
Signaturbereich: ME 53-6500 bis 7499

ME 53-6650The history of coronary heart diseaseJ. O. Leibowitz London 1970
ME 53-7100Histoire illustrée de la cardiologie Paris 1985
ME 53-7110:1Classics of cardiology: Vol. 1 [compiled] by Fredrick A. Willius and Thomas E. Keys Malabar, Fla. 1983
ME 53-7110:2Classics of cardiology: Vol. 2 [compiled] by Fredrick A. Willius and Thomas E. Keys Malabar, Fla. 1983
ME 53-7110:3Classics of cardiology: Vol. 3 [compiled] by John A. Callahan, Thomas E. Keys and Jack D. Key Malabar, Fla. 1983
ME 53-7110:4,1Classics of cardiology: Vol. 4, Part 1 [compiled] by John A. Callahan, Dwight C. McGoon and Jack D. Key Malabar, Fla. 1989
ME 53-7110:4,2Classics of cardiology: Vol. 4, Part 2 [compiled] by John A. Callahan, Dwigth C. McGoon ... Malabar, Fla. 1989
ME 53-7120The history of cardiologyLouis J. Acierno London [u.a.] 1994
