankfurt, M./New York/Oxford/Wien 2011
NT 85-3010Preziosa Margarita novellaEd. del volgarizzamento, introd. e note a cura die Chiara Crisciani Firenze 1976
NT 85-4010Thomas Bradwardine, Geometria speculativaGeorge Molland Stuttgart 1989
NT 85-5020Campanus of Novara and medieval planetary theoryed. with an introd., Engl. transl., and comm. by Francis S. Benjamin, Jr. and G. J. Toomer Madison 1971
NT 85-5021:2 Campanus of Novara and Euclid's Elements: Vol. 2 Stuttgart 2005
NT 85-5510Corpus des astronomes byzantins: Pt. 1 Text, translation, commentary Amsterdam 1985
NT 85-5510Corpus des astronomes byzantins: Pt. 2 Tables Amsterdam 1986
NT 85-7010Tractatus astrariiGiovanni Dondi dall'Orologio. Introd., trascrizione e glossario a cura di Antonio Barzon; Enrico Morpurgo; Armando Petrucci; Giuseppe Francescato. Con la riprod. fotogr. del codice Città del Vaticano 1960
NT 85-7012Tractatus AstrariiGiovanni Dondi dall'Orologio. Ed. critique et trad. de la version A par Emmanuel Poulle Genève 2003
NT 85-7510Demokrits AtomphysikRudolf Löbl Darmstadt 1987
NT 85-8010:3Les arithmétiques: 3 Livre IV Paris 1984
NT 85-8010:4Les arithmétiques: 4 Livres V, VI, VII Paris 1984
NT 85-8020Books IV to VII of Diophantus' Arithmetica in the Arabic translation attributed to Qusṭā ibn LūqāJacques Sesiano New York/Heidelberg/Berlin 1982
NT 85-9805:1Evclidis Elementa: Vol. 1 Libri I - IV cvm appendicibvs Leipzig 1969
NT 85-9805:2Evclidis Elementa: Vol. 2 Libri V - IX Leipzig 1970
NT 85-9805:3Evclidis Elementa: Vol. 3 Liber X Leipzig 1972
NT 85-9805:4Evclidis Elementa: Vol. 4 Libri XI - XIII Leipzig 1973
NT 85-9805:5,1Evclidis Elementa: Vol. 5, Ps. 1 Prolegomena critica, Libri XIV - XV, Scholia in libris I - Vpost I. L. Heiberg. Ed. E. S. Stamatis Leipzig 1977
NT 85-9805:5,2Evclidis Elementa: Vol. 5, Ps. 2 Scholia in libros VI - XIIIpost I. L. Heiberg. Ed. E. S. Stamatis Leipzig 1977
NT 85-9806The first Latin translation of Euclid's Elements commonly ascribed to Adelard of Bathed. by H. L. L. Busard Toronto 1983
NT 85-9807The translation of the Elements of Euclid from the Arabic into Latin by Hermann of Carinthia(?): Books 7-12 Amsterdam 1977
NT 85-9808Die ElementeEuklid. Nach Heibergs Text aus dem Griech. übers. und hrsg. von Clemens Thaer Darmstadt 1980
NT 85-9815:1The thirteen books of Euclids elements: Vol. 1 Introduction and books I, II New York 1956
NT 85-9815:2The thirteen books of Euclids elements: Vol. 2 Books III - IX New York 1956
NT 85-9815:3The thirteen books of Euclids elements: Vol. 3 Books X - XIII and appendix New York 1956
NT 85-9820Gli elementiEuclide. A cura di Attilio Frajese e Lamberto Maccioni Torino 1970
NT 85-9840Philosophy of mathematics and deductive structure in Euclid's elementsIan Mueller Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.] 1981
NT 85-9845EuclidBenno Artmann New York, NY/Heidelberg [u.a.] 1999
NT 85-9850Anonyme lateinische Euklidbearbeitungen aus dem 12. JahrhundertMenso Folkerts Wien [u.a.] 1971
NT 85-9855The medieval Latin translation of the data of EuclidEuclid. Shuntarō Itō [Hrsg.] Tokyo 1980
