
Signaturbereich: AN 36-2700 bis 2899

AN 36-2715The complete poetry and prose of William BlakeWilliam Blake. Erdman, David Vorse u.a. [Hrsg.] Garden City, NY 1982
AN 36-2718The early illuminated booksWilliam Blake. Ed. with introd. and notes by Morris Eaves ... Princeton, NJ 1993
AN 36-2719The marriage of heaven and hellWilliam Blake. Ed. with an introd. & commentary by Michael Phillips Oxford 2011
AN 36-2720The poetical works of William BlakeWith variorum readings and bibliographical notes and prefaces by John Sampson Boston, Mass. 1973
AN 36-2725William Blake's writings: Vol. 2 Writings in conventional typography and in manuscript Oxford 1978
AN 36-2725William Blake's writings: Vol. 1 Engraved and etched writings Oxford 1978
AN 36-2775The letters of William BlakeEdited by Geoffrey Keynes Oxford 1980
AN 36-2784BlakePeter Ackroyd London [u.a.] 1995
AN 36-2785William BlakeJames King London 1991
AN 36-2812William Blakeedited by Morton D. Paley and Michael Phillips Oxford 1973
AN 36-2825A Blake dictionaryS. Foster Damon Providence, R.I. 1973
AN 36-2840William Blakeby D. G. Gillham Cambridge [u.a.] 1973
AN 36-2841William Blake in contextedited by Sarah Haggarty (University of Cambridge) Cambridge/New York, NY/Port Melbourne, VIC 2019
AN 36-2842The evolution of Blake's mythSheila A. Spector New York/London 2020
AN 36-2843William Blake as natural philosopher, 1788-1795Joseph Fletcher London/New York 2022
AN 36-2860Poetic form in Blake's MiltonSusan Fox Princeton, NJ 1976
AN 36-2866Blake's composite artW. J. T. Mitchell Princeton, NJ 1978
AN 36-2867William BlakeMichael Phillips London 2000
AN 36-2870Symbol and truth in Blake's mythLeopold Damrosch, Jr. Princeton, NJ 1980
AN 36-2871Eternity's sunriseLeo Damrosch New Haven/London 2015
AN 36-2872A guide to the cosmology of William BlakeKathryn S. Freeman London/New York 2017
AN 36-2873Biblical tradition in Blake's early propheciesLeslie Tannenbaum Princeton, NJ 1982
AN 36-2874Blake and antiquityKathleen Raine London [u.a.] 2002
AN 36-2879Blake's innocence and experience retracedStanley Gardner London [u.a.] 1986
AN 36-2880Approaches to Sir Thomas Browneedited by C. A. Patrides Columbia [u.a.] 1982
AN 36-2885Constructive vision and visionary deconstructionPeter Otto Oxford [u.a.] 1991
AN 36-2887Witness against the beastE. P. Thompson Cambridge [u.a] 1993
