
Signaturbereich: GS 81-5000 bis 5499

GS 81-5220Sibirien: Russlands "Wilder Osten"Eva-Maria Stolberg Stuttgart 2009
GS 81-5420Kleine Geschichte der UkraineAndreas Kappeler München 2019
GS 81-5430: Suppl. 1Encyklopedija istoriï Ukraïny: [11] Kyïv 2018
GS 81-5430: Suppl. 2Encyklopedija istoriï Ukraïny: [11] Kyïv 2019
GS 81-5430:1Encyklopedija istoriï Ukraïny: T. 1 A - V Kyïv 2003
GS 81-5430:10Encyklopedija istoriï Ukraïny: T. 10 T - Ja Kyïv 2013
GS 81-5430:2Encyklopedija istoriï Ukraïny: T. 2 H - D Kyïv 2004
GS 81-5430:3Encyklopedija istoriï Ukraïny: T. 3 E - J Kyïv 2005
GS 81-5430:4Encyklopedija istoriï Ukraïny: T. 4 Ka - Kom Kyïv 2007
GS 81-5430:5Encyklopedija istoriï Ukraïny: T. 5 Kon - Kju Kyïv 2008
GS 81-5430:6Encyklopedija istoriï Ukraïny: T. 6 La - Mi Kyïv 2009
GS 81-5430:7Encyklopedija istoriï Ukraïny: T. 7 Ml - O Kyïv 2010
GS 81-5430:8Encyklopedija istoriï Ukraïny ;T. 8: Pa - Pryk Kyïv 2011
GS 81-5430:9Encyklopedija istoriï Ukraïny: T. 9 Pryl - S Kyïv 2012
GS 81-5440:1History of Ukraine-Rusʹ: Vol. 1 From prehistory to the eleventh centuryTransl. by Marta Skorupsky. Ed. by Andrzej Poppe, Consulting Editor and Frank E. Sysyn, Editor-in-Chief with the assistance or Uliana M. Pasicznyk Edmonton [u.a.] 1997
GS 81-5440:10History of Ukraine-Rusʹ: Volume 4 The Cossack age, 1657-1659translated by Marta Daria Olynyk, edited by Andrew B. Pernal and Yaroslav Fedoruk, consulting editors and Frank E. Sysyn, editor in chief and with the assistance of Myroslav Yurkevich Edmonton/Toronto 2014
GS 81-5440:2History of Ukraine-Rus': Volume 2 ˜Theœ eleventh to thirteenth centuriestranslated by Ian Press ; edited by Christian Raffensperger and Frank E. Sysyn Edmonton/Toronto 2021
GS 81-5440:3History of Ukraine-Rus': Volume 3 To the year 1340Mykhailo Hrushevsky; translated by Bohdan Strumiński; edited by Yaroslav Fedoruk and Robert Romanchuk (Consulting Editors) and Frank E. Sysyn (Editor in Chief); with the assistance of Uliana M. Pasicznyk Edmonton/Toronto 2016
GS 81-5440:4History of Ukraine-Rus': Volume 4 Political relations in the fourteenth to sixteenth centuriestranslated by Andrij Kudla Wynnyckyj, edited by Robert Frost and Yaroslav Fedoruk, Consulting Editors and Frank E. Sysyn, Editor in Chief, with the assistance of Myroslav Yurkevich Edmonton/Toronto 2017
GS 81-5440:5History of Ukraine-Rus': volume 5 Sociopolitical and church organization and relations in the lands of Ukraine-Rus' in the fourteenth to seventeenth centuriestranslated by Marta Skorupsky and Marta Daria Olynyk, edited by Myron M. Kapral, consulting editors and Frank E. Sysyn, editor in chief, with the assistance of Uliana M. Pasicznyk Edmonton/Toronto 2019
GS 81-5440:6History of Ukraine-Rusʹ: Vol. 6 Economic, cultural, and national life in the fourteenth to seventeenth centuriestransl. by Leonid Heretz. Ed. by Myron M. Kapral and Frank E. Sysyn Edmonton [u.a.] 2012
GS 81-5440:7History of Ukraine-Rusʹ: Vol. 1 The Cossack age to 1625. Transl. by Bohdan Strumiński Edmonton [u.a.] 1999
GS 81-5440:8History of Ukraine-Rusʹ: Vol. 2 The Cossack age, 1626 - 1650translated by Marta Daria Olynyk Edmonton [u.a.] 2002
GS 81-5440:9,1History of Ukraine-Rusʹ: Vol. 3, Book 1 The Cossack age, 1650 - 1653transl. by Bohdan Strumiński Edmonton [u.a.] 2005
GS 81-5440:9,2,1History of Ukraine-Rusʹ: Pt. 1 The Cossack Age, 1654 - 1657 Edmonton [u.a.] 2008
GS 81-5440:9,2,2History of Ukraine-Rusʹ: Pt. 2 The Cossack Age, 1654-1657translated by Marta Daria Olynyk ; edited by Yaroslav Fedoruk, Consulting Editor and Frank E. Sysyn, Editor in Chief Edmonton [u.a.] 2010
GS 81-5450Geschichte der Ukrainevon Borys Krupnyckyj. Im Auftr. der Ukrain. Freien Univ. München Wiesbaden 1963
GS 81-5455Die UkraineAndreas Kappeler (Hg.) Köln, Weimar, Wien 2011
