
Signaturbereich: MW 33-0101 bis 4000

MW 33-0111Histoire de l'harmonie au moyen ageE. de Coussemaker Hildesheim 1966
MW 33-0127Die Musik des MittelaltersChristian Berger, Stefan Häussler Darmstadt 2019
MW 33-0131Mönche, Bürger, MinnesängerPeter Gülke Laaber 1998
MW 33-0231Die Musik im Erziehungs- und Bildungsideal des ausgehenden Altertums und frühen Mittelaltersvon Gerhard Pietzsch Halle (Saale) 1932
MW 33-0305Companion to medieval and Renaissance musiced. by Tess Knighton ... London 1992
MW 33-0311Mediterranean culture and troubadour musicZoltán Falvy Budapest 1986
MW 33-0330Der Spielmann im MittelalterWalter Salmen Innsbruck 1983
MW 33-0331Der fahrende Musiker im europäischen MittelalterWalter Salmen Kassel 1960
MW 33-0430Medieval instrumental dancesTimothy J. McGee Bloomington, Ind. [u.a.] 1989
MW 33-0541Words and music in the Middle AgesJohn Stevens Cambridge [u.a.] 1988
MW 33-0641Voices and instruments of the Middle AgesChristopher Page London [u.a.] 1987
MW 33-0650Female-voice song and women's musical agency in the Middle Agesedited by Anna Kathryn Grau and Lisa Colton Leiden/Boston 2022
MW 33-0671Il poeta e la musicaUberto Malizia Roma 1990
MW 33-2080Les modes et les tons de la musique et spécialement de la musique médiévaleAntoine Auda Hildesheim [u.a.] 1979
MW 33-2530Hucbald, Guido, and John on musictransl. by Warren Babb. Ed., with introd. by Claude V. Palisca. Index of chants by Alejandro Enrique Planchart New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] 1978
MW 33-2701Die authentische Klangform des primitiven OrganumWalther Krüger Kassel [u.a.] 1958
MW 33-3374The Polyphony of Saint Martial and Santiago de Compostela: 1 Text Oxford 1992
MW 33-3374The Polyphony of Saint Martial and Santiago de Compostela: 2 Edition Oxford 1992
MW 33-3380The Saint Martial polyphonyJens Bonderup Copenhagen 1982
MW 33-3801:1The earliest motets: 1 New Haven [u.a.] 1982
MW 33-3801:2The earliest motets: 2 New Haven [u.a.] 1982
MW 33-3801:3The earliest motets: 3 Indexes, critical notes, and bibliography New Haven [u.a.] 1982
