Deutsch Englisch





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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] SGB KS 28-4[0123][0123456789][0123456789]* or KS 28-44[012345678][0123456789]* or KS 28-449[0123456789]*
Bücher 1.  London / 5, East
/ Cherry, Bridget. - 2005
Bücher 2.  Hampton Court : a social and architectural history
/ Thurley, Simon *1962-*. - New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] : Yale University Press, 2003
Bücher 3.  London / 6, Westminster
/ Bradley, Simon. - 2003
Bücher 4.  London / 4, North
/ Cherry, Bridget. - First publ. 1998, repr. with corr. 1999, 2001.. - 1998 = 2001
Bücher 5.  Oxford : an architectural guide
/ Tyack, Geoffrey. - 1. publ. - Oxford [u.a.] : Oxford University Press, 1998
Bücher 6.  London / 1, The City of London
/ Bradley, Simon. - First publ. 1997,repr. 1998. - 1997 = 1998
Bücher 7.  Scottish architecture from the accession of the Stewarts to the Reformation 1371 - 1560
/ Fawcett, Richard. - Edinburgh : Edinburgh Univ. Press, 1994
Bücher 8.  Artists' houses in London 1764-1914
/ Walkley, Giles. - Aldershot : Scolar Press, c1994
Bücher 9.  London / 3, North West
/ Cherry, Bridget. - First publ. 1991, repr. with corr. 1999, 2001.. - 1991 = 2001
Bücher 10.  The building of London : from the Conquest to the Great Fire
/ Schofield, John *1948-*. - London : Published by British Museum Publications in association with The Museum of London, 1984
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Wort   Typ   Anzahl
ks 28-44[012345678][0123456789]? [SGB] Signatur (mit Blanks und ,.-) 0
ks 28-4[0123][0123456789][0123456789]? [SGB] Signatur (mit Blanks und ,.-) 11
ks 28-449[0123456789]? [SGB] Signatur (mit Blanks und ,.-) 0
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