
Signaturbereich: WS 62-9000 bis 9999

WS 62-9290The Routledge companion to gender and affectedited by Todd W. Reeser New York/London 2023
WS 62-9299:1A cultural history of the emotions: volume 1 A cultural history of the emotions in antiquityedited by Douglas Cairns London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney 2019
WS 62-9299:2A cultural history of the emotions: volume 2 A cultural history of the emotions in the medieval ageedited by Juanita Feros Ruys and Clare Monagle London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney 2019
WS 62-9299:3A cultural history of the emotions: volume 3 A cultural history of the emotions in the late medieval, reformation, and renaissance ageedited by Andrew Lynch and Susan Broomhall London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney 2019
WS 62-9299:4A cultural history of the emotions: volume 4 A cultural history of the emotions in the baroque and enlightenment ageedited by Claire Walker, Katie Barclay, and David Lemmings London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney 2019
WS 62-9299:5A cultural history of the emotions: volume 5 A cultural history of the emotions in the age of Romanticism, Revolution, and Empireedited by Susan J. Matt London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney 2019
WS 62-9299:6A cultural history of the emotions: volume 6 A cultural history of the emotions in the modern and post-modern ageedited by Jane W. Davidson and Joy Damousi London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney 2019
WS 62-9303:1Emotions in Europe: Volume 1 Reformations 1517-1602edited by Katie Barclay and François Soyer London/New York 2021
WS 62-9303:2Emotions in Europe: Volume 2 Explorations 1603-1714edited by Katie Barclay and François Soyer London/New York 2021
WS 62-9303:3Emotions in Europe: Volume 3 Revolutions, 1715-1789edited by Katie Barclay and François Soyer London/New York 2021
WS 62-9303:4Emotions in Europe: Volume 4 Transformations, 1789-1914edited by Katie Barclay and François Soyer London/New York 2021
WS 62-9310Early modern emotionsedited by Susan Broomhall London/New York 2017
WS 62-9330Praktiken europäischer Traditionsbildung im MittelalterManfred Eikelmann; Udo Friedrich (Hg.). Unter Mitarb. von Esther Laufer und Michael Schwarzbach [Berlin] 2013
WS 62-9650Everyday objectsed. by Tara Hamling ... Farnham [u.a.] 2010
WS 62-9930Geschichte schreiben im osmanischen SüdosteuropaKonrad Petrovszky Wiesbaden 2014
