
Signaturbereich: AL 19-3200 bis 3599

AL 19-3205Poetarum lesbiorum fragmentaed. Edgar Lobel et Denys Page Oxford 1955
AL 19-3220Poems & fragmentsSappho. Translated with an introduction by Josephine Balmer Newcastle upon Tyne 1992
AL 19-3222If not, wintertranslated by Anne Carson New York 2002
AL 19-3235Re-reading Sapphoed. by Ellen Greene Berkeley, Calif. [u.a.] 1996
AL 19-3240SapphoWolfgang Schadewaldt Potsdam 1950
AL 19-3250The Cambridge companion to Sapphoedited by P.J. Finglass, University of Bristol, Adrian Kelly, University of Oxford Cambridge/New York/Port Melbourne/New Dehli/Singapore 2021
AL 19-3452Testimonia et fragmentaSemonides. Ed. Aetius Pellizer; Ianuarius Tedeschi Romae 1990
AL 19-3454The new Simonidesed. by Deborah Boedeker and David Sider New York, NY [u.a.] 2001
AL 19-3455Simonides Lyricus, Testimonia und FragmenteOrlando Poltera Basel 2008
AL 19-3460The newest Sapphoedited by Anton Bierl, André Lardinois Leiden/Boston 2016
