
Signaturbereich: PH 53-6900 bis 7750

PH 53-6920:1The Clarendon edition of the works of David Hume: Vol. 1 Texts Oxford 2011
PH 53-6920:2The Clarendon edition of the works of David Hume: Vol. 2 Editorial materialDavid Fate Norton Oxford 2011
PH 53-6920:3Clarendon edition of the works of David Hume: [Vol. 3] An enquiry concerning human understandinged. by Tom L. Beauchamp Oxford [u.a.] 2009
PH 53-6920:4The Clarendon edition of the works of David Hume: [Vol. 4] An enquiry concerning the principles of moralsed. by Tom L. Beauchamp Oxford [u.a.] 2006
PH 53-6920:5The Clarendon edition of the works of David Hume: [Vol. 5] A dissertation on the passions Oxford [u.a.] 2009
PH 53-6920:6The Clarendon edition of the works of David Hume: Vol. 6 Oxford 2021
PH 53-6920:7The Clarendon edition of the works of David Hume: Vol. 7 Oxford/New York, NY 2021
PH 53-6950:1The philosophical works: Vol. 1 A treatise of human nature and dialogues concerning natural religion ; Vol. 1 Aalen 1964
PH 53-6950:2The philosophical works: Vol. 2 A treatise of human nature and dialogues concerning natural religion ; Vol 2 Aalen 1964
PH 53-6950:3The philosophical works: Vol. 3 Essays - moral, political and literary ; Vol. 1 Aalen 1964
PH 53-6950:4The philosophical works: Vol. 4 Essays - moral, political and literary ; Vol. 2 Aalen 1964
PH 53-6975Essays, moral, political, and literaryDavid Hume. Ed. and with ...notes and glossary by Eugene F. Miller Indianapolis 1987
PH 53-6975EssaysDavid Hume. Ed. and with a foreword, notes, and glossary by Eugene F. Miller. With an apparatus of variant readings from the 1889 ed. by T. H. Green and T. H. Grose Indianapolis, IN 1987
PH 53-6980Dialoge über natürliche ReligionDavid Hume Hamburg 1968
PH 53-7000Untersuchung über die Prinzipien der MoralDavid Hume. Übers., mit Einl. und Reg. versehen von Carl Winckler Hamburg 1955
PH 53-7019Eine Untersuchung über den menschlichen VerstandDavid Hume. Mit einer Einf. hrsg. von Manfred Kühn. Übers. von Raoul Richter Hamburg 2015
PH 53-7020Eine Untersuchung über den menschlichen Verstandvon David Hume. Hrsg. von Raoul Richter Hamburg 1964
PH 53-7021An enquiry concerning the principles of moralsDavid Hume. Ed. by Tom L. Beauchamp Oxford 1998
PH 53-7030The natural history of religion and Dialogues concerning natural religionby David Hume. Ed. by A. Wayne Colver ... Oxford [u.a.] 1976
PH 53-7040Ein Traktat über die menschliche NaturDavid Hume. Dt. mit Anm. und Reg. von Theodor Lipps Hamburg 1973
PH 53-7041:1Ein Traktat über die menschliche Natur: Teilbd. 1 Buch I, Über den Verstandmit einer Einf. von Reinhard Brandt Hamburg 2013
PH 53-7041:2Ein Traktat über die menschliche Natur: Teilbd. 2 Buch II, Über die Affekte. Buch III, Über Moral Hamburg 2013
PH 53-7042A treatise of human natureDavid Hume. Ed. by David Fate Norton ... Oxford [u.a.] 2000
PH 53-7050Sister Pegby David Hume. Ed. with an introd. and notes by David R. Raynor Cambridge [u.a.] 1982
PH 53-7055Die Naturgeschichte der ReligionDavid Hume. Übers. und hrsg. von Lothar Kreimendahl Hamburg 1984
PH 53-7060Vom schwachen Trost der PhilosophieDavid Hume. Auswahl, Übers. und Nachw. von Jens Kuhlenkampff Göttingen 1990
PH 53-7080:1Early responses to Hume: Vol. 1 Hume's moral philosophy Bristol [u.a.] 1999
PH 53-7080:10Early responses to Hume: [Abt. 5] Bristol 2003
PH 53-7080:2Early responses to Hume: Vol. 2 Hume's Essays, moral, political, and literary Bristol [u.a.] 1999
PH 53-7080:3Early responses to Hume: [Abt. 2] Eighteenth-century responses Bristol [u.a.] 2000
PH 53-7080:4Early responses to Hume: [Abt. 2] Nineteenth-century responses Bristol [u.a.] 2000
PH 53-7080:5Early responses to Hume: [Abt. 3] Bristol 2001
PH 53-7080:6Early responses to Hume: [Abt. 3] Bristol 2001
PH 53-7080:7Early responses to Hume: [Abt. 4] Bristol 2002
PH 53-7080:8Early responses to Hume: [Abt. 4] Bristol 2002
PH 53-7080:9Early responses to Hume: [Abt. 5] Bristol 2003
PH 53-7140:1Life and correspondence of David Hume: Vol. 1 Aalen 1969
PH 53-7140:2Life and correspondence of David Hume: Vol. 2 Aalen 1969
PH 53-7145New Letters of David Humeed. by Raymond Klibansky and Ernest C. Mossner Oxford [u.a.] 2011
PH 53-7150David Humedargest. von Gerhard Streminger Reinbek bei Hamburg 1986
PH 53-7151 The reception of David Hume in Europeed. by Peter Jones London [u.a.] 2005
PH 53-7152Hume: moral and political philosophyed. by Rachel Cohon Aldershot [u.a.] 2001
PH 53-7153Das Labor des AnthropologenMario Bührmann Hamburg 2008
PH 53-7154Hume on knowledgeHarold W. Noonan London [u.a.] 1999
PH 53-7155 A companion to Humeed. by Elizabeth S. Radcliffe Malden, MA [u.a.] 2008
PH 53-7156The Blackwell guide to Hume's Treatiseed. by Saul Traiger Malden, Mass. [u.a.] 2006
PH 53-7180Hume's epistemology and metaphysicsGeorges Dicker London [u.a.] 1998
PH 53-7281David Humes KausalitätstheoriePaul Richter Hildesheim [u.a.] 1980
PH 53-7282Hume on causationHelen Beebee London [u.a.] 2011
PH 53-7283Humes und Berkeleys Philosophie der Mathematik vergleichend und kritisch dargestelltEugen Meyer Hildesheim [u.a.] 1980
PH 53-7287Der Unterschied der Lehren Humes in Treatise und im InquiryWilhelm Brede Hildesheim [u.a.] 1980
PH 53-7290David Hume, Eine Untersuchung über den menschlichen Verstandhrsg. von Jens Kulenkampff Berlin 1997
PH 53-7555Der Begriff des 'belief' bei David HumeOtto Quast Hildesheim [u.a.] 1980
PH 53-7580David HumeRudolf Metz Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt 1968
PH 53-7605Hume's philosophy of beliefby Antony Flew London [u.a.] 1980
PH 53-7615David Humevon Alfred Schaefer Meisenheim am Glan 1963
PH 53-7675Hume's philosophical politicsDuncan Forbes Cambridge [u.a.] 1978
PH 53-7676Naturalism and criticismby R. A. Mall The Hague 1975
PH 53-7680La philosophie empiriste de David Humepar Michel Malherbe Paris: Vrin 1976
PH 53-7683HumeBarry Stroud London [u.a.] 1981
PH 53-7685David Humeed. by G. P. Morice Austin, Tex. 1977
PH 53-7695David Hume e Adam SmithLuigi Bagolini Bologna 1979
PH 53-7696David Hume and the history of EnglandVictor G. Wexler Philadelphia, Pa. 1979
PH 53-7701Philosophy and ideology in Hume's political thoughtby David Miller Oxford [u.a.] 1981
PH 53-7705HumeErnst Topitsch; Gerhard Streminger Darmstadt 1981
PH 53-7708:1Great political thinkers: 10,1 Hume ; Vol. 1ed. by John Dunn Cheltenham [u.a.] 1997
PH 53-7708:2Great political thinkers: 10,2 Hume ; Vol. 2ed. by John Dunn Cheltenham [u.a.] 1997
PH 53-7710Das politische Denken von David HumeFiladelfo Linares Hildesheim [u.a.] 1984
PH 53-7711Jean-Jacques Rousseaus Bruch mit David HumeFiladelfo Linares Hildesheim [u.a.] 1991
PH 53-7715Hume's philosophy of religionJ. C. A. Gaskin Basingstoke [u.a.] 1988
PH 53-7720Hume's philosophy of common lifeDonald W. Livingston Chicago, Ill. [u.a.] 1984
PH 53-7725Hume's skepticism in the treatise of human natureRobert J. Fogelin London [u.a.] 1985
PH 53-7730Hume's systemDavid Pears Oxford [u.a.] 1990
PH 53-7735David HumeGilles Deleuze. Aus dem Franz. von Peter Geble ... Frankfurt/Main [u.a.] 1997
PH 53-7737The Cambridge companion to Humeed. by David Fate Norton Cambridge [u.a.] 1999
PH 53-7737Between Hume's philosophy and historySpencer K. Wertz Lanham, Md. [u.a.] 2000
PH 53-7739:1David Hume: Vol. 1 Epistemology and reasonedited by Stanley Tweyman London/New York 1995
PH 53-7739:2David Hume: Vol. 2 Induction and scepticism London/New York 1995
PH 53-7739:3David Hume: Vol. 3 Space and time, ontology, mental activity, naturalism, causality, external world, personal identity and selfedited by Stanley Tweyman London [u.a.] 1995
PH 53-7739:4David Hume: Vol. 4 Ethics, passions, sympathy, 'is' and 'ought' London/New York 1995
PH 53-7739:5David Hume: Vol. 5 Religion London/New York 1995
PH 53-7740Humeedited by David W.D. Owen Aldershot [u.a.] 2000
PH 53-7741The new Hume debateed. by Rupert Read and Kenneth A. Richman London/New York 2000
PH 53-7742:1Hume's reception in early America: Vol. 1 Bristol 2002
PH 53-7742:2Hume's reception in early America: Vol. 2 Bristol 2002
PH 53-7743Eine Untersuchung der Grundlagen der MoralDavid Hume. Eingel., übers. und erl. von Karl Hepfer Göttingen 2002
PH 53-7744David Hume - der Aufklärer als konservativer IronikerMichael Szczekalla Heidelberg 2003
PH 53-7745Hume's sceptical enlightenmentRyu Susato Edinburgh 2015
PH 53-7746HumeJames A. Harris, University of St. Andrews New York, NY 2015
