
Signaturbereich: HS 14-5100 bis 5299

HS 14-5125:1Catalogi manuscriptorum Graecorum qui, in periodico "Neos Hellēnomnēmōn" olim publici iuris facti, adhuc usui sunt: 1 Leuven u.a. 1981
HS 14-5130Les manuscrits à miniatures et à ornements des bibliothèques d'Athènespar A. Delatte Liège [u.a.] 1926
HS 14-5131:1Catalogue of the illuminated Byzantine manuscripts of the National Library of Greece: 1 Manuscripts of New Testament texts, 10th - 12th centuryAnna Marava-Chatzinicolaou; Christina Toufexi-Paschou [Mitarb.] Athens 1978
HS 14-5131:2Catalogue of the illuminated Byzantine manuscripts of the National Library of Greece: 2 Manuscripts of New Testament texts, 13th - 15th centuryAnna Marava-Chatzinicolaou; Christina Toufexi-Paschou [Mitarb.] Athens 1985
HS 14-5160Exploring Greek manuscripts in the Gennadius Libraryed. by Maria Politi ... Princeton, NJ/Princeton, NJ 2011
HS 14-5161Hidden treasures at the Gennadius Library[editing: Maria Georgopoulou ...] Athens 2011
HS 14-5200Aus den Bibliotheken des AthosKurt Weitzmann. [Aufnahmen: Karl Eller] Hamburg 1963
HS 14-5201:1The treasures of Mount Athos: Vol. 1 The Protaton and the monasteries of Dionysiou, Koutloumousiou, Xeropotamou and Gregoriou Athens 1974
HS 14-5201:2The treasures of Mount Athos: Vol. 2 The monasteries of Iveron, St. Panteleimon, Esphigmenou, and Chilandari Athens 1975
HS 14-5201:3Hoi thēsauroi tu Hagiu Orus: T.3 M. Megîstēs Laúras, M. Pantokrátoros, M. Docheiaríu, M. Karakálu, M. Philothéu, M. Hagîu Paúlu Athēnai 1979
HS 14-5201:4Hoi thēsauroi tu Hagiu Orus: T.4 M. Vatopediu, M. Zōgraphu, M. Stauronikēta, M. Xenophōntos[Dieythynsē ekdoseōs: Panagiōtēs K. Chrēstou ...] Athēnai 1991
HS 14-5250Katalogos cheirographōn tou Panepistēmiou ThessalonikēsLinou Politē [Linos Politēs]. Epimeleia-symplērōseis P. Sōtērudē, A. Sakellaridu-Sōtērudē Thessalonikē 1991
