1 - 9 von 9 |
Ihre Aktion |
suchen [und] SGB HS 15-955[0123456789]* or HS 15-95[6789][0123456789]* or HS 15-9[6789][0123456789][0123456789]*
1. |
Books from lost libraries : the medieval Dioceses of Cenad, Oradea, and Transylvania / Papahagi, Adrian *1976-*. - Cluj-Napoca : Presa universitară clujeană, 2023
2. |
Manuscrisele medievale occidentale din România - Census / Papahagi, Adrian *1976-*. - Bucureşti : Polirom, 2018
3. |
Das Lorscher Evangeliar : eine Zimelie der Buchkunst des abendländischen Frühmittelalters / Schefers, Hermann *1962-*. - Darmstadt : Hessische Historische Komm., 2000
4. |
The manuscripts of the ... / 2, Indices / Lakó, Elemér. - 1997
5. |
The manuscripts of the ... / 1, Catalogue / Lakó, Elemér. - 1997
6. |
Manuscrise miniate franceze în colecṯii din România / Buluţa, Gheorghe *1947-*. - Bucureşti : Ed. Meridiane, 1978
7. |
Anastasie Crimca / Popescu-Vîlcea, Gheorghe *1912-1998*. - Bucureşti : Ed. Meridiane, 1972
8. |
Cartea românească manuscrisă / Avram, Mircea. - Sibiu, 1970
9. |
Catalogus concinnus librorum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Batthyányanae / Szentiványi, Robert. - Ed. 4. retractata adaucta illuminata. - Szeged, Hungaria : Bibliotheca Univ. Szegediensis, 1958