
Signaturbereich: BB 63-7600 bis 7799

BB 63-7679Das Datenbanksystem IBAS in der Universitätsbibliothek BielefeldElke Bonneß ... [Hrsg.] München [u.a.] 1979
BB 63-7685International transfers of national MARC recordsInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions London 1987
BB 63-7686UNIMARC manualedited by Brian P. Holt, with the assistance of Sally H. McCallum & A.B. Long London, U.K 1987
BB 63-7686.4UNIMARC, authorities München/London/New York/Paris 1991
BB 63-7686.8International cooperation in the field of authority databy Françoise Bourdon ; translated from the French by Ruth Webb. [International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions; IFLA Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC Programme, Deutsche Bibliothek, Frankfurt am Main] München/New Providence/London/Paris 1993
BB 63-7687UNIMARC manual[International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions; IFLA Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC Programme, Deutsche Bibliothek, Frankfurt am Main] München 2001
BB 63-7688Guidelines for Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) displays[International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions]. Recommended by the Task Force on Guidelines for OPAC Displays. Approved by the Standing Committee of the IFLA Cataloguing Section München 2005
BB 63-7689Entwicklung eines Online-Publikumskataloges für wissenschaftliche Bibliothekenvon Günter Gattermann ... Düsseldorf 1989
BB 63-7692Die Systematik im OPACHans-Joachim Hermes; Hermann Havekost (Hrsg.) Oldenburg 1993
BB 63-7694International guide to MARC databases and servicesed. by the IFLA UBCIM Programme with the assistance of Kathleen McBride ... München [u.a.] 1993
BB 63-7695Automated systems for access to multilingual and multiscript library materialsed. for the Section on Information Technology, the Section on Library Services to Multicultural Populations, and the Section on Cataloguing by Sally McCallum and Monica Ertel München [u.a.] 1994
BB 63-7696Altbestandserschließung in wissenschaftlichen Bibliothekenhrsg. von Klaus Haller ... [Mit Beitr. von Reinhard Altenhöner ...] Berlin 1995
