
Signaturbereich: ME 63-6000 bis 6999

ME 63-6005 Geschichte der SexualwissenschaftVolkmar Sigusch. Mit einem Beitr. von Günter Grau Frankfurt/Main [u.a.] 2008
ME 63-6010:1A cultural history of sexuality: Vol. 1 A cultural history of sexuality in the classical worlded. by Mark Golden and Peter Toohey Oxford [u. a.] 2011
ME 63-6010:2A cultural history of sexuality: Vol. 2 A cultural history of sexuality in the Middle Agesed. by Ruth Evans Oxford [u.a.] 2011
ME 63-6010:3A cultural history of sexuality: Vol. 3 A cultural history of sexuality in the Renaissanceed. by Bette Talvacchia Oxford [u. a.] 2011
ME 63-6010:4A cultural history of sexuality: Vol. 4 A cultural history of sexuality in the Enlightenmented. by Julie Peakman Oxford [u. a.] 2011
ME 63-6010:5A cultural history of sexuality: Vol. 5 A cultural history of sexuality in the age of Empireedited by Chiara Beccalossi and Ivan Crozier Oxford/London/New Delhi/New York/Sydney 2011
ME 63-6010:6A cultural history of sexuality: Vol. 6 A cultural history of sexuality in the modern ageed. by Gert Hekma Oxford [u.a.] 2011
ME 63-6050SexualitySander L. Gilman New York, NY [u.a.] 1989
ME 63-6080A history of contraceptionAngus McLaren Oxford [u.a.] 1990
ME 63-6085Hexenkräuter oder Arzneivon Larissa Leibrock-Plehn. Mit einem Geleitw. von Rudolf Schmitz Stuttgart 1992
ME 63-6320Sexual underworlds of the enlightenmented. by G. S. Rousseau and Roy Porter Manchester 1987
ME 63-6350Autoerotik und GesundheitUwe Rohlje Münster [u.a.] 1991
