
Signaturbereich: AL 28-4800 bis 4999

AL 28-4807AchilléideStace. Texte établi et trad. par Jean Méheust Paris 2003
AL 28-4808P. Papini Stati Achilleisrec. Aldo Marastoni Leipzig 1974
AL 28-4808.1AchilleisP. Papinius Statius, von Hermann Rupprecht Mitterfels 1984
AL 28-4811:1Silves: T. 1 Livres I - IIItexte établi par H. Frère, trad. par H. J. Izaac Paris 2003
AL 28-4811:2Silves: T. 2 Livres IV - Vtexte établi par H. Frère, trad. par H. J. Izaac Paris 2003
AL 28-4814P. Papini Stati Silvaerecognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit E. Courtney Oxford [u.a.] 1992
AL 28-4815P. Papini Stati Silvaerec. Aldvs Marastoni Leipzig 1970
AL 28-4816Statius: Silvae book IVed. with an Engl. transl. and commentary by K. M. Coleman Oxford [u.a.] 1988
AL 28-4818Statius, Thebais 12, 312 - 463Manfred Hoffmann Göttingen 1999
AL 28-4820P. Papini Stati Thebais et Achilleisrecogn. brevique adnotatione critica instruxit H. W. Garrod Oxonii 1965
AL 28-4823P. Papini Stati Thebaised. Alfredvs Klotz. Ed. corr. cur. Thomas C. Klinnert Leipzig 1973
AL 28-4824:1Thébaïde: T. 1 Livres I - IV Paris 2003
AL 28-4824:2Thébaïde: T. 2 Livres V - VIII Paris 2003
AL 28-4824:3Thébaïde: T. 3 Livres IX - XII Paris 2003
AL 28-4825Fraternas aciesStefano Briguglio Alessandria 2017
AL 28-4826Statius, Thebaid VIIby J.J.L. Smolenaars Leiden [u.a.] 1994
AL 28-4828Thebaid IXStatius. Ed. with an Engl. transl. and commentary by Michael Dewar Oxford [u.a.] 1991
AL 28-4835Concordantia in Publium Papinium Statiumed. Joseph Klecka Hildesheim [u.a.] 1983
AL 28-4836A concordance of StatiusRoy J.@Deferrari; M. Clement Eagan Hildesheim 1966
AL 28-4840Statius and the SilvaeAlex Hardie Liverpool 1983
AL 28-4841 The poetry of Statiused. by Johannes J .L. Smolenaars; Harm-Jan van Dam; Ruurd R. Nauta Leiden [u.a.] 2008
AL 28-4842P. Papinius Statius, Silvae book IIby Harm-Jan van Dam Leiden 1984
AL 28-4843Statius' Silvae and the poetics of empireCarole E. Newlands Cambridge [u.a.] 2002
AL 28-4844Statius, Thebaid 12Karla F. L. Pollmann Paderborn/München/Wien/Zürich 2004
AL 28-4845P. Papinius Statius, ThebaisJudith Steiniger Stuttgart 2005
AL 28-4846Vergimus in seniumGregor Bitto ; verantwortliche Herausgeberin: Christiane Reitz Göttingen 2016
AL 28-4862Statius, Thebaid 2edited with an introduction, translation, and commentary ; by Kyle Gervais Oxford/New York, NY 2017
AL 28-4864ThebaidosP. Papinius Statius ; a cura di Laura Micozzi Firenze 2019
