
Signaturbereich: KA 78-1051 bis 1100

KA 78-1056Bibliotheca medico-historica sive catalogus librorum historicorum de re medica et scientia naturali systematicuscollegit ac digessit Ludovicus Choulant Hildesheim 1960
KA 78-1058Bibliographie des sciences médicalesA. Pauly London 1954
KA 78-1060Internationale Bibliographie zur Geschichte der Medizinhrsg. und mit einem Vorw. vers. von Gunter Mann Hildesheim [u.a.] 1970
KA 78-1065Medizin in der Literatur der Neuzeit: 2 Bibliographie der wissenschaftlichen Literatur 1800 - 1995 Hürtgenwald 2000
KA 78-1070Morton's medical bibliographyed. by Jeremy M. Norman Aldershot 1991
KA 78-1075A guide to the literature of the history of medicineComp. by Gale Moore Toronto 1978
KA 78-1080:1Bibliografia historica de la medicina Española: 1 (1-2000) Salamanca 1965
KA 78-1080:2Bibliografia historica de la medicina Española: 2 (2001 - 4000) Salamanca 1966
KA 78-1083Enciclopedia biografica e bibliografica "italiana": Vol. 1 Bibliografia di storia della medicina italianaAdalberto Pazzini Milano 1939
KA 78-1085A classified bibliography of the history of Dutch medicinecomp. and arranged by G. A. Lindeboom The Hague 1975
KA 78-1087American medical bibliography 1639 - 1783by Francisco Guerra. Pref. by Lawrence D. Wroth New York, NY 1962
KA 78-1088Bibliography of the history of medicine of the United States and CanadaEd. by Genevieve Miller New York 1979
KA 78-1090Bibliographie zur Medizinalgeschichte LübecksAlbrecht Klick Neumünster 1967
KA 78-1095Bibliographie zur Medizingeschichte HessensPeter Krebsz; Irmgard Müller; Armin Geus Frankfurt am Main/Bern 1983
KA 78-5805Index of dental and adjacent topics in medical and surgical works before 1800by Hedvig Lidforss Strömgren Copenhagen 1955
