
Signaturbereich: NT 45-6000 bis 9999

NT 45-6190 Von Sonnenuhren, Sternwarten und ExoplanetenReinhard E. Schielicke Jena [u.a.] 2008
NT 45-6200 Der Ptolemäus von Kasselbearb. von Karsten Gaulke. [Hrsg.: Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel; Michael Eissenhauer] Kassel 2007
NT 45-6400600 Jahre Astronomie in NürnbergKurt Pilz Nürnberg 1977
NT 45-6550Astronomie in ThüringenJohann Dorschner Jena 1998
NT 45-6710Courting disasterHilary M. Carey Basingstoke, Hampshire [u.a.] 1992
NT 45-6750The story of astronomy in EdinburghHermann A. Bruck Edinburgh 1983
NT 45-6765Astronomy Oxford 1923
NT 45-6770Dr. John Radcliffe and his Trustby Ivor Guest London 1991
NT 45-6780:1History of the Royal Astronomical Society: 1 1820 - 1920ed. by J[ohn] L[ouis] E[mil] Dreyer and H[unter] H[einer] Turner, with chapters by them and by R. A. Sampson ... Oxford u.a. 1987
NT 45-6780:2History of the Royal Astronomical Society: 2 1920 - 1980ed. by R[oger] J[ohn] Tayler; with chapters by him and by C. W. Allen ... Oxford u.a. 1987
NT 45-6820Astronomie et astronomes en ProvenceJean-Marie Homet Aix-en-Provence 1982
NT 45-6870:1Catalogo della corrispondenza degli Astronomi di Brera: Vol. 1 1726 - 1799 Milano 1986
NT 45-6870:2Catalogo della corrispondenza degli Astronomi di Brera: Vol. 2 1800 - 1809[La stesura del testo è stata curata da Gianluca Battioni ...] Milano 1992
NT 45-6955Friesche SterrekonstH. Terpstra Franeker 1981
NT 45-7240:Suppl.2Astronomiens historia i Sverige intill °ar 1800: Utgivarens suppl. 1 Reviderat personregister och litteraturförteckning Uppsala 1960
NT 45-7240:Suppl.2Astronomiens historia i Sverige intill °ar 1800: Utgivarens suppl. 2 Bibliografiskt supplementJohan Nordström Uppsala 1965
NT 45-7242Astronomien i Lund 1667-1936 Lund 1937
NT 45-7250Swedish astronomers 1477 - 1900by Per Collinder Uppsala 1970
NT 45-9240:HauptbdAstronomiens historia i Sverige intill °ar 1800: [Hauptbd.] Uppsala/[Stockholm] 1959
NT 45-9605Les premières théories planétaires chinoisesMichel Teboul Paris 1983
NT 45-9610Heavenly clockworkJoseph Needham, Wang Ling, Derek J(ohn) de Solla Price Cambridge u.a. 1986
NT 45-9950History of oriental astronomyed. by G. Swarup Cambridge [u.a.] 1987
NT 45-9955History of oriental astronomyorganised by the Commission 41 (History of Astronomy). Ed. by S. M. Razaullah Ansari Dordrecht [u.a.] 2002
